Notation |
Comment |
Embeds an object in a page, taking in a comma-separated
of properties.
Default supported formats:- Flash (.swf)
- Quicktime
movies (.mov)
- Windows Media (.wma, .wmv)
- Real Media
(.rm, .ram)
- MP3 files (.mp3)
Other types of files can be used, but may require the
specification of the "classid", "codebase" and "pluginspage" properties
in order to be recognised by web browsers.
Common properties are:
- width - the width of the media file
- height - the height of the media file
- id - the ID assigned to the embedded object
Due to security issues, files located on remote servers
are not permitted
By default, each embedded object is wrapped in a "div"
tag. If you wish to style the div and its contents, override the
"embeddedObject" CSS class. Specifying an ID as a property also allows
you to style different embedded objects differently. CSS class names in
the format "embeddedObject-ID" are used.
Displays a list of bookmarks using the criteria supplied.
Searching Options
- spaces comma separated list of spaces to search
for. Meta space names @all, @personal, @global
can also be used. (If no labels and spaces are supplied will default to
current space.)
- labels list of labels that are applied to the
bookmarks. (If multiple labels are specified bookmarks only have to
match one label to be included.)
- creators comma separated list of users that
have created bookmarks.
Sorting Options
- sort comma separated list of attributes to sort
the bookmarks by. Valid values are:
- creation Bookmark Created Date
- creator Bookmark Creator Name
- title Bookmark title
Default is by created date.
- reverseSort Reverse the order of the bookmarks.
Default is false.
Display Options All options default to true.
The user that created the bookmark.
The relative date the bookmark was created.
The bookmark description.
If the current user has permission, show quick links to edit or
remove the bookmark.
The labels for the bookmark.
The bookmark list header (with the rss feed link).
The maximum number of bookmarks to display. Defaults to 15.
The space the bookmark is saved in
A link to the actual bookmark page
Displays a list of all spaces visible to the user, with
linked icons leading to various space content functionality, within a
table. The width parameter specifies the table width on the page.
width - (optional) width of table on Confluence
page, defaults to 100%.
{recently-updated-dashboard: spaces=sales,marketing |
Include a list of Confluence content which has changed recently.
By default, listed content will be listed from the current space.
Returned content may be filtered through the various parameters.
- spaces - (optional) comma separated list of space
- labels - (optional) comma separated list of labels
(content associated with at least one of these will be listed)
- width - (optional) width of the rendered table on
Confluence page. Defaults to 100%.
- types - Filter content by type. You can specify one
or more types, separated by commas. Accepted values:
page :
basic pagescomment : comments on pages or blogsblogpost/news : blog postsattachment :
attachments to pages or blogsuserinfo : personal
informationspacedesc : space descriptionspersonalspacedesc :
personal space descriptionsmail : emails in a
- showProfilePic - if true, display the profile
pictures of the users who updated the content.
{global-reports: width=x}
Renders a list of links to global reports within a table of
width x (defaults to 99%).
width - (optional) width of table on Confluence
page, defaults to 50%.
Include the Confluence site welcome message. The site welcome message
may be configured in the Administration -> General Configuration
section. |
{create-space-button: size=large | width=32 | height=32}
Renders a create space button linked to the create space
size - small (size of 'small' uses a smaller
graphic, whereas size of 'large' uses a larger one)
height - image height in pixels
width - image width in pixels
Prints a list of attachments
- patterns: - (optional) a comma separated list of
regular expressions. Only file names matching one of these are
- old: - (optional) if "true", display old versions of
attachments as well.
- upload: - (optional) if "true", allow the upload of
new attachments.
Lists users registered in Confluence. Either a group
or groups value must be supplied. If you want all users in the system
use groups=*. Supplying a groups value will list only members of
those groups. The groups value supports a comma separated list of
Group: confluence-administrators |
Specifying the online value allows you to filter the user
list by the user online status. Setting online=true will show only
online users, whereas setting online=false will show only offline users.
If you've configured this macro to display groups which are
black listed by the administrator, you will get a warning panel at the
top. The warning will be automatically displayed by default. To disable
the warning, you can specify showWarning=false.
Generates a set of scroll bar links within the same page
hierarchy, one previous and one next (if they exist).
- up - (optional) if 'false', no link to the parent
page will be created (default is true).
- icons - (optional) if 'false', no icons will be
generated (default is true).
- class - (optional) set the CSS class the scrollbar
table will be set to.
Provides page hierachal tree within a space. If no parameters are
specified the root of the tree will
be the home page, a different root page can be specified by
providing the page to the root
- root: - (optional) page where the tree would be
rooted from. Meta root names @self, @parent, @home can also be
- sort: - (optional) sorts the tree node. It my be one
of the following: bitwise, creation, modified, natural, position.
Default sorting is position
- excerpt: - (optional) true/false flag that indicate
if a page excerpt would be included in the tree display (default is
- reverse: - (optional) true/false flag that allows
you to reverse the order of the display (default is false).
- searchBox: - (optional) true/false flag that allows
you to add a search box in the tree that would search from the root
page (default is false).
- expandCollapseAll: - (optional) true/false flag that
allows you to add an expand all and a collapse all row
(default is false).
- startDepth: - (optional) a number that indicates the
initial depth that the tree would display (default value is 1).
Provides a search box to search a page hierachal tree within a
If no parameters are specified the root of the tree will be the
page, a different root page can be specified by providing the page to
the rootPage parameter.
Show search results keystroke by keystroke.
- spaceKey: - (optional) this option searches within a
single space.
{children:page=Another Page}
{children:page=SPACEKEY:Page Title}
{children:sort=|reverse=<true or false>}
Displays the children and descendants of the current page. Specify
'all=true' to show all descendants of this page, or depth=x (where x is
any number > 0) to show that many levels of descendants. The
'style' attribute can be any of 'h1' through 'h6'. If you specify a
style, the top level of child pages will be displayed as headings of
that level, with their children then displayed as lists below. A great
way to throw together a quick contents page! You can view the
children of a different page in the same space with
{children:page=Another Page Title}. If you specify a page of '/',
you will list all the pages in the space with no parent (i.e. the
top-level pages), excluding the current page If you specify
a page of 'FOO:' (the colon is required), you will list all the pages
with no parent in the space with key "FOO". Specify 'excerpt=true'
to also display the first line of the pages excerpt (see the excerpt
macro) if it exists.
The 'sort' attribute is an optional attribute that allows you to
configure how the children are sorted. Specify 'creation' to sort by
content creation date, 'title' to sort alphabetically on title and
'modified' to sort of last modification date. Use the reverse attribute
to optionally reverse the sorting. The 'first' attribute allows
you to restrict the number of children displayed at the top level.
Does an inline site search.
- query: your query
- maxLimit=x: (where x is any number > 0) to
limit the search result to a number of results.
- spacekey: specify the key of the space you want
to search in
- type: specify the content type (could be page,
comment, blogpost, attachment, userinfo, spacedesc)
- lastModified: specify a time period in which the
content was last modified: (e.g. 3d = modified in the last 3 days, 1m3d =
modified in the last month and three days)
- contributor: specify the username of the
contributor of the content to be retrieved
Found 2 result(s) for home
(My Space)
This is the
page for My Space.
Displays the most recent news items in this space.
- content - lets you choose whether to display each
news item in its entirety (the default), just short excerpts from each
item (see the excerpt macro), or just a list of post titles.
- time - lets you choose how far back to look for news
items. For example, "time=12h" would show you those items made in the
last twelve hours, and "time=7d" would show items made in the last week.
(The default is no limit)
- label/labels - (optional) search for content with
these labels; prefix a label with '+' to require a match or '-' to
exclude any content with that label. By default, at least one of the
labels will be present on any matched content. Separate labels with
commas or single-spaces.
- spaces - (optional) spaces to search.
values: - space keys (case-sensitive)
@self :
current space@personal : personal spaces@global :
global spaces@favorite/@favourite : user's
favourite spaces@all/* : all spaces (that the user
has permission to view) Prefix a space with '+' to
require a match or '-' to exclude any matches from that space. By
default,at least one of the named spaces must match. Separate spaces
with commas or single-spaces. - type - (optional) search for types of content.
Accepted values: page : basic pagescomment :
comments on pages or blogsblogpost/news : blog
postsattachment : attachments to pages or blogsuserinfo : personal informationspacedesc :
space descriptionspersonalspacedesc : personal
space descriptionsmail : emails in a space
Prefix a type with '+' to require matches to be of that type, or
'-' to exclude matches of that type.By default, matched content will be
of at least one of the listed type. Separate types with commas or
single-spaces. - max/maxResults - (optional) the maximum number of
results to return. Defaults to 100.
- sort - (optional) the sorting to apply to the
Accepted values: title : by content
titlecreation : by time of creationmodified :
by time of last modification (creation is the "first" modification)
- reverse - (optional) reverses the currently applied
sort. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sort
{excerpt}Confluence is a knowledge-sharing application that
enables teams to communicate more effectively{excerpt}
{excerpt:hidden=true}This excerpt will be recorded, but will not
be displayed on the page.{excerpt}
Marks some part of the page as the page's 'excerpt'. This
doesn't change the display of the page at all, but other macros (for
example children, excerpt-include and blog-posts) can use this excerpt
to summarise the page's content.
- hidden: If the value of "hidden" is true, then
the contents of the excerpt macro will not appear on the page.
{excerpt-include:blogPost=/2006/12/28/News Page}
Includes the excerpt from one page (see the excerpt macro)
within another. The included page must be in the same space as the page
on which the macro is used.
- nopanel: If the value of "nopanel" is true, then
the excerpt will be drawn without its surrounding panel.
Renders a list (or heatmap) of the most popular labels
ordered by popularity (or name).
count - (optional) Specify the number of labels to
be displayed. If not specified, a default of 100 is used.
spaceKey - (optional) Restrict the popular labels to
a certain space.
style - (optional) Allows 'heatmap'. Specifying a
heatmap style will use different font sizes depending on their rank of
popularity, ordered by label names. If not specified, a default list
style is used ordered by popularity (highest first).
Displays a list of content marked with the specified labels.
type - (optional) search for types of content.
Accepted values: page : basic pagescomment :
comments on pages or blogsblogpost/news : blog
postsattachment : attachments to pages or blogsuserinfo : personal informationspacedesc :
space descriptionspersonalspacedesc : personal
space descriptionsmail : emails in a space
Prefix a type with '+' to require matches to be of that type, or
'-' to exclude matches of that type.By default, matched content will be
of at least one of the listed type. Separate types with commas or
showLabels - (optional) display the labels for each
results (enabled by default)
showSpace - (optional) display space name for each
result (enabled by default)
title - (optional) add a title above the results
max/maxResults - (optional) the maximum number of
results to display (default is 5)
excerpt - (optional) display first line of excerpt
for each result
space/spaces - (optional) spaces to search.
values: - space keys (case-sensitive)
@self :
current space@personal : personal spaces@global :
global spaces@favorite/@favourite : user's
favourite spaces@all/* : all spaces (that the user
has permission to view) Prefix a space with '+' to
require a match or '-' to exclude any matches from that space. By
default,at least one of the named spaces must match. Separate spaces
with commas or single-spaces.
label/labels - (optional) search for content with
these labels; prefix a label with '+' to require a match or '-' to
exclude any content with that label. By default, at least one of the
labels will be present on any matched content. Separate labels with
commas or single-spaces.
sort - (optional) the sorting to apply to the
Accepted values: title : by content
titlecreation : by time of creationmodified :
by time of last modification (creation is the "first" modification)
reverse - (optional) reverses the currently applied
sort. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sort
{related-labels:labels=labelone, labeltwo}
Renders a list of labels related to the current page's
labels - (optional) comma-separated list of labels
whose related labels will be displayed.
{recently-updated: spaces=sales,marketing |
{recently-updated: labels=+confluence,-jira | spaces=@all}
{recently-updated: spaces=NOVELS,SHORTSTORIES | sort=creation |
Include a list of Confluence content which has changed recently.
By default, listed content will be listed from the current space.
Returned content may be filtered through the various parameters.
- space/spaces - (optional) spaces to search.
values: - space keys (case-sensitive)
@self :
current space@personal : personal spaces@global :
global spaces@favorite/@favourite : user's
favourite spaces@all/* : all spaces (that the user
has permission to view) Prefix a space with '+' to
require a match or '-' to exclude any matches from that space. By
default,at least one of the named spaces must match. Separate spaces
with commas or single-spaces. Defaults to the current space (@self). - label/labels - (optional) search for content with
these labels; prefix a label with '+' to require a match or '-' to
exclude any content with that label. By default, at least one of the
labels will be present on any matched content. Separate labels with
commas or single-spaces.
- width - (optional) width of the rendered table on
Confluence page. Defaults to 100%.
- type/types - (optional) search for types of content.
Accepted values: page : basic pagescomment :
comments on pages or blogsblogpost/news : blog
postsattachment : attachments to pages or blogsuserinfo : personal informationspacedesc :
space descriptionspersonalspacedesc : personal
space descriptionsmail : emails in a space
Prefix a type with '+' to require matches to be of that type, or
'-' to exclude matches of that type.By default, matched content will be
of at least one of the listed type. Separate types with commas or
single-spaces. Defaults to all content types except mail (and, when in a
shared setting, personal information). - sort - (optional) the sorting to apply to the
Accepted values: title : by content
titlecreation : by time of creationmodified :
by time of last modification (creation is the "first" modification)
- reverse - (optional) reverses the currently applied
sort. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the sort
Renders a list (or table) of labels most recently used in a
specified scope.
count - (optional) Specify the number of labels to
be displayed. If not specified, a default of 10 is used.
scope - (optional) Allows 'global', 'space' and
'personal'. If not specified, the 'global' scope is used. The global
scope will show labels that were recently used within this confluence
instance. The space scope will show labels that were recently used in
the current space. The personal scope will show you personal labels that
you recently used.
style - (optional) Allows 'table'. Specifying a
table style will render the most recently used labels in a table form.
title - (optional) Allows you to specify a heading
for the table view of this macro. See the 'style' option above.
Renders the list of pages associated with the specified
label as a navigable map.
A label must be specified for this macro. The following
parameters are all optional:
- title - the title for this navigation map.
- wrapAfter - the number of cells to span
horizontally before wrapping to the next line. (default: 5)
- cellWidth - width of individual cells in the
map in pixels. (default: 90px)
- cellHeight - height of individual cells in
the map in pixels. (default: 60px)
- theme - if you want to create your own look
and feel for the navmap (say one with rounded corners), you can do so by
adding a file to the WEB-INF/classes/templates/macros
directory. The file name convention to use is: navmap-mytheme.vm.
You can use whatever name you like in place of mytheme. Just
make sure you specify this when calling the macro using theme=mytheme.
Renders the list of all labels or labels for a specific
space sorted alphabetical.
spaceKey - (optional) list the labels in the
specified space (current space by default). If '@all' is specified,
labels in all spaces will be listed.
documentation, staff, events, books, music
Creates a table of contributor information from the current page
or a group of pages.
Table Options
- groupby - (optional) Specify if the table should
be grouped by contributors or pages. Default value is contributors
- columns - (optional) Specify the columns
that should appear in the table as a comma separated list. Default value
is edits,comments,labels. Valid values:
- edits Edit Count Column
- edited List of pages or contributors
- comments Comment Count Column
- commented List of pages or contributors
- labels Label Count Column
- labeled List of pages or contributors
- labellist List of labels
- watches Watch Count Column
- watching List of pages or contributors
- lastupdate Last time a page was updated
or a contributor changed some content.
- order - (optional) The order the
contributors or pages will appear in. By default the table is ordered by
the number of edits.
- edits Orders the list with the highest
number of edits first in the list
- name Orders the list by name
- editTime Orders the list by the time
they last edit time
- update Order by the last update time of
any content
- reverse - (optional) If true the sort order will
be reversed.
- limit - (optional) Limit the number of
contributors displayed to this amount
- showAnonymous - (optional) Show updates by
anonymous users. Default is false.
- showZeroCounts - (optional) If all the
selected columns are zero, or empty should the contributor or page be
displayed in the table. Default is false.
Page Searching Options
The following parameters control what pages are used to build
the contributors list.
- page The page to count statistics from. If no
spaces or labels are specified this will default to the current page.
- labels The label to use to search for
pages. Multiple labels can be specified in a comma separated list. (A
page will match if it has any of the labels.)
- spaces Specify the space for the page or labels
parameter. Multiple spaces can be specified in a comma separated list.
If no pages or labels are specified all pages from the space will be
included. The following shortcut space names can also be used:
- @all All Spaces
- @global All Global Spaces
- @personal All Personal Spaces
- contentType Valid options are:
If not specified blog posts and pages are included.
- publishDate specify the publish date for a blog
post. The date format expected is: YYYY/mm/dd
- scope For each of the pages found this parameter
lets you include the children or decendants. (Each page will only be
counted once if it is already in the list.)
- children include statistics from the
immediate children of the page
- descendants include statistics from
all descendants of the page
Creates a list of contributors who have contributed to a page or
a list of pages.
Display Options
- include - (optional) What type of content
from the pages to base the contributor list (and the counts) on.
Multiple values can be specified with a comma separated list
- authors Include page authors (default).
- comments Include page comments
- labels Include page labels
- watches Include page watches
- order - (optional) The order the
contributors will appear in.
- count Order by the total count (default)
- name Order by the names of the
- update Order by the last update time
Both the count and update orderings will use values from
only the content specified with the include parameter.
- reverse - (optional) If true the sort order
will be reversed.
- limit - (optional) Limit the number of
contributors initially displayed to this amount
- mode - (optional) Sets the display mode of
the macro
- inline The contributors will be
displayed across the screen (default)
- list The contributors will be displayed
in a list down the screen
- showAnonymous - (optional) Show edits by
anonymous users. Default is false.
- showCount - (optional) Show the count for
each user. Default is false.
- showLastTime - (optional) Show the last
time a contribution was made by each user for any content specified by
the include parameter. Default is false.
Page Searching Options
The following parameters control what pages are used to build
the contributors list.
- page The page to count statistics from. If no
spaces or labels are specified this will default to the current page.
- labels The label to use to search for
pages. Multiple labels can be specified in a comma separated list. (A
page will match if it has any of the labels.)
- spaces Specify the space for the page or labels
parameter. Multiple spaces can be specified in a comma separated list.
If no pages or labels are specified all pages from the space will be
included. The followingshortcut space names can also be used:
- @all All Spaces
- @global All Global Spaces
- @personal All Personal Spaces
- contentType Valid options are:
If not specified blog posts and pages are included.
- publishDate specify the publish date for a blog
post. The date format expected is: YYYY/mm/dd
- scope For each of the pages found this parameter
lets you include the children or decendants. (Each page will only be
counted once if it is already in the list.)
- children include statistics from the
immediate children of the page
- descendants include statistics from
all descendants of the page
Advanced Options
- showPages - show a list of pages returned
above the list. Useful for debugging.
- noneFoundMessage - override the default
message that is displayed when no contributors are found.
Creates a Table of Contents for headings on the the current
- type - (optional) The type of output. May be one of
the following:
- list - (default) The headings are output in
hierarchical list format.
- flat - The headings are listed on a single line
with a separator between them.
- class - (optional) If specified, the TOC will be
output with the specified CSS class. Also, if set, no other style values
will be output.
- style - (optional) The style of the list items if in
list mode. The style may be any of the following:
- none - (default) Headings are output in indented
lists with no bullet points or numbers prefixing them.
- any CSS style - Headings are output in indented
lists with the specified CSS style.
- outline - (optional) If set to true, each item will
be prefixed with a number in the format 'X.Y'. The numbers will increase
automatically, and extra levels will be added for lower-level headings.
- ident - (optional) The amount to indent each list
sub-heading by (default is '10px').
- separator - (optional) The type of separator to use
if the style is flat. May be one of the following:
- bracket - Square brackets ('[', ']') surrounding
each item. (default)
- brace - Square brackets ('[', ']') surrounding each
item. (default)
- comma - A comma (',') between each item.
- paren - Parentheses ('(', ')') surrounding each
- pipe - A pipe ('|') between each item.
- newline - A line break after each item.
- "custom" - Any other character you wish, specified
between quotes.
- minLevel - (optional) The lowest heading level to
include (inclusive). (default is 1).
- maxLevel - (optional) The highest heading level to
include (inclusive). (default is 7).
- include - (optional) If set, any headings not
matching the regular expression will be ignored. Due to '|' being the
parameter separator in macros, use ',' where you would have usually used
- exclude - (optional) If set, any headings matching
the regular expression will be excluded. Due to '|' being the parameter
separator in macros, use ',' where you would have usually used '|'.
- printable - (optional) If set to 'false', the table
of contents will not be visible when being printed.
{toc-zone:separator\=brackets|location=top} h1.
First Heading blah blah blah... {toc-zone} |
Creates a Table of Contents for headings contained in the macro
- location - (optional) The location to have the table
of contents output. May be 'top' or 'bottom'. If not set, it will be
output at both locations.
- type - (optional) The type of output. May be one of
the following:
- list - (default) The headings are output in
hierarchical list format.
- flat - The headings are listed on a single line
with a separator between them.
- class - (optional) If specified, the TOC will be
output with the specified CSS class. Also, if set, no other style values
will be output.
- style - (optional) The style of the list items if in
list mode. The style may be any of the following:
- none - (default) Headings are output in indented
lists with no bullet points or numbers prefixing them.
- any CSS style - Headings are output in indented
lists with the specified CSS style.
- outline - (optional) If set to true, each item will
be prefixed with a number in the format 'X.Y'. The numbers will increase
automatically, and extra levels will be added for lower-level headings.
- ident - (optional) The amount to indent each list
sub-heading by (default is '10px').
- separator - (optional) The type of separator to use
if the style is flat. May be one of the following:
- bracket - Square brackets ('[', ']') surrounding
each item. (default)
- brace - Square brackets ('[', ']') surrounding each
item. (default)
- comma - A comma (',') between each item.
- paren - Parentheses ('(', ')') surrounding each
- pipe - A pipe ('|') between each item.
- newline - A line break after each item.
- "custom" - Any other character you wish, specified
between quotes.
- minLevel - (optional) The lowest heading level to
include (inclusive). (default is 1).
- maxLevel - (optional) The highest heading level to
include (inclusive). (default is 7).
- include - (optional) If set, any headings not
matching the regular expression will be ignored. Due to '|' being the
parameter separator in macros, use ',' where you would have usually used
- exclude - (optional) If set, any headings matching
the regular expression will be excluded. Due to '|' being the parameter
separator in macros, use ',' where you would have usually used '|'.
- printable - (optional) If set to 'false', the table
of contents will not be visible when being printed.
{viewfile:spreadsheet.xls|grid=false|sheet=Sheet 1|row=4|col=5}
Embeds the content of a file attachment into a Confluence page.
Supported formats:
- Microsoft Word Documents
- Embedded as html
- Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets
- Embedded as html
- Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations
- Embedded in a
flash slideshow control or as a single image for individual pages
- Adobe PDF files
- Embedded in a flash slideshow
control or as a single image for individual pages
- space: - (optional)the space key for the attachment.
The default is the space of the page calling the macro.
- page: - (optional)the page or blog post that contains
the attachment. The default is the page calling the macro.
- date: - (optional)the date of the blog post that
contains the attachment in the form mm/dd/yyyy. Only applicable if the
file is attached to a blog post
- name: - (required)the filename of the attachment. Can
also be specified as the first argument using macro shorthand.
Macro arguments specific to Excel spreadsheets
- grid - (optional)If true, the worksheet gridlines will
be rendered. The default is true.
- sheet - (optional)The name of the worksheet to render. The
default is the first sheet in the workbook
- row - (optional)the last row in the worksheet to render.
The default is the last row with content.
- col - (optional)the last column in the worksheet to render.
The default the last column with content.
Macro arguments specific to Powerpoint and PDF presentations
- slide - (optional)instead of an entire slideshow, you
can specify a slide index (0-based). the slide at the specified index
will be rendered as a jpg image in the page.
- height - (optional)overrides the default height of the
flash control or image.
- width - (optional)overrides the default width of the flash
control or image.
{tracking-info:value=view count}0{tracking-info}
{tracking-info:^attachment.ext|value=first view
{tracking-info:SPACE:Page^attachment.ext|value=last view date}Never
Outputs information about the specified content.
- [default] - (optional) The content to report
the view count for.
Any standard Confluence link syntax is valid, although
external links will not produce useful information.
- value - (required) The value to output. One of the
- first view date - The date the content was first
viewed by someone other than the creator.
- last view date - The date the content was last
viewed by someone other than the last editor.
- view count - The number of times the content has
been viewed since the firstViewed date.
For values returning a number, the following parameters may
also be set:
- digits - (optional) The minimum number of digits to
output. Defaults to 1.
- type - (optional) The type of image to use for the
counter (e.g. "gif", "jpg", etc).
If not set, plain text will be output.
- images - (optional) The style of image to use if type
is not text.
Defaults to the built-in 'odometer' style.
For values returning a date, the following parameters may also
be set:
- format - (optional) The date format (e.g.
May also be 'long', 'medium' or 'short', which will use the
system defaults for those formats.
{tracking-table:scope=Page > descendents|labels=tracked|type=page,
Outputs a table containing data about the matching content.
Defaults to displaying
the title, view count, first view date and last view date.
Display Options
- sort - (required) The sort order. May be one or more
of the options listed below followed optionally
by 'asc' or 'desc', separated by commas. The default is "view
count desc, natural title".
- natural title - The natural content title. Eg.
"Page 2" comes before "Page 10".
- exact title
- The exact content title.
Eg. "Page 2" comes after "Page 10".
- space key - Sorted by the space key
the content is contained in.
- space name - Sorted by the
unicode-safe natural order of the space name.
- creation date - The date the content
was created.
- modification date - The date the
content was last modified.
- first view date - The date the content
was first viewed by someone other than the creator.
- last view date - The date the content
was last viewed by someone other than the last editor.
- view count - The number of times the
content has been viewed since the firstViewed date.
- maxResults - Outputs up to this
number of results. Default is unlimited.
For values returning a number, the following parameters may
also be set:
- digits - (optional) The minimum number of
digits to output. Defaults to 1.
- type - (optional) The type of image to use
for the counter (e.g. "gif", "jpg", etc).
If not set, plain text will be output.
- images - (optional) The style of image to
use if type is not text.
Defaults to the built-in 'odometer' style.
For values returning a date, the following parameters may also
be set:
- format - (optional) The date format (e.g.
May also be 'long', 'medium' or 'short', which will use the
system defaults for those formats.
Filtering Options
In general, all filtering parameters are lists of
optional, required or excluded values.
Optional items simply list the value, required items are
prefixed with a '+', and excluded values
are prefixed with a '-'. Each value is separated by a ',' or a
';'. For example, to specify that only content which has the "foo" label
not the "bar" label would look like this:
labels=foo, -bar
If you need to specify a value which contains any of the
special characters (namely +, -, ", ; and comma), just
wrap it in a set of quotes. Eg:
This will work for all filter properties below.
- scope - List of pages, news items, etc
which are in scope. If the content is a page,
the scope can be expanded to their children, descendents or
- >children - The direct
children of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My Page>children'
- >descendents - All
descendents of the specified page. Eg. 'scope="My Page">descendents'
- >ancestors - All ancestors
of the specified page. Eg. 'scope=My Page>ancestors'
- labels - List of label checks. Eg.
"one, +two, -three" would list content which had the "two" label but not
the "three" label.
- spaces - Will only list linking pages
in the specified spaces. Spaces should be comma-separated. May also be
of the following special values:
- @all - All spaces, both
personal and global
- @personal - All personal spaces
- @global - All non-personal
- @favourites - All the current
user's favourite spaces
- types - Will only list linking pages of
the specified types. Defaults to 'page, news, attachment'. Valid types
- space - Spaces
- page - Wiki pages
- news - Blog/News posts
- comment - Page or blog comments
- userinfo - User profile
- attachment - An attachment
{tracking-column:value=creation date|format=dd-MMM-yyyy}
{tracking-column:value=view count}
{tracking-column:value=modification date}
Defines a column to display in a {tracking-table}.
- value - (required) The value to output. One of the
- id - The content's unique id.
- title - The content title.
- space key - The content's space key.
- space name - The content's space name.
- creation date - The date the content was
- modification date - The date the content was
last modified.
- first view date - The date the content was first
viewed by someone other than the creator.
- last view date - The date the content was last
viewed by someone other than the last editor.
- view count - The number of times the content has
been viewed since the firstViewed date.
For values returning a number, the following parameters may
also be set:
- digits - (optional) The minimum number of digits to
output. Defaults to 1.
- type - (optional) The type of image to use for the
counter (e.g. "gif", "jpg", etc).
If not set, plain text will be output.
- images - (optional) The style of image to use if type
is not text.
Defaults to the built-in 'odometer' style.
For values returning a date, the following parameters may also
be set:
- format - (optional) The date format (e.g.
May also be 'long', 'medium' or 'short', which will use the
system defaults for those formats.