Warren Woodford has announced the fourth beta release of 6.0-4, now with an option to install the distribution on a USB key: "
has announced Beta4 of SimplyMEPIS-32 and SimplyMEPIS-64 Version 6.0-4.
This release introduces several improvements in wireless support and
the introduction of MEPIS live on a USB key. In Beta 4, SimplyMEPIS
adds the NXclient as a pre-installed application. The kernel drivers
for FUSE, rt61, and ALSA have also been updated to the latest version.
A driver for alt1 Gigabit LAN chip has been added. While improving the
MEPIS utilities they were renamed as 'Assistants' to better communicate
that they are there to help one easily configure the system." Read the full for more information. : (684MB, ), (693MB, ).
from distrowatch.com
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