分类: Oracle
2013-09-03 22:27:57
create table zcl_exam_train_officer as select * from exam_train_officer as of timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
create table zcl_exam_train_publish as select * from exam_train_publish as of timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
create table zcl_exam_train as select * from exam_train as of timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
create table zcl_officer_assigned as select * from officer_assigned as of timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
create table zcl_officer_info as select * from officer_info as of timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
create table zcl_officer_assign_detail as select * from officer_assign_detail as of timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
create table zcl_test_sites as select * from test_sites as of timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
create table zcl_officer_assign as select * from officer_assign as of timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
select count(*) from zcl_exam_train_officer union all
select count(*) from zcl_exam_train_publish union all
select count(*) from zcl_exam_train union all
select count(*) from zcl_officer_assigned union all
select count(*) from zcl_officer_info union all
select count(*) from zcl_officer_assign_detail union all
select count(*) from zcl_test_sites union all
select count(*) from zcl_officer_assign
alter table exam_train_officer enable row movement;
alter table exam_train_publish enable row movement;
alter table exam_train enable row movement;
alter table officer_assigned enable row movement;
alter table officer_info enable row movement;
alter table officer_assign_detail enable row movement;
alter table test_sites enable row movement;
alter table officer_assign enable row movement;
flashback table exam_train_officer to timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
flashback table exam_train_publish to timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
flashback table test_sites to timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
flashback table officer_info to timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
flashback table exam_train to timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
flashback table officer_assign to timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
flashback table officer_assigned to timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');
flashback table officer_assign_detail to timestamp to_date('20130903151500','yyyymmddhh24miss');