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2006-06-21 17:20:57

2006-03-22 16:08:08

I Think I Will Be a CEO One Day—Yang Songjun


Yang Songjun has an English name: Tracy. The story of Tracy's overseas study sounds like a brief of her career experiences, which differentiates1 her life from the other overseas students the same age.
As soon as her airplane landed at the international airport in Australia, the 17-year-old started looking for a job, while other young overseas Chinese students still suffered homesickness. As a high school girl, Tracy had been rejected countless times because of her poor English. After three tough months, she finally landed a job as a cookie-seller, pushing trolleys2 in a restaurant.
“Because of experiences of being rejected, I decided I had to prove I deserved somebody's appreciation. I can and will make it.” she told me firmly, smiling unyieldingly3. Later she got another job in Burger King. She worked there for two years and still achieved a high score on her school examinations—having a job did not make a bad impact on her studies. Her average was 97.25 percent, high enough for an overseas student to enroll in the fields of law or medicine. However, her preference for a job in the service industry, led her to major in Hotel Management and Marketing at the University of New South Wales.
Tracy spent her first year in university as a part-time worker for Sheraton Hotel, Marriott Hotel, etc.. At these five-star hotels, she was kept busy all day by the strict and exhausting4 food arrangements and bar service. The experience broadened her horizon and, gradually, she became aware of her dream to be a CEO. 
She joined the Chinese Student Association at the University of New South Wales. Her efforts there helped the association to successfully bid on the University Budget for a National Day Evening Party and other activities. Tracy had so many outstanding performances that she won both cheers and support from her fellow students to run for the association's presidency, which she won.
“I think we should encourage more students to join the student societies so they could join the Australian community. Student association is good for improving your communication skills and building your own confidence.”
She caught an opportunity, when Travelex, an international financial corporation, offered an internship position for the first time to a university student. Among many competitors for the job, she was the best. She even beat her Australian rivals to get the job.
“Many Chinese students are afraid to try. They are too humble to accept interviews with Australian companies. But they should have confidence in themselves. I have learned how to sell myself, because my major is Marketing.”
Tracy had to design and carry out an independent marketing investigation during her nine-month internship at Travelex. Tracy said she was almost overwhelmed with the work pressure, yet she stuck with it to the end. To her surprise, she was required to present her completed project to the senior managers in their regular meeting. She designed a plan for the presentation. Since her theme was related to China, Tracy decided to cover the presentation table with a red silk cloth, on which she put some Chinese candies and chopsticks. She also hung a cheong-sam on the wall at the front of the room. Her Australian colleagues were shocked at first glance. Then they commented how nice it would be if every meeting was set up in this way. Full of confidence, Tracy delivered her one-hour presentation. The satisfied managers not only decided to accept her marketing plan, but also invited her to join their corporation after her graduation.
“In the past six years, I've had various job experiences. I have made enough money to cover my living expenses, so my tuition fees are the only expense my family provides for me. By the way, I think doing a part-time job is a way of surviving in this society. It prepares you for your future career.”
When we talked about her great dream of becoming a CEO someday, she smiled and looked at me gently. In a voice full of gentleness and determination, she said, “I understand that you cannot realize your dream in just one day. But it's important to do everything well. There are opportunities waiting for you, even though you don't know where they are. Just keep going. Then maybe in a decade or two, you will achieve your dream!”
“那时被拒绝的经历,让我下定决心要证明自己,总会有人赏识我的。”她斩钉截铁地说,脸上挂着倔强的笑。后来她在Burger King快餐店找到一个工作,一做就是两年。工作并没有影响她获得97.25分的高分,凭此分数她可以任意选择法律或医科了。但是,对服务业情有独衷的她选择了新南威尔士大学的酒店管理和市场营销专业。

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