分类: 嵌入式
2013-12-17 23:46:34
原文地址:Linux 下的 hid dev 设备编程处理 作者:bluedrum
HIDIOCGVERSION | int (read) | Gets the version code out of the hiddev driver. |
HIDIOCAPPLICATION | (none) | This ioctl call returns the HID application usage associated with the hid device. The third argument to ioctl() specifies which application index to get. This is useful when the device has more than one application collection. If the index is invalid (greater or equal to the number of application collections this device has) the ioctl returns -1. You can find out beforehand how many application collections the device has from the num_applications field from the hiddev_devinfo structure. |
HIDIOCGDEVINFO | struct hiddev_devinfo (read) | Gets a hiddev_devinfo structure which describes the device. |
HIDIOCGSTRING | struct struct hiddev_string_descriptor (read/write) | Gets a string descriptor from the device. The caller must fill in the "index" field to indicate which descriptor should be returned. |
HIDIOCINITREPORT | Instructs the kernel to retrieve all input and feature report values from the device. At this point, all the usage structures will contain current values for the device, and will maintain it as the device changes. | |
HIDIOCGNAME | string (variable length) | Gets the device name |
HIDIOCGREPORT | struct hiddev_report_info (write) | Instructs the kernel to get a feature or input report from the device, in order to selectively update the usage structures (in contrast to INITREPORT). |
HIDIOCSREPORT | struct hiddev_report_info (write) | Instructs the kernel to send a report to the device. This report can be filled in by the user throughHIDIOCSUSAGE calls (below) to fill in individual usage values in the report before sending the report in full to the device. |
HIDIOCGREPORTINFO | struct hiddev_report_info (read/write) | Fills in a hiddev_report_info structure for the user. The report is looked up by type (input, output or feature) and id, so these fields must be filled in by the user. The ID can be absolute -- the actual report id as reported by the device -- or relative -- HID_REPORT_ID_FIRST for the first report, and (HID_REPORT_ID_NEXT | report_id) for the next report after report_id. Without a-priori information about report ids, the right way to use this ioctl is to use the relative IDs above to enumerate the valid IDs. The ioctl returns non-zero when there is no more next ID. The real report ID is filled into the returned hiddev_report_info structure. |
HIDIOCGFIELDINFO | struct hiddev_field_info (read/write) | Returns the field information associated with a report in a hiddev_field_info structure. The user must fill in report_id and report_type in this structure, as above. The field_index should also be filled in, which should be a number from 0 and maxfield-1, as returned from a previous HIDIOCGREPORTINFO call. |
HIDIOCGUCODE | struct hiddev_usage_ref (read/write) | Returns the usage_code in a hiddev_usage_ref structure, given that given its report type, report id, field index, and index within the field have already been filled into the structure. |
HIDIOCGUSAGE | struct hiddev_usage_ref (read/write) | Returns the value of a usage in a hiddev_usage_ref structure. The usage to be retrieved can be specified as above, or the user can choose to fill in the report_type field and specify the report_id asHID_REPORT_ID_UNKNOWN. In this case, the hiddev_usage_ref will be filled in with the report and field infomation associated with this usage if it is found. |
HIDIOCSUSAGE | struct hiddev_usage_ref (write) | Sets the value of a usage in an output report. |