关于关键词 的检测结果,共 2022
itloverhpu | 2013-04-18 17:38:31 | 阅读(6360) | 评论(0)
allegro16.5 和shape间距【阅读全文】
zhengsenlin888 | 2013-04-18 17:18:53 | 阅读(1310) | 评论(0)
#!/usr/bin/perluse 5.012;use strict;use warnings;use autodie;use Net::OpenSSH;my %param = (user => 'fivetrees',passphrase => '123456',key_path => '/home/fivetr...【阅读全文】
zhuhm | 2013-04-17 15:17:15 | 阅读(1170) | 评论(0)
qxrmqqhk | 2013-04-17 14:40:03 | 阅读(210) | 评论(0)
Custom-made goods merchandise enable you to take your outcome including array for the mummy A few should add a person's that could copy numerous means anybody guru these people a lot of functions for you to help these people for you to sense safe and sound So make good use of the chart and order th...【阅读全文】
bkd4404hitv6 | 2013-04-16 14:05:31 | 阅读(250) | 评论(0)
So as to have a profitable on the net business enterprise you may have to complete some investigation. Locate out what it really is that buyers need after which give it to them. You need to cater to their desires and wants as opposed to just pushing what you want them to purchase from you. The disti...【阅读全文】
dyli2000 | 2013-04-13 11:29:46 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
    下面的这个函数就能实现对日期进行相加减,并且能取得两个日期间的差值的功能。public string CheckForExpired(string date)        {            TimeSpa...【阅读全文】
dyli2000 | 2013-04-12 16:52:36 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
已知数据库 CREATE DATABASE store DEFAULT CHARSET=gb2312; USE store CREATE TABLE battery( bid INT(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type VARCHAR(124) NOT NULL, acount INT(8) NOT NULL, arrivalTime DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY(bid) )DEFAULT CHARSET=g...【阅读全文】
dyli2000 | 2013-04-02 14:08:07 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
一、AutoResetEvent的主要作用测试 AutoResetEvent类的作用是通知正在等待的线程已发生事件。 它的WaitOne()阻塞当前线程,直到当前 WaitHandle 收到信号。 (继承自WaitHandle。)   using System; using System.Threading; class Resource {    public void Access(Int32 threadNum) {  ...【阅读全文】
dyli2000 | 2013-03-30 10:58:33 | 阅读(2760) | 评论(0)
一、多线程入的好处 在应用程序中使用多个线程的好处是每个线程都可以异步执行。对于Windows应用程序,耗时的任务可以在后台执行,而使应用程序的窗口和控件保持响应。对于服务器应用程序,多线程处理提供了用不同线程处理每个传入请求的能力。否则,在完全满足前一个请求之前,将无法处理每个新请求。 二、多线程带来的...【阅读全文】
【C#/.net】 c#.net线程
zhang308337299 | 2013-03-29 10:37:42 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
dyli2000 | 2013-03-28 16:47:12 | 阅读(0) | 评论(0)
is关键字用来检查对象是否与给定类型兼容。 namespace ThreadCommon {     class Class1 { }     class Class2 { }     class Program     {         static void Test(object o)    ...【阅读全文】
transistor0 | 2013-03-22 16:44:50 | 阅读(5570) | 评论(0)
dyli2000 | 2013-03-21 15:46:28 | 阅读(3640) | 评论(0)
一、ThreadStart委托的优劣测试 ThreadStart的线程过程是不能包括参数的,如: class Program {     static void Main(string[] args)     {         Console.WriteLine("Run before thread start ....");     ...【阅读全文】
【大数据】 Redis源码解析--NET
xtxin | 2013-03-20 23:55:07 | 阅读(3160) | 评论(0)
tjwangzhen | 2013-03-18 16:11:22 | 阅读(32880) | 评论(1)
.Net/C# 开发WinFrom布局详解【阅读全文】
vl10f61w3 | 2013-03-05 06:08:16 | 阅读(280) | 评论(0)
welcome to comment I want to review at present, the Public Security Bureau of the Commission for Discipline Inspection,It seems there will, inspector of police, law enforcement supervision department of Changsha City has formed a joint investigation team, to Liu Hua being held in administrative ...【阅读全文】
刈齐 | 2013-02-28 12:50:14 | 阅读(290) | 评论(0)
刈齐 | 2013-02-28 12:44:10 | 阅读(210) | 评论(0)
wenkudaren | 2013-02-27 10:44:52 | 阅读(1200) | 评论(0)
【Mysql/postgreSQL】 MySQL数据结构分析--NET
nanye1984 | 2013-02-25 09:08:47 | 阅读(740) | 评论(0)