#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<int i> void form1(int a[10][i])
cout<<"[template void form1(int a[10][i])] i = "<<i<<endl;
template<int i> void form2(int a[i][20])
cout<<"[template void form2(int a[i][20])] i = "<<i<<endl;
template<int i> void form3(int (&a)[i][20])
cout<<"[template void form3(int (&a)[i][20])] i = "<<i<<endl;
template<typename Type, int i> void form4(Type (&a)[i][20])
cout<<"[template void form4(Type (&a)[i][20])]"<<"\t"
<<"i = "<<i<<"\t"
<<"Type = "<<typeid(Type).name()<<endl;
void g()
int v[10][20];
form1(v); // OK: i deduced to be 20
form1<20>(v); // OK
//form2(v); // error: cannot deduce template-argument i
form2<10>(v); // OK
form3(v); // OK: i deduced to be 10
form4(v); // OK: i deduced to be 10, Type deduce to int
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
[template<int i> void form1(int a[10][i])] i = 20
[template<int i> void form1(int a[10][i])] i = 20
[template<int i> void form2(int a[i][20])] i = 10
[template<int i> void form3(int (&a)[i][20])] i = 10
[template<typename Type, int i> void form4(Type (&a)[i][20])] i = 10 Type = int
Except for reference and pointer types, a major array bound is not part of a function parameter type and cannot be deduced from an argument.
— end example]
[ Deducing template arguments from a type ISO/IEC 14882:2011(E)]
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