2010-07-08 23:25:40
If you want to add a node which has been added and deleted on that OVO management server, maybe you will encounter this kind of problem:
OpC60-2010 Failed to create new Node: Object exists already.
A) Possible "quick" solution.
# opcdbidx -dupl_check
# opcdbidx -dupl_fix
Quick because two commands are required. But may be slow to execute. Basically the opcdbidx should have solved.
If all fails then go to B). Make sure to have a backup, because you are deleting straight in Oracle.
B) Under the hood.
1. Delete the (old) node from the oracle db. Make sure you don't delete a valid node.
#su - oracle
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
2) Run following sql statement to remove odd information of node.
./svrmgrl OR sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
SVRMGR>connect internal;
SQL Statements:
select * from opc_op.opc_node_names where node_name='fully qual name'; (get the node_id for that node and write it down)
delete from opc_op.opc_nodes where node_id='node_id';
delete from opc_op.opc_nodes_in_group where node_id='node_id';
delete from opc_op.opc_layout_nodes where node_id='node_id';
delete from opc_op.opc_node_config where node_id='node_id';
delete from opc_op.opc_node_names where node_name='fully qual name';
delete from opc_act_messages where node_id="node_id";
delete from opc_hist_messages where node_id="node_id";