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2010-04-05 19:27:00

Linux下lsof命令的功能是列出打开文件的进程,LINUX下,所有的设备都是以文件的行式存在的.一般root用户才能执行lsof命令,普通用 户可以看见/usr/sbin/lsof命令,但是普通用户执行会显示"permission denied",无权限访问.
lsof -c abc 显示abc进程现在打开的文件
lsof abc.txt 显示开启文件abc.txt的进程
lsof -i :22 知道22端口现在运行什么程序
lsof -g gid 显示归属gid的进程情况
lsof +d /usr/local/ 显示目录下被进程开启的文件
lsof +D /usr/local/ 同上,但是会搜索目录下的目录,时间较长
lsof -d 4 显示使用fd为4的进程
lsof -i 用以显示符合条件的进程情况
lsof -i[46] [protocol][@hostname|hostaddr][:service|port]
46 –> IPv4 or IPv6
protocol –> TCP or UDP
hostname –> Internet host name
hostaddr –> IPv4位置
service –> /etc/service中的 service name (可以不只一个)
port –> 端口号 (可以不只一个)
例子1: TCP:25 – TCP and port 25
@ – Internet IPv4 host address – TCP protocol service name:ftp
lsof -n 不将IP转换为hostname,缺省是不加上-n参数
例子2: lsof -i -n
lsof -p 12 看进程号为12的进程打开了哪些文件
lsof +|-r [t] 控制lsof不断重复执行,缺省是15s刷新
例子3:不断查看目前ftp连接的情况:lsof -i -r
lsof -s 列出打开文件的大小,如果没有大小,则留下空白
lsof -u username 以UID,列出打开的文件
luther@gliethttp:~$ man lsof

-? -h    These  two  equivalent options select a usage (help) output list.  Lsof displays a shortened form of this
         output when it detects an error in the options supplied to it, after it has displayed messages explaining
         each error.  (Escape the `?' character as your shell requires.)

-a       This option causes list selection options to be ANDed, as described above.

-A A     This  option  is available on systems configured for AFS whose AFS kernel code is implemented via dynamic
         modules.  It allows the lsof user to specify A as an alternate name list file where the kernel  addresses
         of  the dynamic modules might be found.  See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)  for more
         information about dynamic modules, their symbols, and how they affect lsof.

-b       This option causes lsof to avoid kernel functions that might block - lstat(2), readlink(2), and stat(2).

         See the BLOCKS AND TIMEOUTS and AVOIDING KERNEL BLOCKS sections for information on using this option.

-c c     This option selects the listing of files for processes executing the command that begins with the charac‐
         ters  of  c.  Multiple commands may be specified, using multiple -c options.  They are joined in a single
         ORed set before participating in AND option selection.

         If c begins with a '^', then the following characters specify a command name whose processes  are  to  be
         ignored (excluded.)

         If  c begins and ends with a slash ('/'), the characters between the slashes are interpreted as a regular
         expression.  Shell meta-characters in the regular expression must be quoted to prevent their  interpreta‐
         tion by the shell.  The closing slash may be followed by these modifiers:

              b    the regular expression is a basic one.
              i    ignore the case of letters.
              x    the regular expression is an extended one

         See  the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)  for more information on basic and extended regu‐
         lar expressions.

         The simple command specification is tested first.  If that test fails, the command regular expression  is
         applied.   If the simple command test succeeds, the command regular expression test isn't made.  This may
         result in ``no command found for regex:'' messages when lsof's -V option is specified.

+c w     This option defines the maximum number of initial characters of the name, supplied by the  UNIX  dialect,
         of  the UNIX command associated with a process to be printed in the COMMAND column.  (The lsof default is

         Note that many UNIX dialects do not supply all command name characters to lsof in the  files  and  struc‐
         tures  from  which  lsof obtains command name.  Often dialects limit the number of characters supplied in
         those sources.  For example, Linux 2.4.27 and Solaris 9 both limit command name length to 16 characters.

         If w is zero ('0'), all command characters supplied to lsof by the UNIX dialect will be printed.

         If w is less than the length of the column title, ``COMMAND'', it will be raised to that length.

-C       This option disables the reporting of any path name components from the kernel's  name  cache.   See  the
         KERNEL NAME CACHE section for more information.

+d s     This  option causes lsof to search for all open instances of directory s and the files and directories it
         contains at its top level.  This option does NOT descend the directory tree,  rooted  at  s.   The  +D  D
         option may be used to request a full-descent directory tree search, rooted at directory D.

         Processing of the +d option does not follow symbolic links within s unless the -x or -x  l option is also
         specified.  Nor does it search for open files on file system mount points on subdirectories of  s  unless
         the -x or -x  f option is also specified.

         Note: the authority of the user of this option limits it to searching for files that the user has permis‐
         sion to examine with the system stat(2) function.

-d s     This option specifies a list of file descriptors (FDs) to exclude from or include in the output  listing.
         The  file  descriptors are specified in the comma-separated set s - e.g., ``cwd,1,3'', ``^6,^2''.  (There
         should be no spaces in the set.)

         The list is an exclusion list if all entries of the set begin with '^'.  It is an inclusion  list  if  no
         entry begins with '^'.  Mixed lists are not permitted.

         A  file  descriptor  number  range may be in the set as long as neither member is empty, both members are
         numbers, and the ending member is larger than the starting one - e.g., ``0-7'' or ``3-10''.   Ranges  may
         be  specified  for exclusion if they have the '^' prefix - e.g., ``^0-7'' excludes all file descriptors 0
         through 7.

         Multiple file descriptor numbers are joined in a single ORed  set  before  participating  in  AND  option

         When  there  are exclusion and inclusion members in the set, lsof reports them as errors and exits with a
         non-zero return code.

         See the description of File Descriptor (FD) output values in the OUTPUT section for more  information  on
         file descriptor names.

+D D     This option causes lsof to search for all open instances of directory D and all the files and directories
         it contains to its complete depth.

         Processing of the +D option does not follow symbolic links within D unless the -x or -x  l option is also
         specified.   Nor  does it search for open files on file system mount points on subdirectories of D unless
         the -x or -x  f option is also specified.

         Note: the authority of the user of this option limits it to searching for files that the user has permis‐
         sion to examine with the system stat(2) function.

         Further  note: lsof may process this option slowly and require a large amount of dynamic memory to do it.
         This is because it must descend the entire directory tree, rooted at D, calling stat(2) for each file and
         directory, building a list of all the files it finds, and searching that list for a match with every open
         file.  When directory D is large, these steps can take a long time, so use this option prudently.

-D D     This option directs lsof's use of the device cache file.  The use of this option is sometimes restricted.
         See the DEVICE CACHE FILE section and the sections that follow it for more information on this option.

         -D  must be followed by a function letter; the function letter may optionally be followed by a path name.
         Lsof recognizes these function letters:

              ? - report device cache file paths
              b - build the device cache file
              i - ignore the device cache file
              r - read the device cache file
              u - read and update the device cache file

         The b, r, and u functions, accompanied by a path name, are sometimes restricted.   When  these  functions
         are  restricted,  they  will  not  appear  in  the description of the -D option that accompanies -h or -?
         option output.  See the DEVICE CACHE FILE section and the sections that follow it for more information on
         these functions and when they're restricted.

         The  ?   function  reports the read-only and write paths that lsof can use for the device cache file, the
         names of any environment variables whose values lsof will examine when  forming  the  device  cache  file
         path,  and  the  format for the personal device cache file path.  (Escape the `?' character as your shell

         When available, the b, r, and u functions may be followed by the device cache file's path.  The  standard
         default  is  .lsof_hostname  in the home directory of the real user ID that executes lsof, but this could
         have been changed when lsof was configured and compiled.  (The output of the -h and -?  options show  the
         current  default  prefix  - e.g., ``.lsof''.)  The suffix, hostname, is the first component of the host's
         name returned by gethostname(2).

         When available, the b function directs lsof to build a new device cache file at the default or  specified

         The  i  function  directs  lsof  to ignore the default device cache file and obtain its information about
         devices via direct calls to the kernel.

         The r function directs lsof to read the device cache at the default or specified path,  but  prevents  it
         from creating a new device cache file when none exists or the existing one is improperly structured.  The
         r function, when specified without a path name, prevents lsof from  updating  an  incorrect  or  outdated
         device  cache  file,  or  creating a new one in its place.  The r function is always available when it is
         specified without a path name argument; it may be restricted by the permissions of the lsof process.

         When available, the u function directs lsof to read the device cache file at  the  default  or  specified
         path,  if possible, and to rebuild it, if necessary.  This is the default device cache file function when
         no -D option has been specified.

+|-f [cfgGn]
         f by itself clarifies how path name arguments are to be interpreted.  When followed by c, f, g, G,  or  n
         in  any  combination  it specifies that the listing of kernel file structure information is to be enabled
         (`+') or inhibited (`-').

         Normally a path name argument is taken to be a file system name if it matches a mounted-on directory name
         reported by mount(8), or if it represents a block device, named in the mount output and associated with a
         mounted directory name.  When +f is specified, all path name arguments will be taken to  be  file  system
         names, and lsof will complain if any are not.  This can be useful, for example, when the file system name
         (mounted-on device) isn't a block device.  This happens for some CD-ROM file systems.

         When -f is specified by itself, all path name arguments will be taken to  be  simple  files.   Thus,  for
         example,  the  ``-f --  /''  arguments direct lsof to search for open files with a `/' path name, not all
         open files in the `/' (root) file system.

         Be careful to make sure +f and -f are properly terminated and aren't followed by a  character  (e.g.,  of
         the  file  or file system name) that might be taken as a parameter.  For example, use ``--'' after +f and
         -f as in these examples.

              $ lsof +f -- /file/system/name
              $ lsof -f -- /file/name

         The listing of information from kernel file structures, requested with the +f  [cfgGn]  option  form,  is
         normally  inhibited,  and  is  not available in whole or part for some dialects - e.g., /proc-based Linux
         kernels below 2.6.22.  When the prefix to f is a plus sign (`+'), these characters request file structure

              c    file structure use count (not Linux)
              f    file structure address (not Linux)
              g    file flag abbreviations (Linux 2.6.22 and up)
              G    file flags in hexadecimal (Linux 2.6.22 and up)
              n    file structure node address (not Linux)

         When the prefix is minus (`-') the same characters disable the listing of the indicated values.

         File  structure addresses, use counts, flags, and node addresses may be used to detect more readily iden‐
         tical files inherited by child processes and identical files in use by different processes.  Lsof  column
         output  can  be sorted by output columns holding the values and listed to identify identical file use, or
         lsof field output can be parsed by an AWK or Perl post-filter script, or by a C program.

-F f     This option specifies a character list, f, that selects the fields to be output for processing by another
         program,  and the character that terminates each output field.  Each field to be output is specified with
         a single character in f.  The field terminator defaults to NL, but may be changed to NUL (000).  See  the
         OUTPUT  FOR OTHER PROGRAMS section for a description of the field identification characters and the field
         output process.

         When the field selection character list is empty, all standard fields are selected (except the raw device
         field, security context and zone field for compatibility reasons) and the NL field terminator is used.

         When  the  field selection character list contains only a zero (`0'), all fields are selected (except the
         raw device field for compatibility reasons) and the NUL terminator character is used.

         Other combinations of fields and their associated field terminator character must be  set  with  explicit
         entries in f, as described in the OUTPUT FOR OTHER PROGRAMS section.

         When  a  field  selection character identifies an item lsof does not normally list - e.g., PPID, selected
         with -R - specification of the field character - e.g., ``-FR'' - also selects the listing of the item.

         When the field selection character list contains the single character `?', lsof will display a help  list
         of the field identification characters.  (Escape the `?' character as your shell requires.)

-g [s]   This option excludes or selects the listing of files for the processes whose optional process group IDen‐
         tification (PGID) numbers are in the comma-separated set s  -  e.g.,  ``123''  or  ``123,^456''.   (There
         should be no spaces in the set.)

         PGID numbers that begin with `^' (negation) represent exclusions.

         Multiple PGID numbers are joined in a single ORed set before participating in AND option selection.  How‐
         ever, PGID exclusions are applied without ORing or ANDing and take effect before other selection criteria
         are applied.

         The  -g option also enables the output display of PGID numbers.  When specified without a PGID set that's
         all it does.

-i [i]   This option selects the listing of files any of whose Internet address matches the address  specified  in
         i.   If no address is specified, this option selects the listing of all Internet and x.25 (HP-UX) network

         If -i4 or -i6 is specified with no following address, only files of the indicated  IP  version,  IPv4  or
         IPv6, are displayed.  (An IPv6 specification may be used only if the dialects supports IPv6, as indicated
         by ``[46]'' and ``IPv[46]'' in lsof's -h or -?  output.)  Sequentially specifying -i4, followed by -i6 is
         the same as specifying -i, and vice-versa.  Specifying -i4, or -i6 after -i is the same as specifying -i4
         or -i6 by itself.

         Multiple addresses (up to a limit of 100) may be specified with multiple -i options.  (A port  number  or
         service name range is counted as one address.)  They are joined in a single ORed set before participating
         in AND option selection.

         An Internet address is specified in the form (Items in square brackets are optional.):


              46 specifies the IP version, IPv4 or IPv6
                   that applies to the following address.
                   '6' may be be specified only if the UNIX
                   dialect supports IPv6.  If neither '4' nor
                   '6' is specified, the following address
                   applies to all IP versions.
              protocol is a protocol name - TCP, UDP
              hostname is an Internet host name.  Unless a
                   specific IP version is specified, open
                   network files associated with host names
                   of all versions will be selected.
              hostaddr is a numeric Internet IPv4 address in
                   dot form; or an IPv6 numeric address in
                   colon form, enclosed in brackets, if the
                   UNIX dialect supports IPv6.  When an IP
                   version is selected, only its numeric
                   addresses may be specified.
              service is an /etc/services name - e.g., smtp -
                   or a list of them.
              port is a port number, or a list of them.

         IPv6 options may be used only if the UNIX dialect supports IPv6.  To see if the  dialect  supports  IPv6,
         run lsof and specify the -h or -?  (help) option.  If the displayed description of the -i option contains
         ``[46]'' and ``IPv[46]'', IPv6 is supported.

         IPv4 host names and addresses may not be specified if network file selection is limited to IPv6  with  -i
         6.   IPv6 host names and addresses may not be specified if network file selection is limited to IPv4 with
         -i 4.  When an open IPv4 network file's address is mapped in an IPv6 address, the open file's  type  will
         be IPv6, not IPv4, and its display will be selected by '6', not '4'.

         At  least one address component - 4, 6, protocol, ,IR hostname , hostaddr, or service - must be supplied.
         The `@' character, leading the host specification, is always required; as is the `:',  leading  the  port
         specification.   Specify  either  hostname  or hostaddr.  Specify either service name list or port number
         list.  If a service name list is specified, the protocol may also need to be specified if  the  TCP,  UDP
         and  UDPLITE port numbers for the service name are different.  Use any case - lower or upper - for proto‐

         Service names and port numbers may be combined in a list whose entries are separated by commas and  whose
         numeric  range  entries  are  separated by minus signs.  There may be no embedded spaces, and all service
         names must belong to the specified protocol.  Since service names may contain embedded minus  signs,  the
         starting entry of a range can't be a service name; it can be a port number, however.

         Here are some sample addresses:

              -i6 - IPv6 only
              TCP:25 - TCP and port 25
              @ - Internet IPv4 host address
              @[3ffe:1ebc::1]:1234 - Internet IPv6 host address
                   3ffe:1ebc::1, port 1234
              UDP:who - UDP who service port
              TCP@lsof.itap:513 - TCP, port 513 and host name lsof.itap
              tcp@foo:1-10,smtp,99 - TCP, ports 1 through 10,
                   service name smtp, port 99, host name foo
              tcp@bar:1-smtp - TCP, ports 1 through smtp, host bar
              :time - either TCP, UDP or UDPLITE time service port

-k k     This  option  specifies  a kernel name list file, k, in place of /vmunix, /mach, etc.  This option is not
         available under AIX on the IBM RISC/System 6000.

-l       This option inhibits the conversion of user ID numbers to login names.  It is also useful when login name
         lookup is working improperly or slowly.

+|-L [l] This  option  enables (`+') or disables (`-') the listing of file link counts, where they are available -
         e.g., they aren't available for sockets, or most FIFOs and pipes.

         When +L is specified without a following number, all link counts will be listed.  When  -L  is  specified
         (the default), no link counts will be listed.

         When  +L  is  followed  by a number, only files having a link count less than that number will be listed.
         (No number may follow -L.)  A specification of the form ``+L1'' will select open  files  that  have  been
         unlinked.   A  specification  of  the  form ``+aL1 '' will select unlinked open files on the
         specified file system.

         For other link count comparisons, use field output (-F) and a post-processing script or program.

+|-m m   This option specifies an alternate kernel memory file or activates mount table supplement processing.

         The option form -m m specifies a kernel memory file, m, in place of /dev/kmem or /dev/mem - e.g., a crash
         dump file.

         The  option  form  +m  requests that a mount supplement file be written to the standard output file.  All
         other options are silently ignored.

         There will be a line in the mount supplement file for each mounted file system,  containing  the  mounted
         file system directory, followed by a single space, followed by the device number in hexadecimal "0x" for‐
         mat - e.g.,

              / 0x801

         Lsof can use the mount supplement file to get device numbers for file systems when it can't get them  via
         stat(2) or lstat(2).

         The option form +m m identifies m as a mount supplement file.

         Note:  the  +m and +m m options are not available for all supported dialects.  Check the output of lsof's
         -h or -?  options to see if the +m and +m m options are available.

+|-M     Enables (+) or disables (-) the reporting of portmapper registrations for  local  TCP,  UDP  and  UDPLITE
         ports.   The  default  reporting  mode  is set by the lsof builder with the HASPMAPENABLED #define in the
         dialect's machine.h header file; lsof is distributed with  the  HASPMAPENABLED  #define  deactivated,  so
         portmapper  reporting  is  disabled by default and must be requested with +M.  Specifying lsof's -h or -?
         option will report the default mode.  Disabling portmapper registration when it is  already  disabled  or
         enabling it when already enabled is acceptable.

         When portmapper registration reporting is enabled, lsof displays the portmapper registration (if any) for
         local TCP, UDP or UDPLITE ports in square brackets immediately following  the  port  numbers  or  service
         names  -  e.g., ``:1234[name]'' or ``:name[100083]''.  The registration information may be a name or num‐
         ber, depending on what the registering program supplied to the portmapper when it registered the port.

         When portmapper registration reporting is enabled, lsof may run a  little  more  slowly  or  even  become
         blocked when access to the portmapper becomes congested or stopped.  Reverse the reporting mode to deter‐
         mine if portmapper registration reporting is slowing or blocking lsof.

         For purposes of portmapper registration reporting lsof considers a TCP, UDP or UDPLITE port local if:  it
         is found in the local part of its containing kernel structure; or if it is located in the foreign part of
         its containing kernel structure and the local and foreign Internet addresses are the same; or  if  it  is
         located  in  the  foreign  part  of  its  containing kernel structure and the foreign Internet address is
         INADDR_LOOPBACK (  This rule may make lsof ignore some foreign ports on machines with multiple
         interfaces when the foreign Internet address is on a different interface from the local one.

         See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)  for further discussion of portmapper registration
         reporting issues.

-n       This option inhibits the conversion of network numbers to host names for network files.  Inhibiting  con‐
         version may make lsof run faster.  It is also useful when host name lookup is not working properly.

-N       This option selects the listing of NFS files.

-o       This option directs lsof to display file offset at all times.  It causes the SIZE/OFF output column title
         to be changed to OFFSET.  Note: on some UNIX dialects lsof can't obtain accurate or consistent file  off‐
         set  information from its kernel data sources, sometimes just for particular kinds of files (e.g., socket
         files.)  Consult the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)  for more information.

         The -o and -s options are mutually exclusive; they can't both be specified.  When neither  is  specified,
         lsof displays whatever value - size or offset - is appropriate and available for the type of the file.

-o o     This  option  defines  the  number of decimal digits (o) to be printed after the ``0t'' for a file offset
         before the form is switched to ``0x...''.  An o value of zero (unlimited) directs lsof to use the  ``0t''
         form for all offset output.

         This  option  does NOT direct lsof to display offset at all times; specify -o (without a trailing number)
         to do that.  This option only specifies the number of digits after ``0t'' in either mixed size and offset
         or  offset-only  output.  Thus, for example, to direct lsof to display offset at all times with a decimal
         digit count of 10, use:

              -o -o 10

         The default number of digits allowed after ``0t'' is normally 8, but may have been changed  by  the  lsof
         builder.   Consult  the description of the -o o option in the output of the -h or -?  option to determine
         the default that is in effect.

-O       This option directs lsof to bypass the strategy it uses to avoid being blocked by some kernel  operations
         -  i.e.,  doing  them  in forked child processes.  See the BLOCKS AND TIMEOUTS and AVOIDING KERNEL BLOCKS
         sections for more information on kernel operations that may block lsof.

         While use of this option will reduce lsof startup overhead, it may also cause lsof to hang when the  ker‐
         nel doesn't respond to a function.  Use this option cautiously.

-p s     This option excludes or selects the listing of files for the processes whose optional process IDentifica‐
         tion (PID) numbers are in the comma-separated set s - e.g., ``123'' or ``123,^456''.  (There should be no
         spaces in the set.)

         PID numbers that begin with `^' (negation) represent exclusions.

         Multiple process ID numbers are joined in a single ORed set before participating in AND option selection.
         However, PID exclusions are applied without ORing or ANDing and take effect before other selection crite‐
         ria are applied.

-P       This option inhibits the conversion of port numbers to port names for network files.  Inhibiting the con‐
         version may make lsof run a little faster.  It is also useful when port name lookup is not working  prop‐

+|-r [t[m]]
         This option puts lsof in repeat mode.  There lsof lists open files as selected by other options, delays t
         seconds (default fifteen), then repeats the listing, delaying and listing repetitively until stopped by a
         condition defined by the prefix to the option.

         If  the  prefix is a `-', repeat mode is endless.  Lsof must be terminated with an interrupt or quit sig‐

         If the prefix is `+', repeat mode will end the first cycle no open files are listed - and of course  when
         lsof is stopped with an interrupt or quit signal.  When repeat mode ends because no files are listed, the
         process exit code will be zero if any open files were ever listed; one, if none were ever listed.

         Lsof marks the end of each listing: if field output is in progress (the -F, option has  been  specified),
         the  default marker is `m'; otherwise the default marker is ``========''.  The marker is followed by a NL

         The optional "m" argument specifies a format for the marker line.  The    characters  following
         `m'  are  interpreted  as a format specification to the strftime(3) function, when both it and the local‐
         time(3) function are available in the dialect's C library.  Consult  the  strftime(3)  documentation  for
         what  may  appear  in  its  format  specification.   Note that when field output is requested with the -F
         option, cannot contain the NL format, ``%n''.  Note also that when contains spaces  or  other
         characters that affect the shell's interpretation of arguments, must be quoted appropriately.

         Repeat  mode  reduces  lsof  startup overhead, so it is more efficient to use this mode than to call lsof
         repetitively from a shell script, for example.

         To use repeat mode most efficiently, accompany +|-r with specification of other lsof  selection  options,
         so  the  amount  of kernel memory access lsof does will be kept to a minimum.  Options that filter at the
         process level - e.g., -c, -g, -p, -u - are the most efficient selectors.

         Repeat mode is useful when coupled with field output (see the -F, option description) and  a  supervising
         awk or Perl script, or a C program.

-R       This option directs lsof to list the Parent Process IDentification number in the PPID column.

-s [p:s] s alone directs lsof to display file size at all times.  It causes the SIZE/OFF output column title to be
         changed to SIZE.  If the file does not have a size, nothing is displayed.

         When followed by a protocol name (p), either TCP or UDP, a colon (`:')  and  a  comma-separated  protocol
         state  name  list,  the option causes open TCP and UDP files to be excluded if their state name(s) are in
         the list (s) preceded by a `^'; or included if their name(s) are not preceded by a `^'.

         When an inclusion list is defined, only network files with state names in the list will be present in the
         lsof output.  Thus, specifying one state name means that only network files with that lone state name wil
         be listed.

         Case is unimportant in the protocol or state names, but there may be no spaces and the colon (`:')  sepa‐
         rating the protocol name (p) and the state name list (s) is required.

         If only TCP and UDP files are to be listed, as controlled by the specified exclusions and inclusions, the
         -i option must be specified, too.  If only a single protocol's files are to be listed, add its name as an
         argument to the -i option.

         For example, to list only network files with TCP state LISTEN, use:

              -iTCP -sTCP:LISTEN

         Or, for example, to list network files with all UDP states except Idle, use:

              -iUDP -sUDP:Idle

         State  names  vary  with UNIX dialects, so it's not possible to provide a complete list.  Some common TCP
         FIN_WAIT1,  CLOSING,  LAST_ACK,  FIN_WAIT_2,  and  TIME_WAIT.  Two common UDP state names are Unbound and

         See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)  for more information on how to use protocol state
         exclusion and inclusion, including examples.

         The  -o  (without  a following decimal digit count) and -s option (without a following protocol and state
         name list) are mutually exclusive; they can't both be specified.  When neither is  specified,  lsof  dis‐
         plays whatever value - size or offset - is appropriate and available for the type of file.

         Since  some  types of files don't have true sizes - sockets, FIFOs, pipes, etc. - lsof displays for their
         sizes the content amounts in their associated kernel buffers, if possible.

-S [t]   This option specifies an optional time-out seconds value for kernel functions  -  lstat(2),  readlink(2),
         and  stat(2)  -  that  might otherwise deadlock.  The minimum for t is two; the default, fifteen; when no
         value is specified, the default is used.

         See the BLOCKS AND TIMEOUTS section for more information.

-T [t]   This option controls the reporting of some TCP/TPI information, also reported  by  netstat(1),  following
         the  network addresses.  In normal output the information appears in parentheses, each item except TCP or
         TPI state name identified by a keyword, followed by `=', separated from others by a single space:


         Not all values are reported for all UNIX dialects.  Items values (when available) are reported after  the
         item name and '='.

         When  the  field  output mode is in effect (See OUTPUT FOR OTHER PROGRAMS.)  each item appears as a field
         with a `T' leading character.

         -T with no following key characters disables TCP/TPI information reporting.

         -T with following characters selects the reporting of specific TCP/TPI information:

              f    selects reporting of socket options,
                   states and values, and TCP flags and
              q    selects queue length reporting.
              s    selects connection state reporting.
              w    selects window size reporting.

         Not all selections are enabled for some UNIX dialects.  State may be selected for  all  dialects  and  is
         reported  by  default.  The -h or -?  help output for the -T option will show what selections may be used
         with the UNIX dialect.

         When -T is used to select information - i.e., it is followed by one or more selection  characters  -  the
         displaying  of  state  is disabled by default, and it must be explicitly selected again in the characters
         following -T.  (In effect, then, the default is equivalent to -Ts.)  For example, if  queue  lengths  and
         state are desired, use -Tqs.

         Socket  options,  socket  states,  some  socket values, TCP flags and one TCP value may be reported (when
         available in the UNIX dialect) in the form of the names that commonly appear after SO_,  so_,  SS_,  TCP_
         and   TF_   in   the   dialect's   header  files  -  most  often    and
         .  Consult those header files for the meaning of the flags, options, states  and  val‐

         ``SO='' precedes socket options and values; ``SS='', socket states; and ``TF='', TCP flags and values.

         If  a  flag  or  option  has a value, the value will follow an '=' and the name -- e.g., ``SO=LINGER=5'',
         ``SO=QLIM=5'', ``TF=MSS=512''.  The following seven values may be reported:

              Reported  Description (Common Symbol)

              KEEPALIVE keep alive time (SO_KEEPALIVE)
              LINGER    linger time (SO_LINGER)
              MSS       maximum segment size (TCP_MAXSEG)
              PQLEN     partial listen queue connections
              QLEN      established listen queue connections
              QLIM      established listen queue limit
              RCVBUF    receive buffer length (SO_RCVBUF)
              SNDBUF    send buffer length (SO_SNDBUF)

         Details on what socket options and values, socket states, and TCP flags and values may be  displayed  for
         particular  UNIX  dialects  may  be  found in the answer to the ``Why doesn't lsof report socket options,
         socket states, and TCP flags and values for my dialect?'' and ``Why doesn't lsof report the partial  lis‐
         ten  queue connection count for my dialect?''  questions in the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its loca‐

-t       This option specifies that lsof should produce terse output with process identifiers only and no header -
         e.g., so that the output may be piped to kill(1).  This option selects the -w option.

-u s     This  option  selects  the  listing of files for the user whose login names or user ID numbers are in the
         comma-separated set s - e.g., ``abe'', or ``548,root''.  (There should be no spaces in the set.)

         Multiple login names or user ID numbers are joined in a single  ORed  set  before  participating  in  AND
         option selection.

         If  a  login name or user ID is preceded by a `^', it becomes a negation - i.e., files of processes owned
         by the login name or user ID will never be listed.  A negated login name or user ID selection is  neither
         ANDed  nor  ORed with other selections; it is applied before all other selections and absolutely excludes
         the listing of the files of the process.  For example, to direct lsof to exclude  the  listing  of  files
         belonging to root processes, specify ``-u^root'' or ``-u^0''.

-U       This option selects the listing of UNIX domain socket files.

-v       This  option  selects  the listing of lsof version information, including: revision number; when the lsof
         binary was constructed; who constructed the binary and where; the name of the compiler used to  construct
         the lsof binary; the version number of the compiler when readily available; the compiler and loader flags
         used to construct the lsof binary; and system information, typically the output of uname's -a option.

-V       This option directs lsof to indicate the items it was asked to list and failed to find -  command  names,
         file names, Internet addresses or files, login names, NFS files, PIDs, PGIDs, and UIDs.

         When  other  options  are  ANDed  to search options, or compile-time options restrict the listing of some
         files, lsof may not report that it failed to find a search item when  an  ANDed  option  or  compile-time
         option prevents the listing of the open file containing the located search item.

         For  example,  ``lsof  -V  -iTCP@foobar  -a  -d  999''  may  not report a failure to locate open files at
         ``TCP@foobar'' and may not list any, if none have a file descriptor number of 999.  A  similar  situation
         arises when HASSECURITY and HASNOSOCKSECURITY are defined at compile time and they prevent the listing of
         open files.

+|-w     Enables (+) or disables (-) the suppression of warning messages.

         The lsof builder may choose to have warning messages disabled or enabled by default.  The default warning
         message  state  is indicated in the output of the -h or -?  option.  Disabling warning messages when they
         are already disabled or enabling them when already enabled is acceptable.

         The -t option selects the -w option.

-x  [fl] This option may accompany the +d and +D options to direct their processing to cross over  symbolic  links
         and|or file system mount points encountered when scanning the directory (+d) or directory tree (+D).

         If  -x is specified by itself without a following parameter, cross-over processing of both symbolic links
         and file system mount points is enabled.  Note that when -x is specified without a  parameter,  the  next
         argument must begin with '-' or '+'.

         The  optional  'f'  parameter  enables  file system mount point cross-over processing; 'l', symbolic link
         cross-over processing.

         The -x option may not be supplied without also supplying a +d or +D option.

-X       This is a dialect-specific option.

         This IBM AIX RISC/System 6000 option requests the reporting of executed text file and shared library ref‐

         WARNING:  because  this option uses the kernel readx() function, its use on a busy AIX system might cause
         an application process to hang so completely that it can neither be killed nor  stopped.   I  have  never
         seen  this  happen  or  had a report of its happening, but I think there is a remote possibility it could

         By default use of readx() is disabled.  On AIX 5L and above lsof may need setuid-root permission to  per‐
         form the actions this option requests.

         The  lsof  builder  may specify that the -X option be restricted to processes whose real UID is root.  If
         that has been done, the -X option will not appear in the -h or -?  help output unless the real UID of the
         lsof  process is root.  The default lsof distribution allows any UID to specify -X, so by default it will
         appear in the help output.

         When AIX readx() use is disabled, lsof may not be able to report information for all text and loader file
         references,  but it may also avoid exacerbating an AIX kernel directory search kernel error, known as the
         Stale Segment ID bug.

         The readx() function, used by lsof or any other program to access some sections of kernel virtual memory,
         can  trigger  the Stale Segment ID bug.  It can cause the kernel's dir_search() function to believe erro‐
         neously that part of an in-memory copy of a file system directory has been zeroed.   Another  application
         process,  distinct  from  lsof,  asking the kernel to search the directory - e.g., by using open(2) - can
         cause dir_search() to loop forever, thus hanging the application process.

         Consult the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.)  and the 00README file of the  lsof  distribu‐
         tion  for  a  more  complete  description of the Stale Segment ID bug, its APAR, and methods for defining
         readx() use when compiling lsof.

         This Linux option requests that lsof skip the reporting of information on all open TCP, UDP  and  UDPLITE
         IPv4 and IPv6 files.

         This  Linux  option  is  most  useful  when the system has an extremely large number of open TCP, UDP and
         UDPLITE files, the processing of whose information in the /proc/net/tcp* and /proc/net/udp*  files  would
         take lsof a long time, and whose reporting is not of interest.

         Use  this option with care and only when you are sure that the information you want lsof to display isn't
         associated with open TCP, UDP or UDPLITE socket files.

    Solaris 10 and above:
         This Solaris 10 and above option requests the reporting of cached paths for files that have been  deleted
         - i.e., removed with rm(1) or unlink(2).

         The  cached path is followed by the string `` (deleted)'' to indicate that the path by which the file was
         opened has been deleted.

         Because intervening changes made to the path - i.e., renames with mv(1) or rename(2) - are  not  recorded
         in  the  cached  path,  what lsof reports is only the path by which the file was opened, not its possibly
         different final path.

-z [z]   specifies how Solaris 10 and higher zone information is to be handled.

         Without a following argument - e.g., NO z - the option specifies that zone names are to be listed in  the
         ZONE output column.

         The  -z option may be followed by a zone name, z.  That causes lsof to list only open files for processes
         in that zone.  Multiple -z z option and argument pairs may be specified to form a list  of  named  zones.
         Any open file of any process in any of the zones will be listed, subject to other conditions specified by
         other options and arguments.

-Z [Z]   specifies how SELinux security contexts are to be handled.  This option and 'Z'  field  output  character
         support  are  inhibited  when SELinux is disabled in the running Linux kernel.  See OUTPUT FOR OTHER PRO??‐
         GRAMS for more information on the 'Z' field output character.

         Without a following argument - e.g., NO Z - the option specifies that security contexts are to be  listed
         in the SECURITY-CONTEXT output column.

         The -Z option may be followed by a wildcard security context name, Z.  That causes lsof to list only open
         files for processes in that security context.  Multiple -Z Z option and argument pairs may  be  specified
         to  form  a list of security contexts.  Any open file of any process in any of the security contexts will
         be listed, subject to other conditions specified by other options and arguments.   Note  that  Z  can  be
         A:B:C or *:B:C or A:B:* or *:*:C to match against the A:B:C context.

--       The  double minus sign option is a marker that signals the end of the keyed options.  It may be used, for
         example, when the first file name begins with a minus sign.  It may also be used when the  absence  of  a
         value for the last keyed option must be signified by the presence of a minus sign in the following option
         and before the start of the file names.

names    These are path names of specific files to list.  Symbolic links are resolved before use.  The first  name
         may be separated from the preceding options with the ``--'' option.

         If  a  name is the mounted-on directory of a file system or the device of the file system, lsof will list
         all the files open on the file system.  To be considered a file system, the name must match a  mounted-on
         directory  name  in  mount(8)  output,  or  match the name of a block device associated with a mounted-on
         directory name.  The +|-f option may be used to force lsof to consider a name a  file  system  identifier
         (+f) or a simple file (-f).

         If  name  is  a  path  to  a  directory that is not the mounted-on directory name of a file system, it is
         treated just as a regular file is treated - i.e., its listing is restricted to  processes  that  have  it
         open  as  a  file  or as a process-specific directory, such as the root or current working directory.  To
         request that lsof look for open files inside a directory name, use the +d s and +D D options.

         If a name is the base name of a family of multiplexed files - e. g, AIX's /dev/pt[cs] -  lsof  will  list
         all  the  associated  multiplexed files on the device that are open - e.g., /dev/pt[cs]/1, /dev/pt[cs]/2,

         If a name is a UNIX domain socket name, lsof will usually search for it by the  characters  of  the  name
         alone  -  exactly as it is specified and is recorded in the kernel socket structure.  (See the next para‐
         graph for an exception to that rule for Linux.)  Specifying a relative path - e.g., ./file - in place  of
         the  file's absolute path - e.g., /tmp/file - won't work because lsof must match the characters you spec‐
         ify with what it finds in the kernel UNIX domain socket structures.

         If a name is a Linux UNIX domain socket name, in one case lsof is able to search for it by its device and
         inode number, allowing name to be a relative path.  The case requires that the absolute path -- i.e., one
         beginning with a slash ('/') be used by the process that created the socket, and hence be stored  in  the
         /proc/net/unix  file; and it requires that lsof be able to obtain the device and node numbers of both the
         absolute path in /proc/net/unix and name via successful stat(2) system calls.  When those conditions  are
         met, lsof will be able to search for the UNIX domain socket when some path to it is is specified in name.
         Thus, for example, if the path is /dev/log, and an lsof search is initiated when the working directory is
         /dev, then name could be ./log.

         If  a  name  is none of the above, lsof will list any open files whose device and inode match that of the
         specified path name.

         If you have also specified the -b option, the only names you may safely  specify  are  file  systems  for
         which  your  mount table supplies alternate device numbers.  See the AVOIDING KERNEL BLOCKS and ALTERNATE
         DEVICE NUMBERS sections for more information.

         Multiple file names are joined in a single ORed set before participating in AND option selection.
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