Read the f*king Manuals:
command is one of:
* install package1 [package2] [...] 安装
* update [package1] [package2] [...] 更新
* check-update 检查更新
* upgrade [package1] [package2] [...] 发行版升级
* remove | erase package1 [package2] [...] 删除
* list [...] 列表
* info [...] 信息
* provides | whatprovides feature1 [feature2] [...] 提供的特征?
* clean [ packages | headers | metadata | dbcache | all ] 清除缓存
* makecache 建立缓存
* groupinstall group1 [group2] [...] 软件包组安装
* groupupdate group1 [group2] [...] 组更新
* grouplist [hidden] 组列表
* groupremove group1 [group2] [...] 组删除
* groupinfo group1 [...] 组信息
* search string1 [string2] [...] 关键字搜索
* shell [filename] 一个交互式的操作环境
* resolvedep dep1 [dep2] [...] 解决依赖性
* localinstall rpmfile1 [rpmfile2] [...] 本地安装 (相对于网络下载)
* localupdate rpmfile1 [rpmfile2] [...] 本地更新
* deplist package1 [package2] [...] 列出依赖相关
* repolist [all|enabled|disabled] 仓库列表
* help [command] 帮助。
个人喜好的缘故,喜欢纯粹的环境,就像python交互式编程,就像操作LVM一样,喜欢进入它自己的shell里一样,仍然倾向于yum shell.
[root@anaconda color-theme-6.6.0]# yum shell
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Yum Shell
> info
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* livna:
* fedora:
* adobe-linux-i386:
* updates:
* freshrpms:
livna | 2.1 kB 00:00
fedora | 2.4 kB 00:00
Name : zsh-html
Arch : i386
Version : 4.3.4
Release : 8.fc9
Size : 406 k
Repo : updates
Summary : HTML 格式的 Zsh shell 手册
License : BSD
Description: zsh shell 是一个命令解释器,可以用作一个互动的 登录 shell,也可以用作一个 shell 脚本命令处理器。 Zsh 与 ksh shell (Korn shell)
: 相似,但是包括更多改 进。Zsh 支持命令行编辑;内建拼写订正;可编程的 命令补全;shell 函数 (带自动载入);一个历史机 制;等等。 这个软件包含有 html 格式的 Zsh 手册。
> grouplist
Setting up Group Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* livna:
* fedora:
* adobe-linux-i386:
* updates:
* freshrpms:
Installed Groups:
Base (RPM Fusion Free)
Base (RPM Fusion Nonfree)
Fedora Eclipse
Miscellaneous command line tools (RPM Fusion Free)
Sound and Video (RPM Fusion Free)
Available Groups:
Games and Entertainment (RPM Fusion Free)
Fedora Packager
SUGAR Desktop Environment
Games and Entertainment (RPM Fusion Nonfree)
Hardware Support (RPM Fusion Free)
KDE (K Desktop Environment) (RPM Fusion Free)
Hardware Support (RPM Fusion Nonfree)
GNOME Desktop Environment (RPM Fusion Free)
Internet (RPM Fusion Free)
System Tools (RPM Fusion Free)
至于yum.conf文件,是yum在执行所读取的全局配置文件,分两块内容,一是main,另外一是 repository,main定义了全局的配置属性,且
cachedir 是一个存放cache和db文件的目录。默认为/var/cache/yum.
persistdir information that should persist over multiple runs.
keepcache 0或者1的选项配置。决定在成功安装软件包之后是否保持headers和packages的缓存。默认为1,即缓存。
reposdir 列出yum寻找.repo文件的目录,默认是/etc/yum/repos.d
debuglevel 调试信息的输出级别,范围是0-10,默认级别为2
errorlevel 错误信息的输出级别,范围是0-10,默认级别为2
logfile 绝对路径以及要写入的日志文件名称。
gpgcheck 0或者1的选项配置。这个选项告诉yum是否对软件包进行GPG认证检查,
assumeyes 0或者1的选项配置。决定yum在最后的动作的是否确认。
Commmand-line option: -y
alwaysprompt 0或者1的选项配置。(不会翻译)
Either ‘1’ or ‘0’. Without this option, yum will not prompt for confirmation when the
list of packages to be installed exactly matches those given on the command line.
Unless assumeyes is enabled, it will still prompt for package removal, or when addi-
tional packages need to be installed to fulfill dependencies. Default is ‘1’.
tolerant 宽容的,容忍的。
Commmand-line option: -t
exclude 列出除去升级和本地的。支持shell的匹配符。。这必须是用空格隔开的。
exactarch 0或者1的选项配置。设置为1时yum的升级仅升级系统当前的架构。例如:一旦你设置了,yum将
installonlypkgs 列出仅系统安装过的包,永远也不会升级的那种。内核就属于此类型。默认的有
kernel, kernel-smp, kernel-bigmem, nel-enterprise, kernel-debug, kernel-unsupported.
installonly_limit 可以同时在已经安装好的installonlypkgs中列出包的数量,0是禁掉此特性,默认为3
kernelpkgnames 列出内核的包的名称。
showdupesfromrepos 0或者1的选项配置。设置为1时, if you wish to show any duplicate packages from any
repository, from package listings like the info or list commands.设置为0,从任何的仓库去看新的包。
obsoletes 此属性仅作用于升级。它激活yum的旧式的进程逻辑。用于发行版级别的升级。
overwrite_groups 0或者1的选项配置.用于决定yum对于两或更多的仓库所提供的包的组使用相同的名字时的行为。
enable_group_conditionals 0或者1的选项配置.决定yum是否允许用于有条件的包,默认为1
group_package_types 列出如下类型:属性、默认值、命令。告诉YUM当"groupinstall"被调用时哪一类型的在组里包
Specifies an alternative installroot, relative to which all packages will be
Commmand-line option: --installroot
The package used by yum to determine the "version" of the distribution. This can be
any installed package. Default is ‘redhat-release’. You can see what provides this
manually by using: "yum whatprovides redhat-release".
Either ‘0’ or ‘1’. Set this to ‘0’ to disable the checking for sufficient diskspace
before a RPM transaction is run. Default is ‘1’ (perform the check).
Comma or space separated list of transaction flags to pass to the rpm transaction
set. These include ’noscripts’, ’notriggers’, ’nodocs’, ’test’, and ’repackage’. You
recent Number of days back to look for ‘recent’ packages added to a repository. Used by the
list recent command. Default is ‘7’.
Set the number of times any attempt to retrieve a file should retry before returning
an error. Setting this to ‘0’ makes yum try forever. Default is ‘10’.
Either ‘0’ or ‘1’. Set whether HTTP keepalive should be used for HTTP/1.1 servers
that support it. This can improve transfer speeds by using one connection when down-
loading multiple files from a repository. Default is ‘1’.
Number of seconds to wait for a connection before timing out. Defaults to 30 seconds.
This may be too short of a time for extremely overloaded sites.
Enable bandwidth throttling for downloads. This option can be expressed as a absolute
data rate in bytes/sec. An SI prefix (k, M or G) may be appended to the bandwidth
value (eg. ‘5.5k’ is 5.5 kilobytes/sec, ‘2M’ is 2 Megabytes/sec).
Alternatively, this option can specify the percentage of total bandwidth to use (eg.
‘60%’). In this case the bandwidth option should be used to specify the maximum
available bandwidth.
Set to ‘0’ to disable bandwidth throttling. This is the default.
Use to specify the maximum available network bandwidth in bytes/second. Used with
the throttle option (above). If throttle is a percentage and bandwidth is ‘0’ then
bandwidth throttling will be disabled. If throttle is expressed as a data rate
(bytes/sec) then this option is ignored. Default is ‘0’ (no bandwidth throttling).
List of functional commands to run if no functional commands are specified on the
command line (eg. "update foo bar baz quux"). None of the short options (eg. -y, -e,
-d) are accepted for this option.
proxy url to the proxy server that yum should use.
username to use for proxy
Either ‘0’ or ‘1’. Global switch to enable or disable yum plugins. Default is ‘0’
(plugins disabled). See the PLUGINS section of the yum(8) man for more information on
installing yum plugins.
A list of directories where yum should look for plugin modules. Default is
‘/usr/share/yum-plugins’ and ‘/usr/lib/yum-plugins’.
A list of directories where yum should look for plugin configuration files. Default
is ‘/etc/yum/pluginconf.d’.
Time (in seconds) after which the metadata will expire. So that if the current meta-
data downloaded is less than this many seconds old then yum will not update the meta-
data against the repository. If you find that yum is not downloading information on
updates as often as you would like lower the value of this option. You can also
change from the default of using seconds to using days, hours or minutes by appending
a d, h or m respectivley. The default is 1.5 hours, to compliment yum-updatesd run-
ning once an hour. It’s also possible to use the word "never", meaning that the
metadata will never expire.
Time (in seconds) after which the mirro
name 给仓库启用一个优雅的名称。
baseurl 一定是指向目录的URL,而且这个目录是yum仓库的'repodata',可以是
可以指定多个 URL在baseurl这个元素中:最好的方法类似如下所示:
name=Some name for this repository
mirrorlist 指向一个含有baseurls的列表的文件的URL.
enabled 指定0或1.此属性决定所在仓库是否可用。
Either ‘1’ or ‘0’. This tells yum whether or not it should perform a GPG signature
check on the packages gotten from this repository.
gpgkey A URL pointing to the ASCII-armoured GPG key file for the repository. This option is
used if yum needs a public key to verify a package and the required key hasn’t been
imported into the RPM database. If this option is set, yum will automatically import
the key from the specified URL. You will be prompted before the key is installed
unless the assumeyes option is set.
Multiple URLs may be specified here in the same manner as the baseurl option (above).
If a GPG key is required to install a package from a repository, all keys specified
for that repository will be installed.
Same as the [main] exclude option but only for this repository. Substitution vari-
ables, described below, are honored here.
Inverse of exclude. This is a list of packages you want to use from a repository. If
this option lists only one package then that is all yum will ever see from the repos-
itory. Defaults to an empty list. Substitution variables, described below, are hon-
ored here.
Either ‘0’ or ‘1’. Determines whether yum will allow the use of package groups for
this repository. Default is ‘1’ (package groups are allowed).
Either ‘roundrobin’ or ‘priority’.
‘roundrobin’ randomly selects a URL out of the list of URLs to start with and pro-
ceeds through each of them as it encounters a failure contacting the host.
‘priority’ starts from the first baseurl listed and reads through them sequentially.
failovermethod defaults to ‘priority’ if not specified.
Either ‘1’ or ‘0’. This tells yum whether or not HTTP/1.1 keepalive should be used
with this repository. See the global option in the [main] section above for more
Overrides the timeout option from the [main] section for this repository.
Overrides the http_caching option from the [main] section for this repository.
Overrides the retries option from the [main] section for this repository.
Overrides the throttle option from the [main] section for this repository.
Overrides the bandwidth option from the [main] section for this repository.
Overrides the metadata_expire option from the [main] section for this repository.
Overrides the mirrorlist_expire option from the [main] section for this repository.
proxy url to the proxy server for this repository. Set to ’_none_’ to disable the global
proxy setting for this repository. If this is unset it inherits it from the global
username to use for proxy. If this is unset it inherits it from the global setting
password for this proxy. If this is unset it inherits it from the global setting
cost relative cost of accessing this repository. Useful for weighing one repo’s packages
as greater/less than any other. defaults to 1000
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