2007-04-25 18:58:59
Helping the homeless Helping the homeless 帮助无家可归的人 [the + adj]表示具备这种特征性质的人 homeless adj.无家可归的,无家的 eg:无家可归的人 a homeless person the + homeless (复数),无家可归之人 eg:The homeless sometimes have to sleep in the streets. eg:The resort is crowded with the rich an famous in winter. resort [简明英汉词典] [ri5zC:t] vi.求助, 诉诸, 采取(某种手段等), 常去 n.凭借, 手段, 常去之地, 胜地 eg:she gives a lot of money to the poor. HI. 是美国人之间用来打招呼很随意的说法,当别人用"HI"来招呼你,回答通常也是HI. hi,victor hi,Betty. Hi Hi,thanks for coming Hi,how are you doing? 比"hi"更正式的问候语有这样一些,当与人初次见面或是在会议,会谈等重要场合,应用如下说法: 1.Good morning/afternoon/evening. 2.How nice to see you. 3.Hello,Victor. 4.How are you? 比"hi"更随意的问候语有这些,与熟人打招呼时使用: 1.What's happening? 2.what's new? 3.How are you doing? 4.what's up? 5.Long time no see. thanks thanks 英语中表示"感谢"对方的说法有不少,最常用的是"thank you", 而习惯搭配是[thank you for....],由于for是介词,它后面应当用名词性的成分,如果要用动词, 其后必需加"ing"来把动词名词化. Thank you for the book. Thank you for your gift. Thank you for your info(mation). V-ing. Thank you for coming. Thank you for calling. Thank you for helping me. 而随意的说法是:"thanks" Thanks for bringing my bag. Thanks for coming. Thanks for the ride [简明英汉词典] [raid] v.骑, 乘 n.骑, 乘 这里的"thanks"仍为动词,当然它也可以用作名词,这时后面不接"for" Thanks a lot. Many thanks. Thanks a bunch.bunch [简明英汉词典] n.串, 束v.捆成一束 *thanks + to "because of"由于,因为之意 Thanks (to) her help,I found my key. hey 美语中用来表吃惊surprise,愉悦pleasure,或是有疑问questioning的语气词 Hey,you guys,wait for me! Hey,that's my bike! 也常用来引起他人注意get attention Hey! Come see my new car! Hey! I've got a girl friend. 第三个用法是与极熟的人打招呼,想当于hello,hi: Hey,Victor. Hey,How's it going? Hey,What's up? church church是基督教徒聚在一起进行祈祷的建筑物-教堂. We came to a church and went inside to sit and enjoy the quiet. church还用来表示教会或是教徒的聚会. I'll see you after church. since church. 口语中用到的重要的词是churchyard churchyard [简明英汉词典] n.墓地, 境内 churchgoer/churchgoers经常上教堂的人. 相关的:庙/寺.temple 清真诗.mosque. pins and needles pin:大头针,别针.也指衣服的装饰用针 to wear a beautiful gold pin on the coat. needle 缝衣的针,医院手术后的缝线的针,医生注射用的针,也指带针的眼. to tread a needle for sb. 大海捞针 a needle in a haystack haystack [简明英汉词典] n.干草堆 on pins and needles:忧虑,焦灼不安. Don't keep your girl friend on pins and needles,give her a call immediately. pins and needles指久坐未动,手脚像针扎一样麻木的感觉. 常用搭配:get pins and needles. May I sit down?I've got pins and needles in my legs after standing here for such a long time. 引伸:pin极小,美语口语形容出奇的安静,无声音时,会这样说:You can hear a pin drop. When her ex-husband walked in,you could hear a pin drop. It's so quiet you can hear a pin drop. pin 和 needle作动词时,口语中常说: pin sb. down to(源于把..钉牢)逼某人做出决定或是选择 You should try to pin him down to his promise pin sth. down:发现或是找到某事的情的细节. The detective finally pinned down the identity of the killer. needle sb. about...(故意地)说些不中听的话刺激对方.(用话)来挑逗对方,惹对方发作 John always needles Bob about his lack of guts.(胆小)