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2010-11-05 15:03:32

The fact is there are many families whose homes have been evacuated Everyone I know talks about making little mistakes in all parts of defected their lives every day - that's what trauma/sleep-deprivation/ anxiety will do to you - and as long as the aftershocks continue, anxiety will remain high for everyone. We don't know what the next minute/hour/day will bring in the way of danger. We are also very sensitive to any signals of earthquake - leaving town doesn't guarantee peace as people are jumpy and startle at unexpected noises or trucks rumbling by.

One problem is that people think that because no-one died and the emergency services were so efficient that 90 per cent of the greater Christchurch area had essential services restored within a week, it's a bit of a non-event. At the very least, we should be "over it" and back to normal. So people feel guilty about complaining. Cantabrians also have a reputation for being staunch - it's shameful to admit you're afraid or anxious and not coping.

The fact is there are many families whose homes have been evacuated - these people are still paying mortgages and having to rent elsewhere and live normal lives. There are also many people "camping" in defected damaged homes - no water and no sewerage, so there is a Portaloo in the garden and water has to be collected.
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