--*/ #include "stdafx.h" #include "WebExeBlockFilterImpl.h" #include "WebExeBlockFilter.h" #include "OutputDebugStringF.h" #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h>
#define NOT_LAST_CARP_SERVER_SZ "INTRA-ARRAY" #define EXECUTABLE_SIGNATURE "MZ" #define CONTENT_LENGTH_SZ "Content-Length:" #define HTTP11 "HTTP/1.1" #define HTTP10 "HTTP/1.0" #define STRING_CONST_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) - 1)
// CWebExeBlockFilterImpl()
CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::CWebExeBlockFilterImpl() { }
// ~CWebExeBlockFilterImpl()
CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::~CWebExeBlockFilterImpl() { }
// Init()
HRESULT CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::Init() { //Initialize our stuff
return S_OK; }
// Reload()
HRESULT CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::Reload() { //Reload new configuration stuff
return S_OK; }
// Shutdown()
HRESULT CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::Shutdown() { //Shutdown/cleanup our stuff
return S_OK; }
// OnReceiveRawData()
// Handle the SF_NOTIFY_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_RAW_DATA notification
DWORD CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::OnReceiveResponseRawData( PHTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT pfc, PHTTP_FILTER_RAW_DATA pRawData ) { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: OnReceiveResponseRawData called\n");
DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fNeedMoreNotifications = FALSE; //this will be set to TRUE, if we still need to process response in future notifications
// Making the filter CARP-aware.
// The filter is active only if we are in the last array server.
BOOL fIsLast = FALSE; dwError = IsLastInCARP(pfc, &fIsLast); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Ignore the returned error value from DisableResponseRawDataNotification
// and set back to the relevant error from IsLastInCARP
DisableResponseRawDataNotification(pfc); SetLastError(dwError); return SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; }
if (!fIsLast) { // In case we are not the last server in the array, the filter is disabled and shouldn't get any more
// notifications for this specific request.
if (DisableResponseRawDataNotification(pfc) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; } return SF_STATUS_REQ_NEXT_NOTIFICATION; } CWebExeBlockRequestContext* pContext = (CWebExeBlockRequestContext*)pfc->pFilterContext; if (pContext == NULL) //first time we're called, don't have a context yet, allocate one
{ pContext = new CWebExeBlockRequestContext(); if (pContext == NULL) { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: Failed to allocate memory for body\n"); dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; goto Exit; } pfc->pFilterContext = pContext; } //else - we already have a context with some raw data saved.
// save raw data just received
PWPX_FILTER_CONTEXT pfcWpx = TO_WPX_FILTER_CONTEXT(pfc); assert(pfcWpx); //
// Check for integer overflow.
if (pContext->m_dwRawDataLength + pRawData->cbInData < pRawData->cbInData) { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: Integer overflow occurred. Memory allocation can yield heap overflow.\n"); dwError = ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW; dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; goto Exit; } //
// NOTE. The memory allocated here will be released only when the session is terminated.
// Since this filter re-allocates memory for each chunk, a single session can consume a large
// amount of memory (for example, getting a 64 KByte response in single-byte chunks can cause
// memory allocation of 2GByte). It is the responsibility of the Web filter programmer to
// choose a method to avoid such memory allocation (for example, by defining a threshold
// or managing the memory in another manner).
char* pszRawData = (char*)pfcWpx->AllocMemoryPerRequest(pfc, pContext->m_dwRawDataLength + pRawData->cbInData, 0); if (pszRawData == NULL) { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: Memory allocation for the body failed.\n"); dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; goto Exit; }
// copy the old data
if (pContext->m_dwRawDataLength > 0) //if we have something from before, copy it first
{ memcpy(pszRawData, pContext->m_pszRawData, pContext->m_dwRawDataLength); } //
// copy new data
memcpy(pszRawData + pContext->m_dwRawDataLength, pRawData->pvInData, pRawData->cbInData);
// no need to delete the old memory, since it will be freed by the proxy at the
// end of this request.
pContext->m_pszRawData = pszRawData; pContext->m_dwRawDataLength += pRawData->cbInData; if (!pContext->m_fFinishedReceivingHeaders) { DWORD dwHeadersLen = 0; if (!FindEndOfHeaders(pContext->m_pszRawData, pContext->m_dwRawDataLength, &dwHeadersLen)) { fNeedMoreNotifications = TRUE; //we haven't scanned the body for the signature yet
// Fix pointer to the begining of the body, and adjust size of body
pContext->m_fFinishedReceivingHeaders = TRUE; assert(pContext->m_dwRawDataLength >= dwHeadersLen); pContext->m_dwBodyLength = pContext->m_dwRawDataLength - dwHeadersLen; pContext->m_dwContentLength = GetContentLength(pContext->m_pszRawData, pContext->m_pszRawData + dwHeadersLen);
// Important Note:
// --------------
// In this sample we only handle 200 OK responses.
// In real web filter, need to think about 100-continue, 206 responses, etc...
// In addition, we don't handle chuncked encoding, compression, etc...
DWORD dwHttpStatus; dwError = GetHttpStatus(pContext->m_pszRawData, pContext->m_pszRawData + dwHeadersLen, &dwHttpStatus); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; goto Exit; }
if (dwHttpStatus != 200) { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: Return code is: %d. This sample only handles 200 OK\n", dwHttpStatus);
fNeedMoreNotifications = FALSE; dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_NEXT_NOTIFICATION; goto Exit; } } else { pContext->m_dwBodyLength += pRawData->cbInData; //anything received after the end of the headers is part of the body
if (pContext->m_dwBodyLength > 0) { pContext->m_pszBody = pContext->m_pszRawData + pContext->m_dwRawDataLength - pContext->m_dwBodyLength; } //
// If we have in the body more than > length_of(EXECUTABLE_SIGNATURE) - look for EXECUTABLE_SIGNATURE, else continue.
// NOTE - in this sample, the signature we look for is in the begining and is very small, so there's
// no problem in the fact that we accumulate the data and perform the check before forwarding the response to the
// client. In other cases, if your signature is large, or might appear in the middle of a file, then you
// need to handle responses carefully - especially when content length is unknown. Avoid accumulating too much data!
// In case we found the signature in the begining of the body, this is an attachment.
// We will block it.
// (In this sample, we just return an error from the filter. The request will be dropped.
// Potentially, you could return your own error page to the client).
dwError = ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED; //In this sample, we'll use this error to indicate an exe was blocked
dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; goto Exit; } else //this doesn't start with the signature, so this is not an exe
{ OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: Checked response body, this is not an exe\n"); //
// We know this is not an exe, so we can send all the data we have accumulated until now.
fNeedMoreNotifications = FALSE; dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_NEXT_NOTIFICATION; goto Exit; } } else if (pContext->m_dwContentLength < STRING_CONST_SIZE(EXECUTABLE_SIGNATURE)) { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: The response body is not an exe\n"); //
// We know this is not an exe, so we can send all the data we have accumulated until now.
fNeedMoreNotifications = FALSE; dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_NEXT_NOTIFICATION; goto Exit; } else //We didn't receive yet enough of the response body, so we need future notifications to check for the signature
{ fNeedMoreNotifications = TRUE; dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_READ_NEXT; }
Exit: //
// We don't require anymore notifications:
// - either we already know if this is an exe or not
// - or we had an error, so no point to continue checking the response
if (!fNeedMoreNotifications && dwStatus != SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR) { DWORD dwLocalError = DisableResponseRawDataNotification(pfc); if (dwLocalError != NO_ERROR) { if (dwError == NO_ERROR) //override the error only if we don't have a previous error
{ dwError = dwLocalError; } dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; }
// set the raw data to point to our accumulated buffer, and pass it back
// to the proxy, to send to the client.
pRawData->pvInData = pContext->m_pszRawData; pRawData->cbInBuffer = pContext->m_dwRawDataLength; pRawData->cbInData = pContext->m_dwRawDataLength;
pContext->m_pszRawData = NULL; pContext->m_dwRawDataLength = 0; } else { //
// set the raw data to 0, until we determine if this response is ok or not
pRawData->pvInData = NULL; pRawData->cbInBuffer = 0; pRawData->cbInData = 0; } if (dwStatus == SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR) { assert(!fNeedMoreNotifications); SetLastError(dwError);
if (pContext != NULL) { delete pContext; pfc->pFilterContext = NULL; } } return dwStatus; }
// OnEndOfRequest()
// Handle the SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_REQUEST notification
DWORD CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::OnEndOfRequest( PHTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT pfc) { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: OnEndOfRequest called\n");
DWORD dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_NEXT_NOTIFICATION; CWebExeBlockRequestContext* pContext = (CWebExeBlockRequestContext*)pfc->pFilterContext;
if (pContext != NULL && pContext->m_dwRawDataLength > 0) { //
// send the accumulated data to the client
if (!pfc->WriteClient(pfc, pContext->m_pszRawData, &pContext->m_dwRawDataLength, 0)) { dwStatus = SF_STATUS_REQ_ERROR; } pContext->m_pszRawData = NULL; pContext->m_dwRawDataLength = 0; }
pfc->pFilterContext = NULL; delete pContext; return dwStatus; }
// Helper function to disable SF_NOTIFY_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_RAW_DATA notification
DWORD CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::DisableResponseRawDataNotification(PHTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT pfc) { DWORD dwError = NO_ERROR; BOOL fRet = FALSE; //
// Note that we don't disable SF_NOTIFY_END_OF_REQUEST, since we still need it for cleanup
PWPX_FILTER_CONTEXT pfcWpx = TO_WPX_FILTER_CONTEXT(pfc); assert(pfcWpx); fRet = pfcWpx->WPXSupportFunction( pfc, SF_REQ_DISABLE_WPX_NOTIFICATIONS, NULL, SF_NOTIFY_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_RAW_DATA, 0 ); if (!fRet) { dwError = GetLastError(); OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: Failed to disable WPX notifications. Error: %d\n", dwError); return dwError; } return NO_ERROR; }
// FindEndOfHeaders()
// Helper function which checks if we've received the end of the headers.
// Returns TRUE if received all the headers, and FALSE otherwise.
// On return, *pdwHeadersLen is set to be the length of the headers.
BOOL CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::FindEndOfHeaders( const char* pszData, const DWORD dwDataLen, DWORD* pdwHeadersLen ) { if (pszData == NULL || pdwHeadersLen == NULL) { return FALSE; } for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwDataLen; i++) { if (pszData[i] == '\n' && i + 1 < dwDataLen) { if (pszData[i + 1] == '\n') { if (pdwHeadersLen != NULL) { *pdwHeadersLen = i + 2; } return TRUE; } else if (pszData[i + 1] == '\r' && i + 2 < dwDataLen && pszData[i + 2] == '\n') { if (pdwHeadersLen != NULL) { *pdwHeadersLen = i + 3; } return TRUE; } } }
if (pdwHeadersLen != NULL) { *pdwHeadersLen = 0; }
return FALSE; }
// GetContentLength()
// Helper function which returns the content length value from the headers.
// If the content length header does no exist, the function returns ULONG_MAX.
DWORD CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::GetContentLength(const char* pszHeaders, char* pszHeadersEnd) { if (pszHeaders == NULL || pszHeadersEnd == NULL) { return ULONG_MAX; }
const char *pszContentLength = pszHeaders; const char *const pszFixed = CONTENT_LENGTH_SZ; BOOL fContentFound = FALSE; //
// Code that can handle headers containing '\0' charactacters is needed to
// find the "Content-Length:" field in a header. Functions like strstr() that
// rely on zero termination are not suitable for this purpose. The following
// while loop in GetContentLength relies on the pointer pszHeadersEnd to
// identify the end of the header string and can therefore handle strings
// containing '\0' characters.
while (pszContentLength <= pszHeadersEnd - STRING_CONST_SIZE(CONTENT_LENGTH_SZ) ) { for(int i = 0; i < STRING_CONST_SIZE(CONTENT_LENGTH_SZ) - 1 && pszContentLength[i] == pszFixed[i]; i++); if (i==STRING_CONST_SIZE(CONTENT_LENGTH_SZ)) { fContentFound = TRUE; break; } pszContentLength++; }
if (!fContentFound) { return ULONG_MAX; }
// skip white spaces
while (pszContentLength < pszHeadersEnd && (*pszContentLength == ' ' || *pszContentLength == '\t')) { pszContentLength++; }
char* pszContentLengthEnd = NULL; return strtoul(pszContentLength, &pszContentLengthEnd, 10); }
// GetHttpStatus()
// Helper function which returns HTTP status code.
DWORD CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::GetHttpStatus( const char* pszHeaders, const char* pszHeadersEnd, DWORD* pdwHttpStatus ) { if (pszHeadersEnd - pszHeaders <= STRING_CONST_SIZE(HTTP11) || pszHeadersEnd - pszHeaders <= STRING_CONST_SIZE(HTTP10) || pdwHttpStatus == NULL) { return ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED; }
const char* pszCurr = pszHeaders;
if (strncmp(pszCurr, HTTP11, STRING_CONST_SIZE(HTTP11)) != 0) { if (strncmp(pszCurr, HTTP10, STRING_CONST_SIZE(HTTP10)) != 0) { return ERROR_REQUEST_ABORTED; }
pszCurr += STRING_CONST_SIZE(HTTP10); } else { pszCurr += STRING_CONST_SIZE(HTTP11); }
// skip white spaces
while (pszCurr < pszHeadersEnd && (*pszCurr == ' ' || *pszCurr == '\t')) { pszCurr++; }
char* pszStatusEnd = NULL; *pdwHttpStatus = strtoul(pszCurr, &pszStatusEnd, 10);
// IsLastInCARP()
DWORD CWebExeBlockFilterImpl::IsLastInCARP(PHTTP_FILTER_CONTEXT pfc, BOOL *pfIsLast) { char *chBuf = NULL; DWORD dwBufSize = 0; DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (pfIsLast == NULL || pfc == NULL) { dwError = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Exit; }
// GetServerVariable should fail and return the required buffer size.
if( pfc->GetServerVariable(pfc, "ROUTING", chBuf, &dwBufSize) || dwBufSize ==0) { OutputDebugStringA("WEBEXEBLOCK: unexpected behavior of GetServerVariable.\n"); dwError = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; goto Exit; } dwError = GetLastError(); if (dwError == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { chBuf = new char[dwBufSize]; if ( !chBuf ) { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: memory allocation failed. Error: %d\n", dwError); dwError = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } } else { OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: GetServerVariable failed. Error: %d\n", dwError); goto Exit; } if( !pfc->GetServerVariable(pfc, "ROUTING", chBuf, &dwBufSize) ) { dwError = GetLastError(); OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: GetServerVariable failed. Error: %d\n", dwError); goto Exit; } OutputDebugStringF("WEBEXEBLOCK: ROUTING server variable is %s.\n",chBuf);
if (!strncmp( NOT_LAST_CARP_SERVER_SZ , chBuf, dwBufSize) ) { *pfIsLast = FALSE; OutputDebugStringA("WEBEXEBLOCK: response from array member.\n"); } else { *pfIsLast = TRUE; OutputDebugStringA("WEBEXEBLOCK: Response from external server.\n"); }
Exit: if (chBuf) { delete[] chBuf; chBuf= NULL; } return dwError; }