2008-03-03 21:07:26
describes the main functionality and purpose of syslog-ng.
# 注释 :第1章 - syslog-ng 介绍
discusses the technical concepts and philosophies behind syslog-ng.
# 注释 :第2章 - syslog-ng 的基本概念
provides detailed description on configuring and managing syslog-ng as a client or a server.
# 注释 :第3章 - 配置 syslog-ng
describes how to install syslog-ng on various UNIX-based platforms using the precompiled binaries.
# 注释 :第4章 - 安装 syslog-ng
describes how to install an configure the syslog-ng agent for Microsoft Windows platforms.
# 注释 :第5章 - 从 windows 主机收集日志
gives recommendations to configure special features of syslog-ng.
# 注释 :第6章 - 实例介绍
describes common problems and their solutions.
# 注释 :第7章 - 排错和性能调整
is a reference guide of syslog-ng, describing all available parameters and options.
# 注释 :第8章 - 参考资料
contains the manual page of the syslog-ng application.
# 注释 :附录 A - syslog-ng 手册
includes the text of the GNU General Public License applicable to syslog-ng Open Source Edition.
# 注释 :附录 B - GNU GPL
provides definitions of important terms used in this guide.
provides cross-references to important terms used in this guide.