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分类: 系统运维

2010-03-19 13:04:32









  • [[snippet]] or [!snippet!] for non-caching snippets Inserts the output of a snippet named 'snippet' into your page.(这一个也是snippet的引用方式,是不缓存的)。
  • [(setting)] Inserts the value of a site-wide setting named 'setting' into your page.
  • [*resourceField/TV*] Inserts various blocks of content specific to the page being displayed.
  • [^timing^] Shows how long it took to create the current page.
  • [~link~] Makes a link to another document in your MODx site.
  • chunk Inserts a chunk of HTML into your page.
  • [+placeholder+] Acts as a placeholder for content generated by a snippet. Usually used in a chunk specified in an argument of the snippet to format the snippet's output.

There are several timing tags in MODx:

  • [^qt^] - Query Time - Shows how long MODx took talking to the database
  • [^q^] - Query Count -Shows how many database queries MODx made
  • [^p^] - Parse Time - Shows how long MODx took to parse the page
  • [^t^] - Total Time - Shows the total time taken to parse/ render the page
  • [^s^] - Source - Shows the source of page, whether is database or cache.
9、[123] 表示id为123的文档,[(site_start)]表示网站的url。


  • id - The document's ID. Can also be obtained with $modx->documentIdentifier.
  • type - Whether document, folder or weblink.
  • contentType - The content type, such as text/html.
  • pagetitle - The title of the page.
  • longtitle - The longtitle of the page.
  • description - The description of the page.
  • alias - The alias of the page. Used in creating Friendly URLs.
  • published - [0|1] Whether or not the document is published.
  • pub_date- Date the document is to be published. This is not a "normal" date, and must be processed by a script for meaningful output. Example: strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S", $value)
  • unpub_date - Date the document is to be unpublished. See 'pub_date'.
  • parent - The ID of the document's parent.
  • isfolder - [0|1] Whether or not the document is a folder.
  • introtext - The summary of the document.
  • content - The content of the document.
  • richtext - [0|1] Whether or not a RichText Editor is to be used when editing the document.
  • template - The ID of the template to used for the document.
  • menuindex - The order in which the document is to be listed in the menu.
  • searchable - [0|1] Whether or not the document is to be searchable.
  • cacheable - [0|1] Whether or not the document is to be cached.
  • createdby - The user ID of the creator of the document.
  • createdon - The date the document was created. See 'pub_date'.
  • editedby - The ID of the user who last edited the document.
  • editedon - The date the document was last edited. See 'pub_date'.
  • deleted - [0|1] Whether or not the document has been deleted (but not yet completely removed from the database by emptying the trash).
  • deletedon - The date the document was deleted. See 'pub_date'.
  • deletedby - The ID of the user who deleted the document.
  • menutitle - The title to be shown in the menu. If empty, the pagetitle is used.
  • donthit - [0|1] Disable page hit count for the document.
  • haskeywords - [0|1] Whether or not the document has links to keywords.
  • hasmetatags - [0|1] Whether or not the document has links to meta tags
  • privateweb - [0|1] Whether or not this document has been assigned to a private web document group.
  • privatemgr - [0|1] Whether or not this document has been assigned to a private manager document group.
  • content_dispo - [0|1] Whether the document's content-disposition is attachment or inline.
  • hidemenu - [0|1] Whether or not the document is to be hidden in the menu.

13、Template Variables(TVs),常用的有:
  • [*pagetitle*] - the title of the document
  • [*longtitle*] - the long title of the document
  • [*introtext*] - the summary of the document
  • [*content*] - the content of the document
14、资源字段。用 [*resource-field-name*] 来引用,实际上用$modx->documentObject['resource-field-name']来返回。

  • id - The document's ID. Can also be obtained with $modx->documentIdentifier.
  • type - Whether document, folder or weblink.
  • contentType - The content type, such as text/html.
  • pagetitle - The title of the page.
  • longtitle - The longtitle of the page.
  • description - The description of the page.
  • alias - The alias of the page. Used in creating Friendly URLs.
  • link_attributes - The Link Attributes of the page, eg. rel=, target= etc.
  • published - [0|1] Whether or not the document is published.
  • pub_date- Date the document is to be published. This is not a "normal" date, and must be processed by a script for meaningful output.
  • unpub_date - Date the document is to be unpublished. See 'pub_date'.
  • parent - The ID of the document's parent.
  • isfolder - [0|1] Whether or not the document is a folder.
  • introtext - The summary of the document.
  • content - The content of the document.
  • richtext - [0|1] Whether or not a RichText Editor is to be used when editing the document.
  • template - The ID of the template to used for the document.
  • menuindex - The order in which the document is to be listed in the menu.
  • searchable - [0|1] Whether or not the document is to be searchable.
  • cacheable - [0|1] Whether or not the document is to be cached.
  • createdby - The user ID of the creator of the document.
  • createdon - The date the document was created. See .
  • editedby - The ID of the user who last edited the document.
  • editedon - The date the document was last edited. See .
  • deleted - [0|1] Whether or not the document has been deleted (but not yet completely removed from the database by emptying the trash).
  • deletedon - The date the document was deleted. See .
  • deletedby - The ID of the user who deleted the document.
  • menutitle - The title to be shown in the menu. If empty, the pagetitle is used.
  • donthit - [0|1] Disable page hit count for the document.
  • haskeywords - [0|1] Whether or not the document has links to keywords.
  • hasmetatags - [0|1] Whether or not the document has links to meta tags
  • privateweb - [0|1] Whether or not this document has been assigned to a private web document group.
  • privatemgr - [0|1] Whether or not this document has been assigned to a private manager document group.
  • content_dispo - [0|1] Whether the document's content-disposition is attachment or inline.
  • hidemenu - [0|1] Whether or not the document is to be hidden in the menu.
   注意:pub_date,要用strftime("%d/%m/%y %H:%M:%S"$value)来转为可读的形式。

   [[SnippetName]] or [!SnippetName!]的区别:前者是缓存的,后者是不缓存的。例如登录snippet,就必须用不缓存的。

   Documnet group:文档组,一个文档可以属于不同的文档组,一个文档组可以与一个或多个用户组相关联。
   User group:用户组,需要访问同一个“文档组”的同一类用户,注意“文档组”。一个用户组与一个或多个“文档组”相关联。


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