/tmp Directory Full /tmp目录满了
Several files are created in the /tmp directory as you run SeisWorks. If these files become corrupted and are not deleted when you reboot, you may have problems when you next attempt to open SeisWorks. To fix this problem, look for the files in /tmp, delete them, exit SeisWorks, and then start SeisWorks again. You can safely delete any of the following files.
*zycor.log (Export to Z-MAP Plus log)
“sys” Directory Full “sys”目录满了
During an interpretative session, SeisWorks creates certain temporary files and writes them to the project sys directory. Under normal circumstances, these files are cleared when you exit SeisWorks. If they are not deleted, you may find your sys directory becoming full. To remedy the situation, you can remove any of the following file types.
hzbf.w# horizon buffers 层位缓冲文件
v map buffer files map缓冲文件
.w3s temporary session files 临时session文件
tmp.* Z-MAP Plus sorting files Z_MAP 排序文件
我在单位机器上用以下设置(在用户下以root身份用vi建个文本文件dk,加进如下内容保存,然后chmod 555 dk。执行dk即可清除/tmp目录和地震工区目录下无用的文件。用同样的方法,也可把个人的Z-Map作图目录加进来,删除诸如 .lck, .LCK, tmp.*, core 文件。如果编个角本程序当每次退出SeisWorks时能自动运行并清理垃圾文件,也是一种方法。注意:在用户还没有退出SeisWorks时,不能进行下述操作,否则,用户将无法保存当前的 session。即,你没退出SeisWorks就删除了临时session文件:.w3s,这时你就无法保存你当前的session):
rm /home/blade/owuser/*.lck
rm /home/blade/owuser/*.LCK
rm /home/blade/owuser/tmp.*
rm /home/blade/owuser/core
rm /home/blade/owuser/*.ZCL
rm /home/blade/owuser/*.ZCL2
rm /home/blade/owuser/ZimsOW_List
rm /home/blade/owuser/ZPLUS.ERR
rm /home/blade/owuser/ZPLUS.RHF
rm /home/blade/owuser/VOLUMES.OUT
rm /home/blade/owuser/POSMEM4_0
rm /tmp/*.dirdat
rm /tmp/*.fs.lst
rm /tmp/*.plist.tmp
rm /tmp/swild.ctr
rm /tmp/upd.prj
rm /tmp/*zycor.log
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/v*
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/*.w3s
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/hzbf*.w*
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/tmp.*
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/core
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/*.w2s
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/*.inp
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/tmpcgm*
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/tmp NNNNa
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/vNNNNNNNNNNxx
rm /home/OWPROJ/hjq072d/NNNNNNNNNNxx.w3s
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/v*
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/*.w3s
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/hzbf*.w*
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/tmp.*
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/core
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/*.w2s
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/*.inp
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/tmpcgm*
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/tmp NNNNa
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/vNNNNNNNNNNxx
rm /home4/OWPROJ/hjq072d/NNNNNNNNNNxx.w3s
(1)Unix下:sysdef -h
例如:本机的hostid为340abc13,则v* 为v340abc13*
find /pa/lamprj -name "v340a4413*" -exec rm -f {} \;
find /pa/lamprj -name "340a4413*.3ws" -exec rm -f {} \;
find /pa/lamprj -name "*inp" -exec rm -f {} \;
find /pa/lamprj -name "tmpcgm*" -exec rm -f {} \;
find /pa/lamprj -name "core" -exec rm -f {} \;
在终端窗口运行命令 swadmmenu 或从OpenWorks Command Menu打开Seismic Project Manager,进入SeisWorks Fault Data Manager,在File菜单下:
运行Clean Fault Data可批量清除损坏的断层数据;
运行Delete Statistics可清除tune统计信息。这些信息是由运行OpenWorks Project Tune utility而遗留在SeisWorks断层表中。通常,运行OpenWorks Project Tune会提升数据库性能,但由其产生的统计信息可能会大大降低SeisWorks断层检索性能。(例如,如果一个地震工区有许多断层段和断距,SeisWorks的性能可能会降低。)
另外,通过OpenWorks Project Reporting选项,可以查看OpenWorks工区断层数据问题,以便及时剔除异常值。
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