:There are no member or base class objects with a copy constructor that need to be invoked. Nor is there a virtual base class or virtual function associated with the class. So, by default, a memberwise initialization of one Point3d class object with another result in a bitwise copy.--------这句话给我感觉是memberwise集要包含bitwise
就书论事的话,感觉书中并没有说清楚两者的关系,一般理解是二者是不相交的,但是书中有些地方给我的第一映像是memberwise集包含了bitwise集,如P49的default memberwise initialization ,还有P220第三段,更直白了:如果我们不对POint供应一个copy assignment
operator,而光是依赖默认的memberwise copy...........
The methods for default assignment and initialization are "memberwise assignment" and "memberwise initialization," respectively.
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