昨晚做了个梦,去美国TMD让狗咬了。还和老外speak english. 让狗咬了就醒了。发现自己的胳膊没有受伤,很庆幸。
起来洗完face,想起答应兄弟的事,帮他写写复试的英语面试,Introduce himself, His College Life, The Motivity of Takeint the Entrance Exam of Post-graduate. I haven't written for a loooooong time! When I scrabbed the pen, no feeling, even don't know what to write. Now I nearly forgot how to finish the articles. :->
After that, breakfast, met a teacher I don't want to expect.
不写英文了,Go to hell. 毕业了,还有什么能用到?只要会读就OK,呵呵,幸运的自己还能读,还能说(昨天在梦里说的)。

写点东西发泄一下? 看看毕业设计,还有我的服务器。路还在脚下...................
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