对于output report该数据供hid.lib解析,hid.lib库驱动会将该1个字节的report_id报告id数据添加到usb_control_msg
发送的value低8位中cpu_to_le16(((report->type + 1) << 8) | report->id);即:0x200,并不会将第1个字节
report_id报告id数据作为实际待发数据,实际数据从第2个字节开始,interrupt in接收也一样,从hid物理设备接收到的数据,
在interrupt in输入接收到的raw数据前面hid.lib驱动会自动追加内容为0的1个字节数据report_id报告id,
使用usb hound截获到的数据有如下规律[luther.gliethttp].
使用hid.lib与hid设备进行通信时,usb hound抓获的部分log数据如下:[luther.gliethttp]
20.0 CTL 21 09 00 02 00 00 08 00 SET REPORT 1.1.0
20.0 DO 51 47 53 0d 2a e0 0f 19 QGS.*... 1.2.0
22 DO 00 51 47 53 0d 2a e0 0f 19 .QGS.*... 2.1.0
20.1 DI 28 32 31 38 2e 33 20 35 (218.3 5 3.1.0
22 DI 00 28 32 31 38 2e 33 20 35 .(218.3 5 4.1.0
20.1 DI 30 2e 30 20 32 32 39 2e 0.0 229. 5.1.0
22 DI 00 30 2e 30 20 32 32 39 2e .0.0 229. 6.1.0
20.1 DI 37 20 35 30 2e 30 20 30 7 50.0 0 7.1.0
22 DI 00 37 20 35 30 2e 30 20 30 .7 50.0 0 8.1.0
20.1 DI 30 30 2e 37 20 30 30 37 00.7 007 9.1.0
22 DI 00 30 30 2e 37 20 30 30 37 .00.7 007 10.1.0
20.1 DI 20 33 36 38 2e 35 20 33 368.5 3 11.1.0
22 DI 00 20 33 36 38 2e 35 20 33 . 368.5 3 12.1.0
20.1 DI 36 38 2e 37 20 30 38 32 68.7 082 13.1.0
22 DI 00 36 38 2e 37 20 30 38 32 .68.7 082 14.1.0
20.1 DI 2e 37 20 2d 2d 2d 2e 2d .7 ---.- 15.1.0
22 DI 00 2e 37 20 2d 2d 2d 2e 2d ..7 ---.- 16.1.0
20.1 DI 20 30 31 38 2e 30 20 31 018.0 1 17.1.0
22 DI 00 20 30 31 38 2e 30 20 31 . 018.0 1 18.1.0
20.1 DI 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00000000 19.1.0
22 DI 00 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 .00000000 20.1.0
20.1 DI 30 30 31 0d 20 30 38 32 001. 082 21.1.0
22 DI 00 30 30 31 0d 20 30 38 32 .001. 082 22.1.0
usb hound去除CTL信息的log图[luther.gliethttp]这里的log是hid.lib库驱动对应的流动数据,并不是实际发送到hid物理设备的数据,将所有log的第1个字节report_id报告id数值0x00去除掉就是在hid物理设备上实际流动的数据了[luther.gliethttp]
usb hound截获的Caps Lock按键按下之后usb数据流动信息[luther.gliethttp]
windows主机端与自定义USB HID设备通信详解以下内容摘自:http://blog.163.com/wodeafei/blog/static/883385200811354817711/
HidD_GetHidGuid hid.dll Obtain the GUID for the HID class
SetupDiGetClassDevs setupapi.dll Return device info set containing all of the devices in a specified class.
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces setupapi.dll Return information about a device in the device information set.
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail setupapi.dll Return a device pathname.
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList setupapi.dll Free resources used by SetupDiGetClassDevs.
CreateFile kernel32.dll Open communications with a device.
HidD_GetAttributes hid.dll Return a Vendor ID, Product ID, and Version Number.
HidD_GetPreparsedData hid.dll Return a handle to a buffer with information about the device's capabilities.
HidP_GetCaps hid.dll Return a structure describing the device's capabilities.
HidD_FreePreparsedData hid.dll Free resources used by HidD_GetPreparsedData.
WriteFile kernel32.dll Send an Output report to the device.
ReadFile kernel32.dll Read an Input report from the device.
HidD_SetFeature hid.dll Send a Feature report to the device.
HidD_GetFeature hid.dll Read a Feature report from the device.
CloseHandle kernel32.dll Free resources used by CreateFile.
在PROJECT SETTING中添加hid.lib setupapi.lib