发布时间:2014-02-06 10:47:17
---------------- One downside of ramfs is you can keep writing data into it until you fill up all memory, and the VM can't free it because the VM thinks that files should get written to backing store (rather than swap space), but ramfs hasn't got any backing store. Because of this, only ro.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-02-06 10:35:51
------------------ The older "ram disk" mechanism created a synthetic block device out of an area of RAM and used it as backing store for a filesystem. This block device was of fixed size, so the filesystem mounted on it was of fixed size. 以前的"ramdisk内存磁盘"机制是在一个内存空间.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-02-06 09:40:58
What is ramfs? -------------- Ramfs is a very simple filesystem that exports Linux's disk caching mechanisms (the page cache and dentry cache) as a dynamically resizable RAM-based filesystem. ramfs是一个非常简单的文件系统,它输出Linux的磁盘缓存机制(页缓存和目录缓存)作为一个动态的(大小可变的).........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-05-23 17:24:15
前言上一篇博文介绍了GRUB源码的stage1.S会汇编成一段446字节的sourcecode,stage1,grub会将这个stage1放入MBR中。我们通过分析,知道这段代码的唯一作用就是将第二个扇区(0柱面 0 磁道 2扇区)处的512字节加载到内存中去。一个问题就来了这个512个字节是从何而来,这512个字节又意欲何为?江湖上风传已久的stage1.5是.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-05-23 17:23:47
GRUB 启动分析引言玩Linux的人,肯定会听说过Grub这个神奇的东西,就是开机启动时候下拉一个菜单让我们选操作系统的那个东东。自己比较懒,一直没深入琢磨这个Grub的工作原理流程。最近工作遇到了Grub相关的问题,就花了一些时间学习了一下Grub。闲言少叙。我们首先看下Linux的启动过程流程图:这个流程图是大牛M. Tim.........【阅读全文】