2007-08-17 21:42:01
Dired says, "no file on this line" when I try to do something. ============================================================== Chances are you're using a localized version of Unix that doesn't use US date format in dired listings. You can check this by looking at dired listings or by typing `ls -l' to a shell and looking at the dates that come out. Dired uses a regular expression to find the beginning of a file name. In a long Unix-style directory listing (`ls -l'), the file name starts after the date. The regexp has thus been written to look for the date, the format of which can vary on non-US systems. There are two approaches to solving this. The first one involves setting things up so that `ls -l' outputs US date format. This can be done by setting the locale. See your OS manual for more information. The second approach involves changing the regular expression used by dired, `dired-move-to-filename-regexp'. |