# desktop.py - install data for default desktop and run level
# Matt Wilson
# Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc.
# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
# library public license.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import string #导入模块string
from rhpl.simpleconfig import SimpleConfigFile #这是个第三类的模块
import logging #导入模块logging
log = logging.getLogger("anaconda")#调用logging的实例getLogger并起名为anaconda
class Desktop (SimpleConfigFile):#定义类Desktop,
# This class represents the default desktop to run and the default runlevel
# to start in
def setDefaultRunLevel(self, runlevel): #定义setDefaultRunLevel方法
if str(runlevel) != "3" and str(runlevel) != "5": #判断必须为5
raise RuntimeError, "Desktop::setDefaultRunLevel() - Must specify runlevel as 3 or 5!" #raise关键字类似于try...exception
self.runlevel = runlevel #
def getDefaultRunLevel(self): #定义getDefaultRunLevel方法
return self.runlevel
def setDefaultDesktop(self, desktop): #定义setDefaultDesktop方法
self.info["DESKTOP"] = desktop
def getDefaultDesktop(self): #定义getDefaultDesktop方法
return self.get("DESKTOP")
def __init__ (self): #__init__构造器实现
SimpleConfigFile.__init__ (self)
self.runlevel = 3 #定义默认runlevel为3
def write (self, instPath): #定义 write方法
inittab = open (instPath + '/etc/inittab', 'r') #以读的方式打开/etc/inttab文件(注:instPath是一个全局变量,应是挂在当前系统下磁盘上的/mnt/sysimage目录
except IOError: #异常抛出
log.warning ("there is no inittab, bad things will happen!")
lines = inittab.readlines ()#读取inittab文件
inittab.close ()
inittab = open (instPath + '/etc/inittab', 'w') #以写的方式打开
for line in lines: #以每行为单位将inittab读入内存
if len (line) > 3 and line[:3] == "id:": #找到以id:为起始的那一行,且这行要大于3
fields = string.split (line, ':') #以:切片这一行
fields[1] = str (self.runlevel) #在id:后添加runlevel变量,即3(默认)
line = string.join (fields, ':') #将id:3合成一行,添加\n
inittab.write (line)#写入inittab
inittab.close ()#关闭文件描述符
f = open(instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/desktop", "w")
f.write(str (self))
看这段代码的时候,我最大的感慨就是它写入inittab这个文件是干净和利索。因为这是萦绕我一周多的问题,主要是对python的切片和文件输入/输出的理解不够。感谢python,感谢此程序的作者Matt Wilson。
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