Free Linux Disk Project is Closing
February 5th
is with careful consideration and much disappointment that we announce
the closing of the Free Linux Disk project. Due to the lack of interest
from the Linux community and lack of funding, the project has not been
able to remain sustainable. The project's founder, ,
will continue to send free Linux disks through the many other existing
projects. The remaining donations that have been received by the
project will be used to fill requests at the . A huge thank you to all those that have helped to try and make the project a success.
If you wish to obtain a free Linux disk, check out these projects:
经过十分慎重的考虑,我们非常抱歉的宣布“自由linux光盘项目“(Free Linux Disk project)终止。由于linux基金的基金链和回报链,这个项目已经不能保持稳定。这个项目的赞助者---将通过其它各种存在的项目继续免费发放linux光盘。这个项目得到的捐助将被用到项目中。在这里,对帮助及促使这个项目成功的人们表示由衷的感谢!
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