发布时间:2014-09-12 23:03:38
How to redirect OWA URLs running on exchange 2003/2007/2010Categories: Exchange 2007, Exchange 2010by Sai Bo Bo Lin As a messaging engineer we usually meet a situation (when user complains about they don’t remember the exact URL for OWA) that there is a need to simplify OWA URL. In this c.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-05-26 23:53:51
简单的说Varnish是一款高性能的开源HTTP加速器,具体的介绍大家可以从https://www.varnish-cache.org查看。话不多说,直接开始操作过程。本次介绍的是使用Varnish官方提供的发布包安装方式。安装说明可参考官方帮助文档https://www.varnish-cache.org/installation/redhat 如果是在CentOS5/Redhat5系统.........【阅读全文】