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2008-05-07 10:57:50

Export In 2007

Provisional year end figures indicate a particularly good result for Swiss

watches exports in 2007. Their value in December increased by 13.8% compared to

December 2006, attaining a level of 1.433 billion francs. These very good monthly

figures confirm what had been expected for many months: a record year and growth

unrivalled over the last 18 years. At 15.96 billion, Swiss watch exports almost

exceeded the 16 billion franc mark in 2007, posting a rate of growth of 16.2%.

May was the only month in 2007 not to show a rate of variation in two digits,

while January was the only month not to exceed the value of one billion francs in

exports. The annual performance therefore is excellent. 2007 broke a series of

records, both in terms of monthly values and rates of growth. No particular

weaknesses are observable over the last financial year and results for Swiss

watches exports have systematically exceeded forecasts.


During 2007, the most important contributions in value terms were made by 18-carat

gold (+24.9%) and steel (+14.7%), which comfortably retained the largest market

share. Most other materials registered an increase, with the exception of the

Swiss watches of other materials which showed a slight decline (-1.7%). In terms

of the number of watches exported, steel generated a significant increase (+9.9%).

The Swiss watches of other materials followed the opposite trend with a decline of

-7.0%. In total, 25.9 million wristwatches left Switzerland in 2007, more than a

million units more than in 2006 (+4.2%).

Swiss watches costing more than 3,000 francs (export price) impressed throughout

2007. They registered very high rates of growth and served as a real engine of

growth for the industry. The value of Swiss watches increased by 25.3% and the

number of pieces by 16.7% compared to 2006.

Wristwatches priced below 3,000 francs showed more moderate growth, recording

increases of +7.4% by value and +3.7% by volume.

Exports of other Swiss watches products also registered growth. Watch straps and

bracelets saw their value increase by 8.0%. Movements, mainly electronic,

increased by 21.3%. Dials recorded an increase of 7.4%. Finally, alarms and clocks

were on a par with the average at +15.8%.


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