How to choose a research topic?
我想这是很多 PhD candidates 的烦恼吧。至少我是这样,这个问题从读 master 的时候就困扰着我。直到现在,boss 给选了个不错的题目,但仍然受到方方面面的质疑,一边怀疑一边求证,也许这就是 research 的痛苦所在吧。
"Investigate a classical, fundamental, deep, and narrow topic, with some (perhaps shallow) applications to a couple of hot applied topics."
我想现在我做的 skyline 就是这样的一个问题,本身是一个很老很经典的数学问题,被数据库的 researcher 们用在了数据库领域的实际问题中。
The relationship between supervisor and student is?
"Like a marriage that lasts for 3-4 years?!" --b
Researchers have several roles to play:
"1. Create and adjust models of problems;
2. Solve model problems;
3. Evaluate solutions to model problems;
4. Present solutions to other researchers and customers."
How to evaluate the quality of a solution?
"1. Effectiveness: logically correct;
2. Elegance: beautiful, simple;
3. Efficiency: use computational resources efficiently." (time / space complexity)
Publish your paper in:
"NLCs: nice local confereces;
IK - CCs: international killer-competitive conferences;
Avoid scams!"
How to write a good conference paper?
| Motivation and Everyone understands.
| background
| Main
| Results Experts understand.
| Conclusion Everyone understands.
| Refernces
The frequency of presenting your research:
1. At IK-CCs: at least twice in 3 years; 比较难!
2. At NLCs
3. To research visitors to your lab: twice per year; 由访问学者访问的频率决定 --b
4. As a poster / web page: often; 小气如我。。。。
5. At postGrad sessions: continuously; "postGrad session?" 是个啥?!
6. To your supervisor: often; 当然了
7. To your associate supervisor: very often; 没有
8. To your sister...: often. 没有
Something about the presentation (ppt...):
| Motivation
| Overview of
| the research Everyone understands.
| Something
| difficult Some understand.
| Overview and
| Charts of experiments
| Conclusion
每次做 presentation,如果将不明白,都会非常 frustrated。甚至跟朋友开玩笑说,做 presentationde 的时侯,会感觉自己像个厚脸皮的推销员,拼命地把自己的 idea 推销给听众,尽管连自己都怀疑这个 idea 是不是实用。 --b
How to write your 3+ years of PhD research?
Based on your thesis, thesis, thesis!!!
Content of a thesis = 3 good journal papers. 对于 CS 专业是不是有点儿高了?日本是1篇了。
Not based on:
Computer systems that you have written;
Undergraduate tutorials that you have given;
Ideas that you have had but not written down. 最遗憾的是这条。
The books recommended:
1. J. Zobel, "Writing for computer science", Springer 1997.
2. E. M. Phillips and D. S. Pugh, "How to get a PhD", open University Press, 2000.
3. D. Lindsay, "A guide to scientific writing", Longman Cheshire, 1984.
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