data types
in order to frame recommendations,the FHS(filesystem hierarchy standard) define two categories(种类,类项) of data use each with two opposing subtypes:
date sharing
this category defines the scope of data use in a networked environment:
sharable data can be used by multiple host systems on a network.sharable files contain general-purpose information,without ties to any specific host.examples include user datafiles,many executable program files.and ocmmon configuration files such as hosts
data is not sharable when linked to a specific host,such as a unique configuration file.examples include the passwd file,network configuration files,and system logs.
data modification
this category specifies how data changes:
data is considered variable when changed by antural frequent processes. examples include user files and system log files,such as /var/log/messages.
static data is left alone for the most part,remaining the same from day to day or even year to year.examples include binary programs such as ls and bash,which change only when the system administrator performs an upgrade.
sharable non-sharable
static /usr /usr/local /etc /boot
variable /var/mail /home /var/log /proc
/bin the /bin directory contains executeable system commands such as cp,date,ln,ls,mkdir,and more
/dev device files,necessary for accessing disks and other devices.are stored in /dev.example include disk partitions.
/etc the /etc directory contains configurations information unique to the system and is required for boot time. no binary executable programs are stored here.
/lib the /lib directory contains shared libraries and kernel modules.both essential for system initialization.
/mnt this directory is empty except for some mount points for temporary partitions,including cdrom and floppy.
/root the typical home directory for the superuser is root .
/sbin essential utilities used for system administration are stored in /sbin.example include fdisk,fsck,and mkfs.
/boot the /root directory contains files for lilo.because it is typically small,it can ber left in the root filesystem.however,it is often separated to keep the boot loader files with the first 1024 cylinders of a physical disk.
/home the /home directory contains home directories for system users.
/opt the /opt directory is intended for the installation of software other than (除了) that packaged with the operating system.this is often the location selected by third-party software vendors for their products.
/tmp the /tmp directory is for the storage of temporary files.the contents are deleted upon every system boot.
/usr the /usr directory contains a significant hierarchy of executable programs deemed(被认为) nonessential for emergency(应急,备用) procedures. it is usually contained in a separate contains sharable,read-only data,and is often mounted locally read-only and shared via NFS read-only.
/var like /usr,the /var directory contains a large hierarchy and is usually contained in a separate hold s data that varies over time,such as logs,mail,and spools.
/usr/X11R6 the directory contains files for XFree86.because X is deployed directly under /usr on many unix systems.X breaks the rule that usually prohibits a custom /usr directory for a software package.
/usr/games it's unlikely that you'll find anything of significant interest here.
/usr/include /usr/include is the standard location for include or header files.used for c and c++ programming.
/usr/bin the directory is the primary location for user commands that are not consided essential for emergency system maintenace(and thus are stored here rather than in /bin).
/usr/lib this directory contains shared libraries that support various programs,FHS alse allows the creation of software-specific directories here.
/usr/local /usr/local is the top level of another hierarchy of binary files.intended for use by the system contains subdirectories much like /usr itself.
/usr/sbin the /usr/sbin directory is the primary location for system administration commands that are not consided essential for emergency system maintenance.
/usr/share the directory contains a hierarchy of datafiles that are idependent of,and thus can be shared almontg,various hardware architecture-dependant files such as those in /usr/bin.
/usr/src /usr/src contains linux source code,if insalled.for example,if kernel development files are installed,/usr/src/linux contains the complete tree of source and configuration files necessary to build a custom kernel.
/var/account some system maintain process accounting data in this directory
/var/cache /var/cache is intended for use by programs for the temporary storage of intermidate data.such as the results of lengthy computations.
/var/crash this directory holds crash dumps for systems that support that feature.
/var/lock lock files,used by applications to signal their existence to other processes,are stored here,lock files usually contain no data.
/var/opt this directory is defined as a location for temporary files of programs stored in /opt.
/var/run /var/run contains various files describing the present state of the system.all such files may be deleted at system boot time.this is the default location for PID files,which contain the PIDs of the processes for which they are named.
/var/spool the /var/spool directory contains information that is queued for processing.
/var/state the /var/state directory is intended to contain information that helps applications preserve state across multiple invocation or multiple instances.
/var/tmp as with /tmp in the root filesystem./var/tmp is used for storage of temporary files.
/var/yp this directory contains the database files of the network information serviece(NIS),if implemented,NIS was formerly known as the yellow pages(not to be confused with the big yellow book)
user commands system administration commands
/bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin