$sql = "SELECT MIN(TEX.`result`) AS `minimum`,
MAX(TEX.`result`) AS `maximum`,
AVG(TEX.`result`) AS `average`,
MAX(TEX.`weighting`) AS `weighting` ,
COUNT(DISTINCT TEX.`user_id`) AS `users`,
COUNT(TEX.`user_id`) AS `tusers`,
AVG(`TEX`.`time`) AS `avgTime`
FROM `".$tbl_qwz_tracking."` AS TEX
WHERE TEX.`exo_id` = ". (int)$exercise->getId()."
AND TEX.`user_id` IS NOT NULL";
//-- display details : USERS VIEW
$sql = "SELECT `U`.`nom`, `U`.`prenom`, `U`.`user_id`,
MIN(TE.`result`) AS `minimum`,
MAX(TE.`result`) AS `maximum`,
AVG(TE.`result`) AS `average`,
COUNT(TE.`result`) AS `attempts`,
AVG(TE.`time`) AS `avgTime`
FROM (`".$tbl_user."` AS `U`, `".$tbl_rel_course_user."` AS `CU`, `".$tbl_qwz_exercise."` AS `QT`)
LEFT JOIN `".$tbl_qwz_tracking."` AS `TE`
ON `CU`.`user_id` = `TE`.`user_id`
AND `QT`.`id` = `TE`.`exo_id`
WHERE `CU`.`user_id` = `U`.`user_id`
AND `CU`.`code_cours` = '" . claro_sql_escape(claro_get_current_course_id()) . "'
`TE`.`exo_id` = ". (int)$exercise->getId()."
`TE`.`exo_id` IS NULL
GROUP BY `U`.`user_id`
ORDER BY `U`.`nom` ASC, `U`.`prenom` ASC";
function get_learnPath_progress($lpid, $lpUid)
$tbl_cdb_names = claro_sql_get_course_tbl();
$tbl_lp_learnPath = $tbl_cdb_names['lp_learnPath'];
$tbl_lp_rel_learnPath_module = $tbl_cdb_names['lp_rel_learnPath_module'];
$tbl_lp_user_module_progress = $tbl_cdb_names['lp_user_module_progress'];
$tbl_lp_module = $tbl_cdb_names['lp_module'];
// find progression for this user in each module of the path
$sql = "SELECT UMP.`raw` AS R, UMP.`scoreMax` AS SMax, M.`contentType` AS CTYPE, UMP.`lesson_status` AS STATUS
FROM `" . $tbl_lp_learnPath . "` AS LP,
`" . $tbl_lp_rel_learnPath_module . "` AS LPM,
`" . $tbl_lp_user_module_progress . "` AS UMP,
`" . $tbl_lp_module . "` AS M
WHERE LP.`learnPath_id` = LPM.`learnPath_id`
AND LPM.`learnPath_module_id` = UMP.`learnPath_module_id`
AND UMP.`user_id` = " . (int) $lpUid . "
AND LP.`learnPath_id` = " . (int) $lpid . "
AND LPM.`visibility` = 'SHOW'
AND M.`module_id` = LPM.`module_id`
AND M.`contentType` != '" . CTLABEL_ . "'";
$modules = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
$progress = 0;
if( !is_array($modules) || empty($modules) )
$progression = 0;
// progression is calculated in pourcents
foreach( $modules as $module )
if( $module['SMax'] <= 0 )
$modProgress = 0 ;
$raw = min($module['R'],$module['SMax']);
$modProgress = @round($raw/$module['SMax']*100);
// in case of scorm module, progression depends on the lesson status value
if (($module['CTYPE']=="SCORM") && ($module['SMax'] <= 0) && (( $module['STATUS'] == 'COMPLETED') || ($module['STATUS'] == 'PASSED')))
$modProgress = 100;
if ($modProgress >= 0)
$progress += $modProgress;
// find number of visible modules in this path
$sqlnum = "SELECT COUNT(M.`module_id`)
FROM `" . $tbl_lp_rel_learnPath_module . "` AS LPM,
`". $tbl_lp_module . "` AS M
WHERE LPM.`learnPath_id` = " . (int) $lpid . "
AND LPM.`visibility` = 'SHOW'
AND M.`contentType` != '" . CTLABEL_ . "'
AND M.`module_id` = LPM.`module_id`
$nbrOfVisibleModules = claro_sql_query_get_single_value($sqlnum);
if( is_numeric($nbrOfVisibleModules) && $nbrOfVisibleModules > 0)
$progression = @round($progress/$nbrOfVisibleModules);
$progression = 0;
return $progression;
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