发布时间:2020-03-29 11:26:04
答: ———---------- Argument is often used in the sense of actual argument vs. formal parameter. The formal parameter is what is given in the function declaration/definition/prototype, while the actual argument is what is passed when calling the function — an instance of a form.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2020-03-25 14:53:19
Chapter 13. Does This Job Require a Reference? 硬引用(hard reference)是一种标量型变量,其中含有其他类型数据的地址。 A symbolic reference names another variable rather than just pointing to a value. 一个符号引用(symbolic reference)能为另一个变量命名,而不是指向其变量值.........【阅读全文】