struct TerminalThrow
TerminalThrow(const TerminalThrow&)
throw 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
throw TerminalThrow();
int delay = 0;
delay = delay;
catch (TerminalThrow ex)
int delay = 0;
delay = delay;
return 0;
10242619 8B 65 E8 mov esp,dword ptr [ebp-18h]
1024261C E8 5F 56 FC FF call terminate (10207C80h)
10242621 C7 45 FC FE FF FF FF mov dword ptr [ebp-4],0FFFFFFFEh
10242628 8B 4D F0 mov ecx,dword ptr [ebp-10h]
1024262B 64 89 0D 00 00 00 00 mov dword ptr fs:[0],ecx
10242632 59 pop ecx
10242633 5F pop edi
10242634 5E pop esi
10242635 5B pop ebx
10242636 8B E5 mov esp,ebp
10242638 5D pop ebp
10242639 C3 ret
汇编中的”call terminate“表明测试程序即将被终止。因为异常在被捕捉到之前又抛出另一个异常,将导致程序终止。异常终止执行顺序:
[ throw TerminalThrow() -> "raise exception" -> "build catch exception" -> TerminalThrow(const TerminalThrow&) -> throw 0 -> std::terminate() ];
1)可行性: 将语句 "catch (TerminalThrow ex) "修改成 "catch (TerminalThrow& ex)",这样就可以避免执行拷贝构造函数"TerminalThrow(const TerminalThrow&) ",就不会执行语句"throw 0;";所以很多情况都建议使用引用参数来捕捉异常。
2)缺点: 在构造函数"TerminalThrow()"中抛出异常,还是会导致程序终止。
--end example]
Throwing an exception ISO/IEC 14882:2011(E)]
If the exception handling mechanism, after completing evaluation of the expression to be thrown but before the exception is caught, calls a function that exits via an exception, std::terminate is called (15.5.1).
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