发布时间:2013-08-21 15:08:21
The logical entities in an HBase schema are as follows:■ Table—HBase organizes data into tables. Table names are Strings and composed of characters that are safe for use in a file system path.■ Row—Within a table, data is stored according to its row. Rows are identified uniquely by their row.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-08-20 15:21:37
发布时间:2013-08-17 20:45:41
最近在学iOS编程,当然会用到Objective-C语言所以打算先在自己的Linux下学习一下先。因为gcc可以编译Objective-C语言,但需要安装支持的库[root@centos code]# gcc test.m -o test -l objcgcc: error trying to exec 'cc1obj': execvp: No such file or directory没有安装对应的支持的话,就会抛出像上面.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-08-16 08:31:15
转载自:http://bbs.weiphone.com/read-htm-tid-5329046.html 建议电脑要求 Windows 7, 32 / 64 bit CPU Intel Core i5 / i7 内存 4GB 以上 硬盘 500GB 以上由于虚拟机不支持 Apple Quartz Extreme/Core Image, .........【阅读全文】