要在程式執行時啟動其他的應用程式有幾個做法,這裡先來看看最簡單使用的兩個 API 。
1: UINT WinExec ( LPCSTR lpCmdLine , // address of command line
UINT uCmdShow // window style for new application
Header File : winbase.h
詳細說明請參考 Win32 SDK Reference
EX1: WinExec("Notepad.exe c:\\autoexec.bat",SW_SHOW); 執行 notepad.exe 並正常顯示其程式視窗
EX2: WinExec("Notepad.exe",SW_SHOWMINIMIZED); 執行 notepad.exe 但最小化其程式視窗
EX3: WinExec("Command.com /c dir c:\\",SW_SHOW); 執行 dir C:\ ,完成後關閉 MSDOS 視窗
EX4: WinExec("Command.com /k dir c:\\",SW_SHOW); 執行 dir C:\ ,完成後不關閉 MSDOS 視窗
2: ShellExecute(HWND hwnd, // handle to parent window
LPCTSTR lpOperation, // pointer to string that specifies operation to perform
LPCTSTR lpFile, // pointer to filename or folder name string
LPCTSTR lpParameters, // pointer to string that specifies executable-file parameters
LPCTSTR lpDirectory, // pointer to string that specifies default directory
INT nShowCmd // whether file is shown when opened
Head File : ShellApi.h
詳細說明請參考 Win32 SDK Reference
二. 结束另一个进程
HWND hWnd = ::FindWindow( NULL, "pp" );
CWnd* pWnd = FromHandle( hWnd );
DWORD nProcessID = 0;
::GetWindowThreadProcessId( hWnd, &nProcessID );
HANDLE hProcessHandle = ::OpenProcess( PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, nProcessID );
BOOL bTerminate = ::TerminateProcess( hProcessHandle, 4 );
exit( 0 );
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