locate patterns
locate files whose names match one or more pattern by searching an index of files previously created. for example: locate csh
it only used by the upersuer. -e directories. for example: refresh the slocate datebase,excludeing files in temporary locations:
#updatedb -e "/tmp,/var/tmp,/usr/tmp"
additional options -netpaths='path1,path2....' add network paths to the search list -prunepaths='path1,path2....'
eliminate paths from the search list -prucefs='filesystems....'
eliminate entire types of filesystems,such as NFS.
the variables are netpaths, prunepaths,and prunefs.these variables and the options to updatedb are discussed here because this objective makes specific mention of updatedb.conf
syntax whatis keywords
search the whatis database for exact matches to keywords and display results.
example: whatis mksw
syntax: apropos keywords
search the whatis database for partical word matches to keywords and display results
apropos mksw