when write trace32 scripts, sometimes see following codes:
data.set sd: 0x11000000 %be %long 0x12345678
what's the sd stand for?
Normal memory access commands can be used together with new access classes ’AHB:’ and ’APB:’ (old syntax: ’DAP:’). During runtime you need to add an
'E'->'EAHB:', 'EAPB:'.
Data.Set APB:0x90003020 %Long 0x12345678
Data.dump AHB:0x80000000
If you want to access memory as seen by the core you can use the standard access classes like ’SD:’ for data and ’SR:’ or ’ST:’ for code memory. But the debugger can not access memory via the core when the core is running. If you want to get it accessed via AHB (MEM-AP of the DAP) only when the core is running
you need to add an ’E’ before the access class like ’ESD:’, ’ESR:’, ’EST:’
memory classes chapter.
To specify which and how target memory is accessed, there are memory classes. A memory class consists of one or more letters followed by a colon “:”. Memory classes can be applied almost everywhere an address has to be specified.
Here are some examples:
Command | Effect
DATA.LIST P:0x1000 | Opens a List window displaying program memory
DATA.SET SPR:272. %Long | Write value 0x00223344 to SPRG0
0x00223344 |
The following memory classes are available:
Memory Class | Description
P | Program
D | Data
SPR | Special Purpose Register
IC | Instruction Cache
DC | Data Cache
L2 | Level 2 cache
NC | No Cache (only physical memory)
In addition to the memory classes, there are memory class attributes. Examples:
Command | Effect
DATA.LIST SP:0x1000 | Opens a List window displaying supervisor program
| memory
DATA.SET ED:0x3330 0x4F | Write 0x4F to address 0x3330 using real-time
| memory access
The following memory class attributes are available:
Memory Class Attribute | Description
E | Use real-time memory access (not available on all CPUs)
A | Given address is physical (bypass MMU)
U | User memory
S | Supervisor memory
Memory class attributes can also be used without a memory class, but U: and S: are usually combined with D: and P: (UD: user data, SD: supervisor data, UP: user program, UD: user data).
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