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2008-07-26 21:29:04

HP 的OVPA产品的确是一个重量级的性能管理产品,然而在使用上可以对其通讯方式进行更改,这个在一些报表要求中可能需要订制,下面给出相应方法

安装OVPA时加入选项 –p ncs (则可以开启NCS通讯方式)


安装完毕可以改相关启动脚本,(以下示例为sun 下脚本示例)

bash-2.05# more /etc/default/ovpa

# @(#)ovpa.default    C.04.50.00  04/15/05                               =*=



# This file contains various environment variables which control the behavior

# of MeasureWare Agent upon start. It is sourced by the following scripts:


#     o /opt/perf/bin/ovpa             MeasureWare Agent control script

#     o /etc/init.d/ovpa               MeasureWare Agent auto-start script


# The following are the environment and shell variables that can be modified

# by user to change the default behavior of MeasureWare Agent.





# This file is not overwritten during a MeasureWare Agent product update. A new

# copy of this file is left in the /opt/perf/newconfig directory.

# All variables whith names beginning with RPC_ are in this file for historical

# reasons and should not be uncommented.

# The user should uncomment or change the variables, if necessary,

# in a file named /etc/default/hplwdce




#    This file originally has MWA_START set to 1 because it is assumed

#    that the user will edit the /var/opt/perf/parm file to suit their

#    environment prior to system boot.


#    Values:    0        Do not start MeasureWare agent at the system boot

#               1        Start MeasureWare agent at the system boot


#    Purpose:   This variable controls the auto-start of the MeasureWare agent

#               at the system reboot.


#    Exported:  No



#    Values:    ncs      Run MeasureWare Agent as NCS service

#               dce      Run MeasureWare Agent as DCE service


#    Purpose:   Determines whether MeasureWare Agent servers register their

#               interfaces as NCS or DCE interfaces.


#    Exported:  No



#    Values:    command string


#    Purpose:   Contains a command to be used to start MeasureWare agent at

#               the system boot. Normally set to "mwa start".


#    Exported:  No



#    Values:    command string


#    Purpose:   Contains the command string to be used to start the NCS local

#               location broker deamon. The dced daemon supplied with the

#               product is capable of emulating NCS's local location

#               broker, therefore this is a preferred choice upon the product

#               installation. However, users that still wish to run genuine NCS

#               location broker daemon may choose to set this to:

#                   MWA_LLBD_COMMAND="/opt/perf/bin/llbd"

#               Note that this variable only applies when MWA operates

#               in NCS mode and neither dced nor llbd are already running.


#    Exported:  No



#    Values:    IP address in dotted format


#    Purpose:   When MeasureWare Agent is run in NCS mode on multi-homed

#               systems, this environment variable defines the network

#               interface to be used for communication with client products,

#               such as PerfView. NCS does not support registration to

#               multiple interfaces therefore this environment variable must

#               explicitly be set if the default network interface is not

#               reachable by the client products.


#    Exported:  Yes


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# The following are DCE environment variables which affect the behavior

# of DCE runtime and DCE based servers. Although MeasureWare Agent

# provides basic DCE runtime services as a part of the product package,

# it will automatically detect and deploy any existing Transarc or DASCOM DCE

# runtime installation. In such case, some environment variables must also

# be set in the appropriate startup script of the existing DCE product in order

# to work correctly. Such environment variables are marked with Yes at DCE

# Runtime line. All environment variables listed below must be exported.




#    Values:    Range of valid ports


#    Purpose:   Restricts the range from which the DCE runtime selects the

#               communication ports to the listed range. This is useful when

#               client and server must communicate through port filtering

#               firewall. Please note that the range must not be too small so

#               that the runtime does not run out of resources. This

#               environment variable affects entire DCE runtime and thus all

#               applications that use DCE. The MeasureWare Agent services

#               require one communication port for each registered data source

#               plus additional five ports. For more information on firewall

#               support, please see the Installation and Configuration Guide.


#    DCE Runtime: Yes



#    Values:    List of networks not to be used by DCE


#    Purpose:   Prevent binding DCE services to the network addresses listed

#               in the variable string. On multi-homed systems it is sometimes

#               desired to prevent using certain networks for DCE based

#               services.


#    DCE Runtime: YES



#               Different DCE clients may use the different variables to

#               exclude or include networks in the binding list. If you are

#               not using the Lightweight DCE runtime provided with the

#               MeasureWare Agent, you may need to check the documentation

#               of your DCE client.



#    Values:    List of networks to be used by DCE


#    Purpose:   Enable binding DCE services to the network addresses listed

#               in the variable string. On multi-homed systems it is sometimes

#               desired to enable using certain networks for DCE based

#               services.


#    DCE Runtime: YES



#               Different DCE clients may use the different variables to

#               exclude or include networks in the binding list. If you are

#               not using the Lightweight DCE runtime provided with the

#               MeasureWare Agent, you may need to check the documentation

#               of your DCE client.



#    Values:    1 or unset (default)


#    Purpose:   If RPC_NOALIAS_NETIFS is set to 1 only the primary IP

#               address for each local network interface is extracted as

#               the usable set of network addresses for this DCE client.

#               All IP aliases for all network interfaces are ignored.

#               This variable is automatically set to 1 in environment

#               where the number of all IP addresses is greater than 32.


#    DCE Runtime: YES



#               Different DCE clients may use the different variables to

#               exclude or include networks in the binding list. If you are

#               not using the Lightweight DCE runtime provided with the

#               MeasureWare Agent, you may need to check the documentation

#               of your DCE client. 






MWA_START_COMMAND="/opt/perf/bin/mwa start"

MWA_LLBD_COMMAND="/etc/init.d/hplwdce force"









#   Replace the 127. address with the IP address of desired network interface

#   to direct MWA NCS mode communication through this particular network, and

#   uncomment the following two lines.








# All variables whith names beginning with RPC_ are in this file for historical

# reasons and should not be uncommented.

# The user should uncomment or change the variables, if necessary,

# in a file named /etc/default/hplwdce



# If you want to connect to MeasureWare Agent or PerfView Alarm Daemon

# (pvlarmd) through the port filtering firewall, replace the below

# port range with the desired port range and uncomment the two lines

# below. For more information on firewall support, please see the

# MeasureWare Agent Installation and Configuration Guide.

# RPC_RESTRICTED_PORTS=ncadg_ip_udp[10500-10540]:ncacn_ip_tcp[10500-10540]



#   If you want to exclude network addresses from the DCE binding list, replace

#   the below with a list of real addresses and uncomment the

#   following two lines.




#   If you want to include network addresses to the DCE binding list, replace

#   the below with a list of real addresses and uncomment the

#   following two lines.




#   If you want to ignore DCE binding for all network interfaces, uncomment

#   the following two lines.





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上一篇:OVIS 与NNM集成

下一篇:Windows OVPA 通讯更改
