Strong Value of
Self-Directed Learning in the Workplace:
How Supervisors and Learners Gain Leaps
in Learning
Written by . Copyright 1997-2008.
Sections of this document include
What is Self-Directed Learning?
Most Adult Learning is Informal and
Self-Directed in Nature
Self-Directed Learning is Ideal for the
How Supervisors Can Help Employees
Learn in the Workplace
Some Online Articles About Self-Directed
is Self-Directed Learning?
Self-directed training includes the learner initiating the learning,
making the decisions about what training and development experiences
will occur, and how. The learner selects and carries out their
own learning goals, objectives, methods and means to verifying
that the goals were met.
Probably the most important skill for today's rapidly changing
workforce is skills in self-reflection. The highly motivated,
self-directed learner with skills in self-reflection can approach
the workplace as a continual classroom from which to learn.
Supervisors and employees who work together to accomplish formal,
self-directed learning in the workplace also accomplish continuous
learning for continued productivity and learning.
Most Learning
is Informal and Self-Directed in Nature
We buy a book and think about the writer's viewpoint.
We attend a presentation given at a local school. We take some
time at the end of the day to think about our day and what we
learned from it. These are all informal forms of self-directed
Self-directed learning becomes even more powerful when it's
systematic, that is, when we decide:
- What areas of knowledge and skills we need to gain in order
to get something done (our learning needs and goals)
- How we will gain the areas of knowledge and skills (our learning
objectives and activities)
- How we will know that we've gained the areas of knowledge and
skills (learning evaluation)
Learning is Ideal for the Workplace
Self-directed learning programs hold numerous advantages
over traditional forms of classroom instruction for employees
in the workplace, whether they be leaders, managers, or individual
contributors. Bouchard (
Self-directed Learning in Organizational
Settings (working paper), Concordia University, Montreal,
Canada) explains, “Over the years, it has become increasingly
clear that traditional approaches to program design and delivery
in the workplace and in associative organizations present some
important weaknesses. Problem areas include: coping with the short
life span of useful knowledge; passing down acquired competencies
to succeeding cohorts; accommodating the demands of productivity
while providing for a continuity of learning; [and!] enabling learners
to pursue activities that correspond to their learning styles
and needs” (p. 1).
After many years of reflection about learning, eminent psychologist,
Carl Rogers, founder of self-directed therapy, asserted that “anything
that can be taught to another is relatively inconsequential, and
has little or no significant influence on behavior” (On
Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy,
Houghton Mifflin, 1961, p. 276). He adds, “The only learning
which significantly influences behavior is self-discovered, self-appropriated
learning” (p. 276).
Self-directed learning programs
- Are more effective in development because learning accommodates
employees’ learning styles and objectives
- Save substantial training costs because learners learn to help
themselves and each other with practical and timely materials
- Achieve increased employee effectiveness in their jobs as they
learn to learn from their own work experiences and actually apply
their learning in their places of work
How Supervisors Can Help Employees Learn in the Workplace
The supervisor's attitude and knowledge about learning has a
tremendous impact on the development of employees (thus, the major reason
the Free Management Library was developed). Thomas D. Fisher, in
Self-Directedness in the Workplace: A Re-Examination,
cites numerous suggestions (from Lowry) in order to better enable
self-directed learning in the workplace. Some of those suggestions are listed below,
and are wonderful ways for supervisors and learners to turn the workplace into a classroom (pp. 4-5):
- Help the learner identify the starting point for a learning
project and discern relevant [ways!] of examination and reporting.
- Encourage adult learners to view knowledge and truth as contextual
... and that they can act on their world individually or collectively
to transform it
- Create a partnership with the learner by negotiating a learning
contract for goals, strategies and evaluation criteria
- Be a manager of the learning experience rather than an information
- Teach inquiry skills, decision making, personal development,
and self-evaluation of work
- Help learners develop positive attitudes and feelings of independence
relative to learning
- Recognize learners' personality types and learning styles
- Use techniques such as field experience and problem solving
that take advantage of adults' rich experience base
- Encourage critical thinking skills by incorporating ... such
activities as seminars
- Create an atmosphere of openness and trust to promote better
- Behave ethically, which includes not recommending a self-directed
learning approach if it is not congruent with the learner's needs
- Obtain the necessary tools to assess learner's current performance
and to evaluate their expected performance
- Provide opportunities for self-directed learners to reflect
on what they're learning
- Promote learning networks, study circles, and learning exchanges,
self-managed teams of self-directed learners)
- Provide staff training on self-directed learning and broaden
the opportunities for its implementation
Fisher adds that "Self-directed learning is more than
a form of education. It is a component in human development"
(p. 7).
Also see Basic
Requirements of Supervisors Who Have Employees in Training
Some Online Articles About Self-Directed Learning
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