Exercise 7
Choose one of the task 1 titles 1-5 in exercise 1 for which you have made notes and write a full answer from your notes.Check that your notes are in a logical order and make sure you organise your writing to show the order.Pay particular attention to paragraphs,sentences ,linking expressions and punctuation.
Take a maximun of 10 minutes and make sure yu write a minimun of 150 words.
If you take 5-6 minutes making sure you understand the question,making your notes and ordering them, and 10 minutes for the writing,then ou will have some time to check your own written work before going on to the next task. When you have finished, check your answer with a friend or a teacher. Now repeat exercise 8 for the other tasks for which you have made notes. Time yourself and again check your answers with a friend or a teacher.
Task 2
Task2 is the second and longer task in the writing test.It differs from task 1 in that you are asked to present an argument for or against a point of view. so there is more scope to express your own ideas and opinions.However, you should be careful to present your views clearly and in the form of a logical discussion. Do not be emotional.Everything that has been said about the importance of analysing the task,selecting material and organising your writing applies equally to task 2 and there are some extra points which will be discussed.
For task 2 it is very important to go through the first process (analyse the task)very carefully. Very often the question is not easy to see. Look at the titles 6-8 below. You will see that in each case the title consists of two statements.Often one of the statements is factural and the other is subjective (a matter of opinion).It is the subjective statement that is the actural question.In title 6,for example, there is a factural statement(Moder high-technology is transforming the way we work)and a subjective statement(is of benefit to all of society).You could give examples of high-technology and new ways of working (in topic )but what you are really being asked to discuss is whether or not it is of benefit to all of society. You will see that it can be expressed in the form of a question(is it of benefit to all of society?)and it is this question that you are being asked to discuss.
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