step1 Make sure that samba server has installed in the server. run command: rpm -qa |grep samba
step2 Make a share directory, run command: mkdir /home/tools, then chmod 777 -R /home/tools
step3 vi /etc/samab/smb.conf(Firstly, backup smb.conf as smb.conf.bak)
add the following scripts at the end of smb.conf
#This is a shared directory added by customed.
comment = Share by all
path = /home/tools
public = yes
writable = yes
browseable = yes
step4 Create samba user
step1 adduser samba
step2 passwd samba
step3 touch /etc/samba/smbpasswd
step4 smbpasswd -a samba
step5 Test samba server
use command: smbclient -L //localhost/share -U samba
step6 Restart smb server, then you got it
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