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2009-04-30 22:31:02

摘自 北京语言大学出版社,Oay de Witt编著
Exercise 13
Complete the tasks below. Remember t control your time as well as the number of words you write.Go throght all the processes in the time available.
For  tast 1, take a maximum of 20 minutes and make sure you write a minimum of 150 words.
For task 2, take a maximum of 40 minutes and make sure you write a minimum of 250 words.
Table 2 below gives information about the educational backgroud of first year(group 1) and second year(group 2) engineering undergraduates at an Italian university. Write a short report on the findings of the survey.
Table 3 Secondary education of ecgineering students at an Italian university
Total number of students  Group 1(312) Group2(254)
Secondary school attended          %     Number          %   Number
1.Institute for engineers          4      12             6    15
2.Institute for accountants        3       8             0     0
3.Technical institute              22      68            28   70
4.Classical school                 26      80            18   45
5.School for sciences              45     141            48   122
6.Other                            1       3             1     2
Task 2
 Write an essay for a university lecturer on the following topic:
As most postgraduate research today is funded by industry then student grants should also come from the same source. Remember to include examples to illustrate your ideas.
This is the end of the practice section on writing.If you wrote two good answers in the set time you are well prepared for the IELTS writing test. If you want more practice, set yourself tasks similar to those above, in your field of study or any area of general interest. Practise the main processes and always keep to the time limit. Work in a group if possible, exchange and compare ideas and set each other tasks. Ask a teacher to assess what you write.
The select bibliography may behelpful if you need more practice in this part of IELTS. For further practice there are four test paters andfive supplementary writing tests in section two, page 62.
What you need to know                 What you need to do
                                      analyse the task
How to select material                Write short notes
How to organise our ideas clearly     Arrange yur notes under headings
and  logically                        and order them
How to use correct forms              Check your answers
Here are some points to remember:
1.We can summarise the main processes as follows:plan it, write it  and check it.
Of these, perhaps the most important is the planningprocess, so make sure you analyse the task properly and spend some time making notes.
2.Remember, if you use parts of the question to introduce the topic in your writing, you mustbe careful not to copy whole sentences. You will need to paraphrase.
Copying word for word scores zero in IELTS
3.Finally ,if you have not finished task 1 after 20 minutes, leave it and go to task 2. It is very important that you should always leave yourself enough time to do task 2 properly. It is longer than task 1 and carries more marks.
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