发布时间:2014-02-08 20:25:40
paging,也叫做页式调度/内存调度页/分页/页调内存调度页 分页,调页,页式调度 一种虚拟内存操作技术。操作系统把主内存空间划分成若干定长的页,从而简化了操作系统分配与管理主内存的工作,并能提高存储器的存储密度。采用这种方法,可以在有限的存储空间上执行大于实存储空间的作业。In computer o.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-02-08 19:55:53
Disk buffer, the small amount of buffer memory present on a hard drive.......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-02-08 16:01:34
Allocation 在CACHE中发现一个位置,并把新的cache数据存到这个位置的过程。这个处理过程可能包括evicting(驱逐)cache中已存在的数据,从而为新的数据腾出空间。Associativity 指每个Set(.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-02-08 14:55:34
Memory management is one of the most complex activity done by Linux kernel. It has various concepts/issues associated with it.In this article we will try to touch base on virtual memory and demand paging as these are some of the important concepts related to memory management.Virtual Me.........【阅读全文】