mtd driver tips
(kernel: 2.6.29)
in mips processor, build mtd partition should use physical address.
make menuconfig
Device Drivers --->
Memory Technology Device (MTD) support --->
Mapping drivers for chip access --->
<*> Flash device in physical memory map
[*] Physmap compat support
(0x1f800000) Physical start address of flash mapping
(0x800000) Physical length of flash mapping
(2) Bank width in octets
note: start address should write 0x1f800000, not use 0xbf800000.
#define my_SECTOR_SIZE 0x20000
static struct mtd_partition my_partitions[] = {
.name = "reset config",
.size = my_SECTOR_SIZE * 8,
.offset = 0,
.name = "winmon env",
.size = my_SECTOR_SIZE,
.offset = my_SECTOR_SIZE * 8,
.name = "area1",
.size = 0x2E0000,
.offset = 0x120000
//.mask_flags = MTD_WRITEABLE
.name = "bootloader",
.size = 0x100000,
.offset = 0x400000,
.name = "area2",
.size = 0x300000,
.offset = 0x500000,
//.mask_flags = MTD_WRITEABLE
static int __init physmap_init(void)
int err;
err = platform_driver_register(&physmap_flash_driver);
- if (err == 0)
+ if (err == 0){
+ physmap_set_partitions(ngVDSL_partitions, ARRAY_SIZE(my_partitions));
+ }
return err;
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