分类: 系统运维
2011-03-09 15:39:26
Recently I received an email pointing me to this article and with a request that I conduct a test of Nginx, which should supposedly be a better web serving application. But in previously mentioned article they state they are getting over a 500% more from the same hardware with a new piece of software, is still awesome. From the experience I know that with such claims, one must utilise some healthy skepticism.
Test methodologyAll the software was compiled from source (details below). Benchmarks were conducted using ApacheBench tool (ab) from apache installation. The tool was running on the same machine as the server. Both servers had request logging disabled. Tests were conducted once with keepalive feature enabled and once with keepalive disabled. Each test was repeated five times and average taken. Test files were:
Configure command for Apache:
./configure –prefix=/usr/local/$PDESTDIR_HTTPD –sysconfdir=/etc/httpd \
–enable-authn-file –enable-authn-default \
–enable-authz-host –disable-authz-groupfile –enable-authz-user –enable-authz-default \
–enable-auth-basic \
–disable-include –disable-filter –disable-charset-lite \
–enable-log-config \
–enable-env –enable-setenvif \
–enable-ssl –with-ssl=/usr/local/openssl-$PVERSION_OPENSSL \
–enable-http –enable-mime –enable-status \
–disable-autoindex –disable-asis \
–enable-info \
–enable-cgi –disable-cgid \
–enable-vhost-alias \
–disable-negotiation \
–enable-dir \
–disable-actions \
–disable-userdir \
–enable-info \
–enable-rewrite \
–enable-so \
Configure command for Nginx:
./configure –prefix=/usr/local/$PDIR \
–conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf \
–error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/nginx_error.log \
–pid-path=/var/run/nginx.pid \
–lock-path=/var/run/nginx.lock \
–user=httpd \
–group=httpd \
Configure command for PHP:
Runtime configuration files—–[These lines are for PHP with Apache (mod_php)]—————-
./configure –prefix=/usr/local/$PDESTDIR_HTTPD/$PDIR \
–with-apxs2=/usr/local/$PDESTDIR_HTTPD/bin/apxs –enable-cli –enable-cgi \
–with-config-file-path=/etc/php/httpd \—–[These lines are for PHP with Nginx (php-fpm)]—————-
./configure –prefix=/usr/local/php-fpm \
–enable-cli –enable-fastcgi –enable-fpm \
–with-fpm-conf=/etc/php/php-fpm/php-fpm.conf \
–with-fpm-log=/var/log/php-fpm.log \
–with-fpm-pid=/var/run/php-fpm.pid \
–with-config-file-path=/etc/php/php-fpm \—–[These lines are common for both]—————-
–disable-short-tags \
–disable-ipv6 \
–disable-all \
–enable-libxml \
–with-openssl=/usr/local/openssl-$PVERSION_OPENSSL \
–with-pcre-regex \
–with-zlib \
–with-bz2 \
–with-curl –with-curlwrappers \
–enable-dba=shared –with-db4 –enable-inifile –enable-flatfile \
–enable-dom –with-libxml-dir \
–enable-filter \
–enable-ftp \
–with-gd –with-jpeg-dir –with-png-dir –with-freetype-dir \
–with-gettext \
–enable-hash –with-mcrypt \
–with-iconv=/usr/local/lib –with-iconv-dir=/usr/local/lib \
–with-imap=/usr/local/imap-$PVERSION_CYRUSIMAP –with-imap-ssl \
–enable-json \
–enable-mbstring –enable-mbregex –enable-mbregex-backtrack \
–with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql-$PVERSION_MYSQL –with-mysqli=/usr/local/mysql-$PVERSION_MYSQL/bin/mysql_config \
–enable-pdo –with-pdo-mysql=/usr/local/mysql-$PVERSION_MYSQL –with-pdo-sqlite –enable-sqlite-utf8 \
–enable-reflection \
–enable-session –with-mm \
–enable-shmop \
–enable-simplexml \
–enable-soap \
–enable-sockets \
–enable-spl \
–with-regex \
–enable-sysvmsg –enable-sysvsem –enable-sysvshm \
–enable-tokenizer \
–enable-xml –enable-xmlreader –with-xmlrpc –enable-xmlwriter –with-xsl \
–enable-zip \
–with-pear \
Apache+mod_php: httpd.conf
Apache+mod_php: php.ini
Nginx+php-fpm: nginx.conf
Nginx+php-fpm: php-fpm.conf
Nginx+php-fpm: php.ini was functionally identical to the php.ini used by Apache+mod_php
HelloWorld.php results:
HelloWorld.txt results:
100KB.txt results:
1MB.txt results:
Custom real world application performance comparison results:
Apache HelloWorld.php VS HelloWorld.txt comparison results:
Nginx HelloWorld.php VS HelloWorld.txt comparison results:
If memory usage is of real importance to you, then you should seriously consider using Nginx. With nginx all the static file serving capabilities can be achieved by using only that many worker processes as there are CPU cores on your server. In the example above this means 8 cores and 8 worker processes for Nginx, no matter how many clients connect to it simultaneously. For PHP, there are 16 php-fpm workers alive in the example above (which is enought if you are not doing some blocking IO). When you sum this up you get a decently low memory usage.
On the other hand Apache (with prefork MPM, which is required by mod_php) creates as many processes as there are clients (up to the limit of MaxClients directive) and it does not matter whether clients are requesting static files or for PHP applications. So for 200 clients it will create 200 processes with embedded PHP, which gives far larger memory footprint than Nginx has.
Conclusion or “should you switch from one to another?”Short answer: I do not know.
Longer answers are here:
I hope that this comparison helps you with your decision. If you have some questions, feel free to email me or post a comment below.
UPDATE 2009-06-25:
The ApacheBench tool was invoked with the following command:
ab -n NREQ -c NCONC [-k]
NREQ is the number of requests:
- HelloWorld.php: 500000
- HelloWorld.txt: 500000
- 100KB.txt: 500000
- 1MB.txt: 50000
- AppFront: 5000
NCONC is the number of concurrent requests, as noted in the graphs.
Each test was repeaded 5 times and the average was calculated.
Thanks to Sean Osh for requesting this info.