在数据网络业界拥有近15年的行业工作经验。 曾和朋友一起创建公司,并担任CTO,负责在技术方面制定公司整体技术发展方向和规划,组建技术团队,并配合销售团队一同完成公司年度计划指标。
2011-03-17 18:07:54
The structures: There is + singular noun and There are + plural noun are used in descriptions in the present. For example:
There is a large sink in the kitchen.There is a closet next to the door.There are three bedrooms in the house.There are four chairs in the dining room.
Is can be contracted to -s:
There's a washing machine in the hall.There's a garage downstairs.
There is and It is are different. There is + singular noun is used to introduce the noun. It refers to a specific noun that has already been mentioned. For example:
There is a dining room next to the kitchen. It is large and has two windows.There is a bathroom next to the bedroom. It is the only bathroom.