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2008-06-06 13:50:46

5B Unit 2 教学方案
第一部分 简要提示 
一、年级:五年级      二、单元:第二单元
三、课题:A telephone call      四、课型:新授课 
五、教学内容: 单元Part E、F、H
 六、 教学目标:
1.进一步掌握句型How do you feel now? I still feel…
   What’s wrong with you? I’ve got…
I’m sorry to hear that.
Sorry, wrong number.
4. Say a rhyme “I’m ill”
5. 了解元音字母o在闭音节单词中的读音。
第二部分  教学过程
1T Boys and girls before we start our lesson, let’s enjoy a rhyme first..PPT3
2.T: Now, look at the picture of the text and answer my questions.PPT4
Who is not at school today?
What’s wrong with Helen?
 What will Su Yang get for Helen?
3.T: Now, open your books, boys and girls. Let’s read the text together.
4. T: Boys and girls, I have another picture here. Can you make a new dialogue according to the text of part A?同学们,你们能不能根据屏幕上的这副图编一个与我们课文A部分相似的对话呢?试一试吧。PPT5
1 Review the words:
T: I think all of you can read the text very well. OK, now look at the screen and tell me  what’s wrong with them? Please read after me.先请大家跟我读。 PPT6
S: A’s/ B’s got a ….
2 Practice the dialogue:
A  game:
2)T: Here I have some pictures for you. Can you ask and answer in pairs? You can use the sentences here. 下面请同学们用以下的句型来说一说这几幅图片吧。PPT7
3.Part F
T: Very good. Now, boys and girls, can you read these telephone numbers? PPT8 Can you tell me your telephone number? OK. Now, let’s play a game.下面我们来玩一个游戏,请同学们四个人一小组。请大家把自己的电话号码写在这张纸上,但并不告诉别人哪个是你的号码。然后每个人都打一个电话给你想找的同学。接电话的同学如果发现对方打错了,你可以说‘Sorry, wrong number’.我们先来看看这些同学是怎么说的吧。
4.Part E
T: Boys and girls, after the funny game, I have a story for you. Would you like to listen to it? PPT9
S: Yes. (观看课件中的动画故事)
T: You can also read the story in your books. Part E.
Now, let’s read the dialogue sentence by sentence.PPT10
5. Part G
T: Now, please look at the screen, kids. PPT12 Can you read these words?
Yes, brother, love, monkey, mother.
T: Yes. Here the letter “o” pronounced //.
Can you read the sentence? PPT13
T: Great! Let’s read these words again.
5. Part H
T: Let’s  enjoyed the rhyme‘I’m ill’ now.同学们,我们一起来欣赏小诗‘I’m ill’ (听一遍)
let’s learn to read it. 下面我们就一起来学一学吧。
(总结:Today we learned Part E, F, G, H of Unit 2. We learned a story and a nice rhyme. I hope you can make a short play with your friend and review Unit 2 by yourselves after class. 同学们,今天我们学习了第二单元的E,F,G,H部分。我们学了一则故事和一首儿歌。希望大家在课后可以跟你的朋友编一段医生和病人的对话,并认真地复习本单元内容。好了,今天的内容就到这里了,同学们再见。)
第三部分  说明
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