OPERATION VARCHAR2(32) User level SQL operation that made the change. Possible values are:
insert = change was caused by an insert statement
update = change was caused by an update statement
delete = change was caused by a delete statement
DDL = change was caused by a DDL statement
START = change was caused by the start of a transaction
COMMIT = change was caused by the commit of a transaction
ROLLBACK = change was caused by a full rollback of a transaction
LOB_WRITE = change was caused by an invocation of DBMS_LOB.WRITE
LOB_TRIM = change was caused by an invocation of DBMS_LOB.TRIM
LOB_ERASE = change was caused by an invocation of DBMS_LOB.ERASE
SELECT_FOR_update = operation was a select FOR update statement
SEL_LOB_LOCATOR = operation was a select statement that returns a LOB locator
MISSING_SCN = LogMiner encountered a gap in the redo records. This is most likely because not all redo logs were registered with LogMiner.
INTERNAL = change was caused by internal operations initiated by the database
UNSUPPORTED = change was caused by operations not currently supported by LogMiner (for example, changes made to tables with ADT columns)
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