分类: BSD
2012-01-21 20:06:53
On a Mac and have some FreeBSD file-servers around the house of office? Open your file-servers up to easy and fast access via OS X Finder. How? The method is Apple’s native Apple Filing Protocol (AFP), with a bit of help of Apple Bonjour (mDNSResponder) for automatic discovery and presentation of shared resources on the network.
你是否正在使用Mac 并且周围还有一个基于FreeBSD的文件服务器?如果答案是肯定的那么恭喜你 ,这篇文章就是为你准备的, 配置你的文件服务器以便让Finder高速稳定地访问文件服务器,下面我们就要沿着本文设计的道路达到在FreeBSD实现与MAC OSX共享文件的目的.实现本文需要达成的目标必须使用苹果的AFP协议,苹果文件协议,简称AFP,在苹果Bonjour(mDNSResponder)的帮助下,实现自动发现网络中的服务器并实现网络文件共享的目的.(Bonjour是法语,为苹果公司的服务器搜索协议的商标,mDNSResponder为该协议的一个实现.译者注,注视有可能不是很标准,我也是新手)
The installation and config of the two Ports ‘netatalk’ and ‘howl’ is all there is to it.
In a nutshell:
Install the Ports. ‘netatalk’ is the AFP Daemon:
首先安装netatalk, 这是一个AFP的守护文件,只有安装了这个才能使FreeBSD和OSX实现通信.
[martijn@shinobu /usr/ports]$ cd /usr/ports/net/netatalkSelect the protocol and authentication features you’re planning on using:
首先需要先配置一下协议,然后编译安装,运行命令. sudo make config,一般ports软件都可以通过make config命令进行编译前配置,以便支持一些特别功能,预编译的package有时候编译的选项太过宽松,不适合特别的环境,所以才需要从ports安装特别的软件.
Install and cleanup:
[martijn@shinobu /usr/ports/net/netatalk]$ sudo make install cleanInstall the ‘howl’ port for Bonjour or mDNS support.
[martijn@shinobu /usr/ports]$ cd /usr/ports/net/howlNow you need to connect to the new drive share and setup Time Machine on your Apple computer to use it.
现在就可以激活Time Machine支持网络驱动器备份,这样就可以通过网络存储Time Machine文件,因为默认只能备份到本地移动磁盘。
First, enable Time Machine to use unsupported drives. Open terminal and run this:
首先,打开Time Machine 支持网络驱动器选项,在终端中键入如下命令:
Open Finder. From the menu bar, select “Go” then “Connect to Server”
In the server address, enter:
打开 “Finder”,从菜单栏中选择“Go”, 然后点击“连接服务器”,在弹出的地址对话框中键入以下地址:
Click connect. Enter username timemachine and the password you entered earlier. The drive should then mount and open.
使用刚才设置的用户名和密码登陆网络驱动器,此时OSX会自动将网络磁盘挂载在本地,这样就可以再Time Machine中使用网络驱动器。
Open Time Machine, and click “Select Disk…” Choose the mounted drive that you just opened. If prompted for credentials, reenter them. Enable Time Machine and the first backup should fire up.
打开 Time Machine 设置以下备份目的地为刚才挂载到系统上的网络磁盘即可,开始我们的Time Machine之旅吧。