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  • 博客访问: 4097814
  • 博文数量: 1015
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  • 博客等级: 上将
  • 技术积分: 8572
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  • 注册时间: 2008-07-04 19:16















2008-11-14 00:31:08


通过Xmodem命令(注:Xmodem与实际的modem没有任何联系 只是一个传输协议 数据是通过终端的串口和路由器的Console口灌进去的)升级IOS
2、在这个模式下,输入Xmodem命令,即: rommon 2 > xmodem -c c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin (-c是带校验,c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin为存放在PC机上的IOS映像文件) WARNING: All existing data in bootflash will be lost! Invoke this application only for disaster recovery. Do you wish to continue? y/n [n]: y
Ready to receive file c2600-i-mz.122-11.bin …… (此时在超级终端的传送栏目=> 选择发送文件选项 => 再选择Xmodem 并指明IOS映像文件所在的路径,按发送即开始上传IOS,等待时间很长,视IOS的大小和传输速度。) Erasing flash at 0x607c0000 program flash location 0x605b0000 Download Complete! 传完以后,对整个系统初始化 Router>采用这种方法时,由于使用console口来传送,速率为9600bps,需要时间较长。因此可修改console口速率利用xmodem命令实现快速升级IOS.
具体方法如下: rommon 1 > confreg 回车 Configuration Summary enabled are: load rom after netboot fails console baud: 9600 boot: image specified by the boot system commands or default to: cisco2-C2600 do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: y (选择 yes)
enable "diagnostic mode"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
enable "use net in IP bcast address"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
disable "load rom after netboot fails"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
enable "use all zero broadcast"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
enable "break/abort has effect"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
enable "ignore system config info"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
change console baud rate? y/n [n]: y (选择 yes)
enter rate: 0 = 9600, 1 = 4800, 2 = 1200, 3 = 2400 4 = 19200, 5 = 38400, 6 = 57600, 7 = 115200 [0]: 7 (选择 7,用最大的11520 速率的xmodem传输) change the boot characteristics? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
Configuration Summary enabled are: load rom after netboot fails console baud: 115200 boot: image specified by the boot system commands or default to: cisco2-C2600 do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
rommon 2 > reset 回车注意:在按reset键前,需要修改串口速度(我的电脑——端口属性——串口速度调为115200),然后再修改超级终端里设置速率为115200,记住,一定要这么做,否则会出现乱码! 然后关闭这个超级终端,重新建立一个超级终端连接,重新启动系统后,出现rommon 1> 提示符然后,输入 rommon 1> xmodem -r
Do not start the sending program yet…… Invoke this application only for disaster recovery. Do you wish to continue? y/n [n]: y (选择 yes) Ready to receive file …… 此时,在超级终端的菜单上的“传送”——“发送文件”——选择IOS映像文件所在地以及选择使用“xmodem”协议,点击“发送”即可。等待10-20分钟左右就可升级完3-6M的IOS文件!待升级完成后,请记住修改回计算机串口与超级终端、路由器confreg下的xmodem等传输速率为9600bps. 方法如下:
Router>en 进入新IOS的特权模式
Router#reload 重启系统 Proceed with reload? [confirm] 回车 按ctrl+break键
rommon 1 > confreg ( 输入“confreg”命令)
Configuration Summary enabled are: load rom after netboot fails console baud: 115200 boot: image specified by the boot system commands or default to: cisco2-C2600 do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: y (选择 yes)
enable "diagnostic mode"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
enable "use nn IP bcast address"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
disable "load rom after netboot fails"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
enable "use all zero broadcast"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
enable "break/abort has effect"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
enable "ignore system config info"? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
change console baud rate? y/n [n]: y (选择 yes)
enter rate: 0 = 9600, 1 = 4800, 2 = 1200, 3 = 2400 4 = 19200, 5 = 38400, 6 = 57600, 7 = 115200 [7]: 0 (选择 0,改回用标准速率速率9600的xmodem传输) change the boot characteristics? y/n [n]: n (选择 no)
Configuration Summary enabled are: load rom after netboot fails console baud: 9600 boot: image specified by the boot system commands or default to: cisco2-C2600 do you wish to change the configuration? y/n [n]: n
You must reset or power cycle for new config to take effect
rommon 2 > 此时手工改回计算机串口与超级终端2者传输速率为9600然后敲入 rommon 2 >reset 最好关掉电源后,重新启动。
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