发布时间:2013-01-09 14:17:18
http://linuxtoy.org/archives/bash-shortcuts.html生活在 Bash shell 中,熟记以下快捷键,将极大的提高你的命令行操作效率。 编辑命令 Ctrl + a :移到命令行首Ctrl + e :移到命令行尾Ctrl + f :按字符前移(右向)Ctrl + b :按字符后移(左向)Alt + f :按单词前移(右向)Alt + b :按单词后移(左向)Ctrl + xx:在命令行首和光标之间移动Ctrl + u :从光标处删除至命令行首Ctrl + k :从光标处删除至命令行尾Ctrl + w :从光标处删除至字首Alt +......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-01-03 12:49:46
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1494178/how-to-define-hash-tables-in-bashBash 4 natively supports this feature. Make sure your script's hashbang is #!/usr/bin/env bash or #!/bin/bash or anything else that references bash and not sh. Make sure you're executing your script, and not doing somethin......【阅读全文】