使用 du -sh * 可以显示指定目录下各文件/目录的大小情况,但是输出结果不够人性化(human-readable),以 /usr/share/目录为例
du -sh /usr/share/* 会输出如下信息
654K /usr/share/aclocal
141K /usr/share/aclocal-1.9
318K /usr/share/alsa
145K /usr/share/applications
1.9M /usr/share/audacious
170K /usr/share/audacious-plugins
24K /usr/share/aumix
1.2M /usr/share/autoconf
926K /usr/share/automake-1.9
如果要非常直观地按大到小显示个文件目录的大小,我们可以使用脚本来完成,对 du 后的信息进行处理后再按照要求输出,比如只输出大小在多少M以上的目录信息
## filename: dfdir.pl
## script for getting file list of specified directory,
## then output them in order by size.
## Powered by Muddyboot, last modified: 2005-04-26
## only accept one parameter
sub usage() {
print "\nUsage: $basename DIRECTORY [MIN-SIZE]\n\n";
print "Get file list of DIRECTORY, then output them in order by size.\n";
print "If MIN-SIZE is specified, only print those greater than MIN-SIZE.\n";
print "MIN-SIZE is non-zero integer optionally followed by a k/K/m/M.\n\n";
sub print_err () {
die "\n\e[1;31m$_[0]\e[0;39m\n\n";
die &usage if (@ARGV) < 1 ;
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-h' or $ARGV[0] eq '-help' or $ARGV[0] eq '--help') {
## delete the last slash in dirname
($dir=$ARGV[0]) =~ s@/$@@;
## check if exists
&print_err("ERROR: destination: $dir does not exist.") if ! -e $dir;
## check if is a directory
&print_err("ERROR: destination: $dir is not an directory.") if ! -d $dir;
## get the filelist length and count the max length
opendir DH,"$dir" or die "\nCannot open directory: $dir\n\n";
foreach $file (readdir DH) {
if ($curlen > $maxlen) {
closedir DH;
## min size parameter control
if ($ARGV[1] ne "" ){
if ($msize !~ /^[0-9]+$/ and $msize !~ /^[0-9]+[kKMm]$/ or $msize == 0 ) {
} elsif ($msize =~ /[mM]$/) {
$msize =~ s/[mM]$//;
$msize *= 1024;
## get dir usage information
open INFO,"du -s $dir/*|sort -rn|" or &print_err("ERROR: Cannot open $dir.");
## process information and output
while (<INFO>) {
if ($size > 1024*1024 and $size > $msize) {
printf "%5.1fG\t%s\n",$size/1024/1024,$file;
elsif ($size > 1024 and $size > $msize) {
printf "%5.1fM\t%s\n",$size/1024,$file;
elsif ($size > $msize) {
printf "%5dK\t%s\n",$size,$file;
} else {
运行方式:dfdir.pl <目录名> [整数][k/m]
例子1:排序显示 /usr/share 下所有文件目录大小信息
dfdir.pl /usr/share
例子2:显示 /usr/share 下大于 5M 的文件或目录信息
dfdir.pl /usr/share 5m
113.6M /usr/share/fonts
50.1M /usr/share/man
32.5M /usr/share/gtk-doc
18.9M /usr/share/info
17.9M /usr/share/themes
17.4M /usr/share/vim
12.6M /usr/share/xml
8.9M /usr/share/icons
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