Here you will find a list of C and C++ development environments, both
free and commercial. The list is further subdivided by platform.
Free Development
Before you shell out your hard earned cash to Borland or Microsoft
(or anyone!) for a C or C++ development environment, I urge you to try
out one of the free alternatives described below. They are all
professional quality, and have been used to build countless successful
commercial software applications.
Cross platform
There are some IDEs that exist on a variety of platforms. Want to be
able to work on your project under Linux at home and Windows at your
school/work with the same IDE ? Look no further.
Code::Blocks is a somewhat new player to the IDE scene but is quickly
gaining on other players such as Dev-C++. Simple to use and powerful,
it can work with a multitude of compilers including MinGW32, Intel's
compiler, or the free from Microsoft, among
others. Available for Windows and Linux.
- As of April 2006, however, the version on the main page of the
site is still the outdated release candidate 2 from October 2005.
Drastic improvements have been made since then (rc2 doesn't even compile
in an up-to-date linux distro, iirc) so you're much better of getting a
- +
Eclipse is a very modular open-source cross-platform IDE that work with
multiple languages. CDT is a set of plugins to use it to develop and
debug C/C++. Compiler isn't shipped, so if you want to use it under
Windows, you'll have to install MinGW yourself. If you need a level
editor, you may want to consider implementing it as a plugin for Eclipse
to get advantage of its multi-document user interface, project
management, and version control plug-ins. Plug-ins are easy to write
thanks to the powerful integrated plugin development environment.
- GCC is not a
development environment, but just a compiler. This is the standard
compiler for Linux and BSD, and and
are ports of this compiler to DOS and Windows, and also contains
this compiler. guide shows the basics of compiling
code with GCC.
- The choice of anyone longing
for Borland ease of use and beyond, Qt Designer is a solid
cross-platform GUI application development environment for C++. It
features an innovative form designer, a code editor with code completion
capabilities, a cross-platform widget library and many other tools, all
thoroughly documented. The Open Source Edition is for Free and Open
Source application development only.
Powerfull C++ IDE along with multi-plattform GUI-lib. Exploiting modern
C++ template techniques to simplify GUI-developement without the need
of code-generators. Standalone or bundled with MingW (under MS-Windows)
other compilers can be integrated.
- Like Emacs,
Vim is a powerful editor, seeking to provide the power of the de-facto
Unix editor 'Vi', with a more complete feature set. Vim can be used as a
complete development environment for many programming languages. The project
also provide an easy-to-use configuration that simplifies development.
Vim is cross platform, and is available for other OSes (including
Yet another toolkit for cross-platform, cross-language GUI application
development. Made in Japan with a lot of insight, but presents outdated
appearance, lacks visual debugging and smart editing facilities.
Many free development environments for Windows rely on the excellent project for a
compiler. MinGW (which stands for Minimalist GNU for Windows)
provides a native Windows version of the popular GCC compiler from the .
Don't forget that for windows you can also use the Cross-Platform
ones above!
- A stripped down version of Borland
Developer Studio 2006, generates Win32 native executables. Its IDE is
built by using VCL (Borland Visual Component Library), has its own GUI
designer utilizing VCL. Free-of-charge version (Explorer) of it has a
limitation which doesnt allow installing 3rd Party Components into IDE,
but you can use included components to build and distribute your
application without limitation.
- For
those who prefer to work in a UNIX-like environment, Cygwin brings the
power of UNIX to Windows. You can use all of your favourite GNU
development tools within Cygwin, thereby enabling you to use the same
compilation scripts across platforms.
- Dev-C++
Dev-C++ is a very popular, mature and open-source IDE written in
Pascal. You can download it with MinGW already installed, or you can
download a stripped down version and install the MinGW compiler on your
own. There is an extension of Dev-C++ called .
This program helps you to create Dialogs and Frames for visually. There was also a
Linux-Version once, but its development didn't get very far.
- A 'C' IDE, compiler and debugger
for Windows. Free for non-commercial use.
MinGW Studio is a freely (as in free beer, no open source) available
light-weight, yet full-featured C/C++ IDE. Unfortunately it's not being
developed anymore.
MSYS is a Minimal SYStem developed by the makers of MinGW. It
is quite similar to Cygwin, as it is a UNIX-like environment for
Windows. However, it's a little lighter weight than Cygwin and is
designed to work well with MinGW.
Open Watcom is a cross platform C/C++ compiler with a rich collection
of tools, and it's free. It comes with a simple IDE. The IDE is old
fashion by today's standards but it has the advantage of being very
light weight.
Visual-MinGW is still in its infancy, but is already quite usable. A
very nice light-weight IDE, designed specifically with MinGW in mind.
- A stripped
down version of Visual Studio 2005, targeted specifically at students
and hobbyists, and supporting only the C++ language (Express Editions
supporting other languages are also available). All of the Express
Editions of Visual Studio seem to be aimed at people writing managed
code for the .NET 2.0 VM, but the C++ version can also generate native
executables with the (actually,
it can compile console-only programs without the SDK, but not win32
apps). Of the of the Express Edition of VC++
the ones probably of the most interest to game programmers are the
missing 64-bit compiler, the missing compiler optimizations (such as
profile-guided optimization, but it does include other optimizations),
the missing MASM assembler (), and the inability to
create or compile MFC apps (also, the included GUI designer can only
generate code which uses .NET's Windows Forms).
Every Linux distribution will come with the GCC compiler, and the
assorted GNU development tools. If you're comfortable working with
source code as raw text, then GCC is all you'll need. But if you prefer
to work within an IDE, read on.
Anjuta is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for C and
C++ on GNU/Linux. It mainly targets GTK for User Interface development.
Emacs is the mother of all text editors, but to call it simply a text
editor is a massive understatement. Emacs can be used as your C or C++
development environment, and its flexibility and scriptability enable
you to do pretty much anything you could conceive of.
- KDevelop is included with
many modern Linux distributions, and is a full featured C/C++
development environment including support for gdb (debugger), valgrind
(finds memory management problems), Doxygen (creates documentations
automatically), cvs, svn... It also supports many other programming,
scripting and markup languages. In recent versions, KDevelop includes an
Dialog Editor called KDevelop Designer, which is a modified version of
QT Designer that includes some KDE-specific Widgets. Since KDE is in the
process of being ported to Windows and Mac OS X, KDevelop will someday
also run on those two platforms natively. It already does support cross
compiling so you can compile Windows applications in Linux (or ppc
binaries on a x86).
MacOS X is actually a UNIX-like operating system. Yes, it sure looks
pretty and flashy, but underneath it all is . MacOS X comes with
GCC, along with the standard suite of GNU development tools.
- Xcode
- Xcode is available to you on your
MacOS X CD-ROMs, and can also be downloaded from Apple's website (though
a free sign-up is required). Xcode is an excellent IDE for C
and C++, and if you're working from a Mac, you might as well take
advantage of it!
If you like DOS games, why not make some? DOS isn't dead!
The excellent DJGPP compiler, along with lots of other DOS programming
information can be found . DJGPP works well with the popular development
environment and is also compatible with :
A great open-source multi-platform game programming library, which is
even easier to use than DirectX! (Graphics libraries and source code
examples for DJGPP and Allegro can be found .)
Development Environments
- A solid C++ development environment, with
plenty of history.
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